50th government of Turkey

The 50th government of Turkey (25 June 1993 – 5 October 1995) was a coalition government formed by True Path Party (DYP) and Social Democratic Populist Party (SHP).

Tansu Çiller


The prime minister of the 49th government of Turkey was Süleyman Demirel of DYP. When Süleyman Demirel was elected as the president of Turkey, DYP elected Tansu Çiller as its new leader, and Tansu Çiller formed the 50th government of Turkey. She became the first (and so far, the only) female prime minister of Turkey. On the other hand, the deputy prime minister Erdal İnönü of SHP resigned from the leadership of his party and left his seat to Murat Karayalçın. In 1995, SHP and Republican People's Party (CHP) (which was previously issued from SHP) merged under the existing name of CHP, and Hikmet Çetin was elected as the temporary chairman of the party.[1] Although the 50th government was basically the same government as the 49th, the change in leaders caused many later changes in the ministers, as is shown in the table below.

The government

In the list below, the serving period of cabinet members who served only a part of the cabinet's lifespan are shown in the column "Notes".

Title[2][3] Name Party Notes
Prime MinisterTansu ÇillerDYP
Deputy Prime MinisterErdal İnönü
Murat Karayalçın
Hikmet Çetin
25 June 1993 – 12 September 1993
12 September 1993 – 27 March 1995
27 March 1995 – 5 October 1995
Minister of State
Necmettin CevheriDYP
Yıldırım AktunaDYP
Mehmet Gölhan
Mehmet Gazioğlu
Ali Şevki Erek
DYP25 June 1993 – 24 October 1993
24 October 1993 – 28 November 1993
28 November 1993 – 30 May 1995
Bekir Sami DaçeDYP
Güneş Müftüoğlu
Nurhan Tekinel
Ayvaz Gökdemir
DYP25 June 1993 – 28 November 1993
28 November 1993 – 14 August 1994
14 August 1994 – 5 October 1995
Nafiz KurtDYP
Cemil Erhan
Aykon Doğan
DYP25 June 1993 – 7 February 1994
7 February 1994 – 5 October 1995
Mustafa Çiloğlu
Abdülbaki Ataç
DYP25 June 1993 – 28 November 1993
28 November 1993 – 5 October 1995
Ahmet Şanal
Mehmet Ali Yılmaz
Esat Kıratlıoğlu
DYP25 June 1993 – 28 November 1993
28 November 1993 – 15 July 1994
14 August 1994 – 5 October 1995
Şükrü ErdemDYP
Bahattin AlagözSHP27 December 1994 – 27 October 1995
İbrahim Tez
Fikri Sağlar
Mehmet Gülcegün
Onur Kumbaracıbaşı
25 June 1993 – 27 July 1994
27 July 1994 – 2 October 1994
5 October 1994 – 27 March 1995
27 March 1995 – 5 October 1995
Türkan Akyol
Önay Alpago
Aysel Baykal
25 June 1993 – 27 July 1994
27 July 1994 – 27 March 1995
27 March 1995 – 5 October 1995
Mehmet Kahraman
Azimet Köylüoğlu
Algan Hacaloğlu
25 June 1993 – 25 June 1994
27 July 1994 – 27 March 1995
27 March 1995 – 5 October 1995
Erman Şahin
Salih Sümer
Ziya Halis
25 June 1993 – 27 July 1994
27 July 1994 – 27 March 1995
27 March 1995 – 18 June 1995
Minister of JusticeSeyfi Oktay
Mehmet Moğultay
SHP25 June 1993 – 27 July 1994
27 July 1994 – 5 October 1995
Minister of National DefenseNevzat Ayaz
Mehmet Gölhan
DYP25 June 1993 – 24 October 1993
24 October 1993 – 5 October 1995
Minister of the InteriorMehmet Gazioğlu
Nahit Menteşe
DYP25 June 1993 – 24 October 1993
24 October 1993 – 5 October 1995
Ministry of Foreign AffairsHikmet Çetin
Mümtaz Soysal
Murat Karayalçın
Erdal İnönü
25 June 1993 – 27 July 1994
27 July 1994 – 28 November 1994
12 December 1994 – 27 March 1995
27 March 1995 – 5 October 1995
Minister of Finance and Customsİsmet AtillaDYP
Ministry of National EducationNahit Menteşe
Nevzat Ayaz
DYP25 June 1993 – 24 October 1993
24 October 1993 – 5 October 1995
Ministry of Public Works and SettlementOnur Kumbaracıbaşı
Mustafa Yılmaz
Halil Çulhaoğlu
Erman Şahin
Halil Çulhaoğlu
25 June 1993 – 27 July 1994
27 July 1994 – 23 September 1994
5 October 1994 – 27 March 1995
27 March 1995 – 15 July 1995
15 July 1995 – 5 October 1995
Ministry of Health and Social SecurityRifat Serdaroğlu
Kazım Dinç
Doğan Baran
DYP25 June 1993 – 28 November 1993
28 November 1993 – 14 August 1994
14 August 1994 – 5 October 1995
Ministry of TransportMehmet Köstepen
Ali Şevki Erek
DYP25 June 1993 – 12 April 1995
29 May 1995 – 5 October 1995
Ministry of Labour and Social SecurityMehmet Moğultay
Nihat Matkap
Aydın Güven Gürkan
Ziya Halis
25 June 1993 – 27 July 1994
27 July 1994 – 27 March 1995
27 March 1995 – 4 June 1995
18 June 1995 – 5 October 1995
Ministry of Industry and CommerceTahir Köse
Mehmet Dönen
Hasan Akyol
25 June 1993 – 27 July 1994
27 July 1994 – 27 March 1995
27 March 1995 – 5 October 1995
Ministry of CultureFikri Sağlar
Timuçin Savaş
Ercan Karakaş
İsmail Cem
25 June 1993 – 27 July 1994
27 July 1994 – 27 March 1995
27 March 1995 – 24 June 1995
7 July 1995 – 5 October 1995
Ministry of TourismAbdülkadir Ateş
Halil Çulhaoğlu
Şahin Ulusoy
İrfan Gürpınar
25 June 1993 – 27 July 1994
27 July 1994 – 5 October 1994
5 October 1994 – 27 March 1995
27 March 1995 – 5 October 1995
Ministry of Energy and Natural ResourcesVeysel AtasoyDYP
Ministry of Agriculture and Village AffairsRifaeddin ŞahinDYP
Ministry of ForestHasan EkinciDYP
Ministry of EnvironmentRıza AkçalıDYP


In the first congress of CHP following the fusion on 9 September 1995, Deniz Baykal became the new leader of the party.[4] After talks with Tansu Çiller, he decided to withdraw from the coalition.[5]


  1. Sina Akşin-Bülent Tanör:Türkiye Tarihi Cilt 5,Cem Yayınevi, İstanbul ISBN 978-975-406-5428 p.94
  2. Official page of prime minister Archived 15 May 2013 at the Wayback Machine
  3. "Official page of the parliament". Archived from the original on 23 September 2017. Retrieved 18 August 2013.
  4. Hürriyet politika (in Turkish)
  5. Türkiye'nin 50 yılı, Tempo Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 1998, p.459
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