Abraham (given name)

This is a list of people named after Abraham, the Biblical patriarch (Hebrew: אַבְרָהָם, Modern: Avraham, Tiberian: ʾAḇrāhām Ashkenazi Avrohom or Avruhom); the father of the Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Abraham Icon
Dutch: [ɑbrɑ'ɦɑm]
Meaningfather of many
Region of originMesopotamia
Other names
See alsoAbram, Avram, Ibrahim, Ebrahim, Abe, Avi, Bram

As recounted in the Torah, his name was originally Avram which means "High Father" - "ab" (אב) "father", "ram" (רם) "high" - with the "ha" (ה) added in mark of his covenant with God.

In the Russian language, the name is used in the following forms: Авраам (Avraam),[2][3] Авраамий (Avraamy),[3] Аврамий (Avramy),[4] Абрам (Abram),[2][5] Абрамий (Abramy),[5] Аврам (Avram),[4] Обра́м (Obram),[4] and Абрахам (Abrakham).[4]

Given name

9th to 13th centuries

14th to 17th centuries

18th to 19th centuries

20th century to present

See also



  1. "What Does the Name 'Abraham' Really Mean?".
  2. Nikonov, p. 50
  3. Superanskaya [1], p. 20
  4. Superanskaya [2], p. 30
  5. Petrovsky, p. 35


  • В. А. Никонов (V. A. Nikonov). "Ищем имя" (Looking for a Name). Изд. "Советская Россия". Москва, 1988. ISBN 5-268-00401-8
  • Н. А. Петровский (N. A. Petrovsky). "Словарь русских личных имён" (Dictionary of Russian First Names). ООО Издательство "АСТ". Москва, 2005. ISBN 5-17-002940-3
  • [1] А. В. Суперанская (A. V. Superanskaya). "Современный словарь личных имён: Сравнение. Происхождение. Написание" (Modern Dictionary of First Names: Comparison. Origins. Spelling). Айрис-пресс. Москва, 2005. ISBN 5-8112-1399-9
  • [2] А. В. Суперанская (A. V. Superanskaya). "Словарь русских имён" (Dictionary of Russian Names). Издательство Эксмо. Москва, 2005. ISBN 5-699-14090-5
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