30th Meijin

The 30th Meijin was the 30th Meijin tournament of the board game go. The tournament was held in 2005 in Japan and was won by Cho U.

Challenger Group

Yoda Norimoto XLossLossLossWonLossWonWonLoss3
Kobayashi Satoru - C WonXWonWonWonLossWonWonWon7
Imamura Toshiya WonLossXLossWonWonWonLossWon5
Yamashita Keigo - C WonLossWonXWonWonWonWonWon7
O Meien LossLossLossLossXWonWonWonLoss3
Yamada Kimio WonWonLossLossLossXWonWonLoss4
Cho Sonjin LossLossLossLossLossLossXLossWon1
Ogata Masaki LossLossWonLossLossLossWonXLoss2
Sakai Hideyuki WonLossLossLossWonWonLossWonX4

Challenger Final

Players Final
Yamashita Keigo Kobayashi Satoru
Kobayashi Satoru


Cho U (Meijin) WonWonWonLossLossLossWon4
Kobayashi Satoru LossLossLossWonWonWonLoss3
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