APCA Award for Best Film

The Troféu APCA for best film is a prize awarded since 1973 by Associação Paulista de Críticos de Arte, for the Brazilian cinematography productions. Winners are announced in December, and the awards ceremony usually takes place in the first quarter of the following year.[1]


The director Walter Salles twice won the APCA Award for Best Film, in 1999 for Central Station and in 2008 for Linha de Passe.
Year Original Title English title Director
1973 Os Inconfidentes The Conspirators Joaquim Pedro de Andrade
1974 Cassy Jones, o Magnífico Sedutor Cassy Jones, The Magnificent Seductive Luís Sérgio Person
1975 O Anjo da Noite The Night Angel Walter Hugo Khouri
1976 Relatório de Um Homem Casado Report of a Married Man Flávio Tambellini
1977 O Predileto The Favorite Roberto Palmari
1978 O Seminarista The seminarian Geraldo Santos Pereira
1979 Mar de Rosas Sea of Roses Ana Carolina
1980 There were no awards.
1981 A Volta do Filho Pródigo The Return of Prodigal Son Ipojuca Pontes
1982 Eros, O Deus do Amor Eros, the God of Love Walter Hugo Khouri
1983 O Olho Mágico do Amor The Eye Magic of Love Ícaro Martins
José Antonio Garcia
1984 Sargento Getúlio Sergeant Getulio Hermanno Penna
1985 Memórias do Cárcere Memoirs of Prison Nelson Pereira dos Santos
1986 Avaeté - Semente da Vingança Avaete, Seed of Revenge Zelito Viana
1987 There were no awards.
1988 There were no awards.
1989 There were no awards.
1990 Festa Fest Ugo Giorgetti
1991 Corpo em Delito The Body in offense Nuno César de Abreu
1992 Stelinha The Little Stella Miguel Faria Jr.
1993 There were no awards.
1994 Conterrâneos Velhos de Guerra The Old Fellow of War Vladimir Carvalho
1995 Alma Corsária Alma Corsair Carlos Reichenbach
1996 No Rio Amazonas In the Amazon River Ricardo Dias
1997 Como Nascem os Anjos How Angels Are Born Murilo Salles
1998 A Ostra e o Vento The Oyster and the Wind Walter Lima Jr.
1999 Central do Brasil Central Station Walter Salles
2000 Santo Forte Holy Strong Eduardo Coutinho
2001 Cronicamente Inviável Chronically Unfeasible Sergio Bianchi
2002 Bicho de Sete Cabeças Brainstorm Laís Bodanzky
2003 O Invasor The Invader Beto Brant
2004 O Homem Que Copiava The Man Who Copied Jorge Furtado
2005 Entreatos Entreatos João Moreira Salles
Peões Pawns Eduardo Coutinho
2006 Cinema, Aspirinas e Urubus Cinema, Aspirins and Vultures Marcelo Gomes
2007 O Céu de Suely Suely in the Sky Karim Aïnouz
2008 Linha de Passe Linha de Passe Walter Salles
Serras da Desordem Saws of Disorder Andrea Tonacci
2009 A Festa da Menina Morta The Feast of the Dead Girl Matheus Nachtergaele
2010 Antes Que o Mundo Acabe Before the World Ends Ana Luiza Azevedo
2011 Bróder Bróder Jeferson De
2012 A Febre do Rato Rat Fever Cláudio Assis
2013 O Som ao Redor Neighboring Sounds Kleber Mendonça Filho
2014 Praia do Futuro Futuro Beach Karim Aïnouz

See also


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