
Ah Muzen Cab is the Mayan god of bees and honey. He is possibly the same figure as "the Descending God" or "the Diving God" and is consistently depicted upside-down. The Temple of the Descending God is located in Tulum. The bees used by the Maya are Melipona beecheii and Melipona yucatanica, species of stingless bee.

God of bees and honey

In the Chilam Balam

The Chilam Balam mentions Ah-Muzen-Cab in Chapter I: The Ritual of the Four World Corners, and Chapter X: The Creation of the World. In it, Ah Muzen Cab represents the East and North. He also blindfolded the Oxlahalun-ti-ku, who were then seized and beaten by the Bolon-ti-ku, allowing the incomplete world to be filled by rocks, trees, and seeds.[1]

Ah Muzen Cab is a playable god in the video game Smite.

See also


  1. The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel. Washington DC: Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1933. pp. 22, 51.
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