750 Rider

750 Rider (Japanese: 750ライダー, Hepburn: Nanahan Raidā) is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Isami Ishii. It was published from 1975 to 1985 in the magazine Weekly Shōnen Champion, owned by Akita Shoten, with a total of 50 volumes.

750 Rider
Cover of the first tankōbon volume, featuring Mitsu Hayakawa with his Honda Dream CB750 FOUR
(Nanahan Raidā)
Written byIsami Ishii
Published byAkita Shoten
ImprintShōnen Champion Comics
MagazineWeekly Shōnen Champion
Original run19751985

This manga was preceded by another work of the same author named 750 Rock, which was published between 1973 and 1974 in the magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday, owned by Shogakukan. In 2001, two live actions were released, named 750 Rider and 750 Rider 2, which would later be released on DVD.[1]


It depicts the interaction between Mitsu Hayakawa, a high school sophomore who loves riding his 750cc motorcycle Honda Dream CB750 FOUR, and his group of friends.[1]


By 2014, the manga had over 20 million copies in circulation.[1]


  1. 累計発行部数2000万部の大ヒット作. Akita Shoten (in Japanese). July 17, 2014. Retrieved July 17, 2014.
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