List of aircraft registration prefixes

This is a list of aircraft registration prefixes used by civil aircraft:

Current (post-1928) allocations

The 1928 markings have been amended and added to over the years, with the current markings being:

Country or region Registration prefix Presentation and notes
Afghanistan YA[1] YA-AAA to YA-ZZZ.
Albania ZA[2] ZA-AAA to ZA-ZZZ.
Algeria 7T[3]
  • 7T-VAA to 7T-VZZ Civilian.
  • 7T-WAA to 7T-WZZ Military
Andorra C3[2] C3-AAA to C3-ZZZ
Angola D2[3] D2-AAA to D2-ZZZ. Colonial allocation CR-L.
Anguilla VP-A[3] VP-AAA to VP-AZZ
Antigua and Barbuda V2[3] V2-AAA to V2-ZZZ. Colonial allocation Leeward Islands VP-L.[lower-alpha 1]
Argentina LV[1]
  • LV-AAA to LV-ZZZ (Civilian type certified aircraft)
  • LV-X001 to LV-X999 (experimental)
  • LV-S001 to LV-S999 (LSA)
  • LV-U001 to LV-U999 (Ultralight)
LQ LQ-AAA to LQ-ZZZ (Government/police owned aircraft).
Armenia EK[3] EK-10000 to EK-99999
Aruba P4[3] P4-AAA to P4-ZZZ
Australia VH[1]
Austria OE[1]
  • OE-AAA to OE-KZZ
  • OE-BAA to OE-BZZ (official use)
  • OE-LAA to OE-LZZ (airlines operating scheduled flights)
  • OE-VAA to OE-VZZ (test registrations)
  • OE-WAA to OE-WZZ (amphibian and sea planes)
  • OE-XAA to OE-XZZ (helicopters)
  • OE-0001 to OE-5999 (gliders)
  • OE-9000 to OE-9999 (motor gliders).
  • Historically A- prior to 1939.
Azerbaijan 4K[3]
  • 4K-AZ1 to 4K-AZ999
  • 4K-10000 to 4K-99999
Bahamas C6[3] C6-AAA to C6-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VP-B.
Bahrain A9C[3]
  • A9C-AA to A9C-ZZ
  • A9C-AAA to A9C-ZZZ
  • A9C-AAAA to A9C-ZZZZ
Bangladesh S2[3] S2-AAA to S2-ZZZ
Barbados 8P[1] 8P-AAA to 8P-ZZZ. Historically VQ-B prior to 1968.
Belarus EW[3]
  • EW-10000 to EW-99999 (ex-Soviet Union registrations)
  • EW-100AA to EW-999ZZ (aircraft in general, except those listed below)
  • EW-200PA to EW-299PA (reserved for Boeing 737 aircraft)
  • EW-100PJ to EW-299PJ (reserved for CRJ aircraft)
  • EW-001DA, EW-001PA, EW-001PB, EW-85815 (reserved for official use)
  • EW-0001L to EW-9999L (reserved for balloons)
Belgium OO[1]
  • OO-AAA to OO-PZZ
  • OO-RAA to OO-SZZ
  • OO-BAA to OO-BZZ (preferred for balloons)
  • OO-YAA to OO-ZAA (preferred for gliders)
  • OO-01 to OO-499 (home-built aircraft)
  • OO-501 to OO-999 & OO-A01 to OO-Z99 (microlights)
Belize V3[1] V3-AAA to V3-ZZZ. Colonial allocation British Honduras VP-H.
Benin TY[3] TY-AAA to TY-ZZZ
Bermuda VP-B, VQ-B[1]
  • Colonial allocation VR-B.
Bhutan A5[3] A5-AAA to A5-ZZZ
Bolivia CP[1] CP-1000 to CP-9999.
Bosnia and Herzegovina E7[1] E7-AAA to E7-ZZZ. Previously T9-.
Botswana A2[3] A2-AAA to A2-ZZZ. Colonial allocations VQ-ZE, VQ-ZH.
Brazil PP[1] PP-AAA to PP-ZZZ.
PR PR-AAA to PR-ZZZ (PR-ZAA to PR-ZZZ is reserved to experimental non-LSA aircraft)
PS PS-AAA to PS-ZZZ (proposed by ANAC to be available in 2016)[5]
PT PT-AAA to PT-ZZZ (PT-ZAA to PT-ZZZ is reserved to experimental non-LSA aircraft)
PU PU-AAA to PU-ZZZ (Microlights and experimental LSA aircraft)
British Virgin Islands VP-L[3] VP-LAA to VP-LZZ.[lower-alpha 1]
Brunei V8[1]
  • V8-AAA to V8-ZZZ
  • V8-AA1 to V8-ZZ9
  • V8-001 to V8-999.
  • Colonial allocation VR-U.
Bulgaria LZ[3] LZ-AAA to LZ-ZZZ
Burkina Faso XT[3] XT-AAA to XT-ZZZ
Burundi 9U[1] 9U-AAA to 9U-ZZZ. Historically BR- prior to 1939.
Cambodia XU[1] XU-AAA to XU-ZZZ. Colonial allocation F-KH. Temporary KW-.
Cameroon TJ[1] TJ-AAA to TJ-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VR-N.[lower-alpha 3]
Canada C[1][lower-alpha 4]
  • C-FAAA to C-FZZZ
  • CF-AAA to CF-ZZZ (Pre 1957 vintage aircraft may be registered CF- instead of C-F)[6]
  • C-GAAA to C-GZZZ
  • C-IAAA to C-IZZZ (ultralight aeroplanes only)
  • Canada historically CF- from 1929 to 1974 and G-C from 1921 to 1929.
  • Newfoundland historically VO- prior to 1949.
Cape Verde D4[3] D4-AAA to D4-ZZZ. Colonial allocation Cape Verde Islands CR-C.
Cayman Islands VP-C, VQ-C[1] VP-CAA to VP-CZZ, VQ-CAA to VQ-CZZ. Colonial allocation VR-C.
Central African Republic TL[3] TL-AAA to TL-ZZZ
Chad TT[3] TT-AAA to TT-ZZZ
Chile CC[1]
  • CC-AAA to CC-ZZZ from July 1, 2009 onwards.
  • Gliders had numbers in between registrations (i.e., CC-K14W) and some balloons too (i.e., CC-P1).
  • Ultralights are registered with the markings ULM-number.
China B[1]
  • B-0000 to B-9999
  • B-000A to B-99ZZ (General)[lower-alpha 5]
  • Historic: X-C, XT and B-000.[7]
Colombia HJ[1] HJ-1000A to HJ-9999Z (Microlights)
HK HK-1000A to HK-9999Z
Comoros D6[3] D6-AAA to D6-ZZZ
Congo, Republic of TN[3] TN-AAA to TN-ZZZ
Congo, Democratic Republic of 9S[lower-alpha 6] 9S-AAA to 9S-ZZZ. Was 9Q prior to 2016; previously 9O.
9T[lower-alpha 6] 9T-AAA to 9T-ZZZ (Military)
Cook Islands E5[3] E5-AAA to E5-ZZZ
Costa Rica TI[3]
  • TI-AAA to TI-ZZZ
  • TI-000 to TI-999 (Ultralight aircraft)
Croatia 9A[1]
  • 9A-AAA to 9A-ZZZ
  • 9A-GAA to 9A-GZZ (Gliders)
  • 9A-HAA to 9A-HZZ (Helicopters)
  • 9A-OAA to 9A-OZZ (Balloons)
  • 9A-UAA to 9A-UZZ (Ultralights)
  • Previously RC-.
Cuba CU[1]
  • CU-A1000 to CU-A1999 (Agricultural Aircraft)[8]
  • CU-C1000 to CU-C1999 (Airlines, cargo operations)[9][10]
  • CU-H1000 to CU-H1999 (Helicopters)
  • CU-N1000 to CU-N1999 (Private Aircraft)[11]
  • CU-T1000 to CU-T1999 (Airlines, passenger flights)
  • CU-U1000 to CU-U1999 (Ultralights)[12]
  • Historically C-C and NM-.
Cyprus 5B[3] 5B-DAA to 5B-DZZ. Colonial allocation VQ-C.
Czech Republic OK[1]
  • OK-AAA to OK-ZZZ
  • OK-AAA 00 to OK-ZZZ 99 (Microlights)
  • OK-0000 to OK-9999 (Gliders & balloons)
  • OK-A000 to OK-A999 (Ultralight gliders)[13]
  • OK-X000A to OK-X999Z (Unmanned aircraft)[14]
Denmark OY[3]
  • OY-AAA to OY-ZZZ
  • OY-HAA to OY-HZZ (Helicopters)
  • Any registration containing X (Gliders including Touring Motor Glider)
  • OY-BAA to OY-BZZ (preferred for hot-air balloons)
  • OY-81 to OY-8999 Ultralight trikes (weight shift control)
  • OY-91 to OY-9999 Ultralight 3-axis
  • OY-1001 to OY-1999 Ultralight Gyro
Djibouti J2[3] J2-AAA to J2-ZZZ
Dominica J7[3] J7-AAA to J7-ZZZ
Dominican Republic HI[1]
  • HI100AA to HI999ZZ
  • HI100 to HI1999[15]
East Timor 4W[16] 4W-AAA to 4W-ZZZ. Colonial allocation CR-T.
Ecuador HC[3] HC-AAA to HC-ZZZ
Egypt SU[3]
  • SU-AAA to SU-XXZ
  • SU-ZAA to SU-ZZZ
  • SU-001 to SU-999 (Gliders and balloons)
El Salvador YS[3] YS-AAA to YS-ZZZ
Equatorial Guinea 3C[3] 3C-AAA to 3C-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VQ-ZI.
Eritrea E3[3] E3-AAAA to E3-ZZZZ
Estonia ES[3] ES-AAA to ES-ZZZ
Eswatini 3DC[2] 3DC-AAA to 3DC-ZZZ
Ethiopia ET[3] ET-AAA to ET-ZZZ
Falkland Islands VP-F[3] VP-FAA to VP-FZZ
Faroe Islands See Denmark
Fiji DQ[1] DQ-AAA to DQ-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VQ-F.
Finland OH[3]
  • OH-AAA to OH-ZZZ
  • OH-HAA to OH-HZZ (Helicopters)
  • OH-XAA to OH-XZZ (Experimental aircraft)
  • OH-LAA to OH-LZZ (Finnair)
  • OH-001 to OH-999 and OH-1000 to OH-9999 (gliders and motor gliders)
  • OH-G001 to OH-G999 (autogyros)
  • OH-U001 to OH-U999 (ultralights)
France F[1]
  • F-AAAA to F-ZZZZ
  • F-AAAA to F-AZZZ (Historic aircraft)
  • F-BAAA to F-BZZZ; F-GAAA to F-HZZZ (Based in mainland France)
  • F-CAAA to F-CZZZ (Gliders)
  • F-OAAA to F-OZZZ (Based outside mainland France)
  • F-PAAA to F-PZZZ (Homebuilt)
  • F-WAAA to F-WZZZ (Test and Delivery)[17]
  • F-DAAA to F-DZZZ (Radio controlled Model aircraft)
  • F-JAAA to F-JZZZ (Ultralights)
  • F-ZAAA to F-ZZZZ (State owned) "department number" -AA to -ZZ & -AAA to -ZZZ (Ultralights) [e.g.: 59-ABC for the Nord département ].
French Guiana F-O[17] Outside mainland France is F-OAAA to F-OZZZ[lower-alpha 7][17]
French Polynesia F-O[17] Outside mainland France is F-OAAA to F-OZZZ.[lower-alpha 7][17] Was F-OH.[2]
French West Indies F-O[17] Outside mainland France is F-OAAA to F-OZZZ[lower-alpha 7][17]
Gabon TR[3]
  • TR-AAA to TR-ZZZ
  • TR-KAA to TR-KZZ (Military)
Gambia C5[1] C5-AAA to C5-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VP-X.
Georgia 4L[3]
  • 4L-AAA to 4L-ZZZ
  • 4L-10000 to 4L-99999
Germany D[3]
  • D-AAAA to D-AZZZ for aircraft with more than 20 t MTOW
  • D-AUAA to D-AZZZ (test registrations) for aircraft manufactured by Airbus at Finkenwerder
  • D-BAAA to D-BZZZ for aircraft with 14–20 t MTOW
  • D-CAAA to D-CZZZ for aircraft with 5.7–14 t MTOW
  • D-EAAA to D-EZZZ for single-engine aircraft up to 2 t MTOW
  • D-FAAA to D-FZZZ for single-engine aircraft from to 2–5.7 t MTOW
  • D-GAAA to D-GZZZ for multi-engine aircraft up to 2 t MTOW
  • D-HAAA to D-HZZZ for rotorcraft
  • D-IAAA to D-IZZZ for multi-engine aircraft from 2–5.7 t MTOW
  • D-KAAA to D-KZZZ for powered gliders
  • D-LAAA to D-LZZZ for airships
  • D-MAAA to D-MZZZ for powered ultralight aircraft
  • D-NAAA to D-NZZZ for non-powered ultralight aircraft
  • D-OAAA to D-OZZZ for manned free balloons
  • D-0001 to D-9999 for gliders.
  • Historic: Danzig YM incorporated into Germany with D prefix. Saar allocated EZ during League of Nations mandate became part of Germany with D prefix in 1935, and used SL during French protectorate from 1947 and became part of Germany again in 1957 with the D prefix. East Germany DM, later replaced by DDR, now part of Germany using D.
Ghana 9G[3] 9G-AAA to 9G-ZZZ. Colonial allocation Gold Coast VP-A.
Gibraltar VP-G[3] VP-GAA to VP-GZZ. Colonial allocation VR-G.
Greece SX[3]
  • SX-AAA to SX-ZZZ for powered airplanes
  • SX-H reserved for helicopters
  • SX-U reserved for ultralights
  • SX-101 to SX-999 for gliders
Greenland See DenmarkPreviously GL.
Grenada J3[3] J3-AAA to J3-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VQ-G.
Guatemala TG[3] TG-AAA to TG-ZZZ
Guernsey 2[1] 2-AAAA to 2-ZZZZ. Since 2013.
Guinea 3X[3] 3X-AAA to 3X-ZZZ.
Guinea-Bissau J5[3] J5-AAA to J5-ZZZ. Colonial allocation Portuguese Guinea CR-G.
Guyana 8R[3] 8R-AAA to 8R-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VP-G.
Haiti HH[3] HH-AAA to HH-ZZZ
Honduras HR[3] HR-AAA to HR-ZZZ
Hong Kong B-H, B-K, B-L[18]
  • B-HAA to B-HZZ
  • B-KAA to B-KZZ
  • B-LAA to B-LZZ
  • Previously VR-H during British rule.
Hungary HA[3]
  • HA-AAA to HA-ZZZ
  • HA-1111 to HA-9999 (Gliders, Ultralights and motor-gliders)
Iceland TF[3]
  • TF-AAA to TF-ZZZ
  • TF-100 to TF-999 (Microlights)
India VT[1] VT-AAA to VT-ZZZ. Colonial allocation (Portuguese State of India, incorporated into India in 1961) CR-I.
Indonesia PK[1]
  • PK-AAA to PK-ZZZ
  • PK-S001 to PK-S999 (Microlights)
Iran EP[1] EP-AAA to EP-ZZZ. Previously RV-.
Iraq YI[3] YI-AAA to YI-ZZZ
Ireland EI, EJ[1]
  • EI-AAA to EI-ZZZ for normal allocation.
  • EJ-AAAA to EJ-ZZZZ for VIP or business aircraft.
Isle of Man M[1] M-AAAA to M-ZZZZ
Israel 4X[3] 4X-AAA to 4X-ZZZ. Colonial allocation (Mandate) Palestine VQ-P.
Italy I[3]
Ivory Coast TU[3]
  • TU-AAA to TU-ZZZ
  • TU-VAA to TU-VZZ (Military)
Jamaica 6Y[3] 6Y-AAA to 6Y-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VP-J.
Japan JA[3]
  • JA0001 to JA9999
  • JA001A to JA999Z
  • JA01AA to JA99ZZ
  • JAA001 to JAA999 (balloons)
  • JR0201 to JR6ZZZ Ultralight aviation (control surface control type)
  • JR7001 to JR7ZZZ Same as above (weight transfer control type)
  • JR8001 to JR9ZZZ Same as above (parachute type)
  • JR9001 to JR9ZZZ Gyroplane
  • JR0001 to JR0200 Other homebuilt aircraft[19]
Jersey ZJ[1] ZJ-AAA to ZJ-ZZZ
Jordan JY[1] JY-AAA to JY-ZZZ. Historically TJ-.
Jordan and Iraq 4YB[1] International operating agency: Arab Air Cargo
Kazakhstan UP[1] UP-AAA01 to UP-ZZZ99 (Suffix letters refer to aircraft type). Changed from UN to avoid confusion with the United Nations.
Kenya 5Y[3] 5Y-AAA to 5Y-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VP-K.
Kiribati T3[2] T3-AAA to T3-ZZZ
Kosovo Z6 plus national emblem[20] Z6-AAA to Z6-ZZZ
Kuwait 9K[3] 9K-AAA to 9K-ZZZ.
Kyrgyzstan EX[3]
  • EX-100 to EX-999
  • EX-10000 to EX-99999
Laos RDPL[1] RDPL-10000 to RDPL-99999. Previously F-L, XW-.
Latvia YL[3]
  • YL-AAA to YL-ZZZ
  • LV-001 to LV-Z99 Ballons & Gliders
Lebanon OD[1] OD-AAA to OD-ZZZ. Previously LR-.
Lesotho 7P[3] 7P-AAA to 7P-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VQ-ZA, VQ-ZD.
Liberia A8[3] A8-AAA to A8-ZZZ. Previously EL was cancelled by the United Nations due to illegal use.
Libya 5A[3] 5A-AAA to 5A-ZZZ
Liechtenstein HB plus national emblem[1] HB-AAA to HB-ZZZ. Shares allocation with Switzerland.
Lithuania LY[3] LY-AAA to LY-ZZZ
Luxembourg LX[1]
  • LX-AAA to LX-ZZZ
  • LX-BAA to LX-BZZ (balloons)
  • LX-CAA to LX-CZZ (glider and motorglider)
  • LX-HAA to LX-HZZ (helicopters)
  • LX-XAA to LX-XZZ (ultralights).
  • Previously UL-, L-U.
Macau B-M[2]
  • B-MAA to B-MZZ
  • Allocation during Portuguese rule CR-M until 1975 and CS-M from 1995 until 1999.
Madagascar 5R[3] 5R-AAA to 5R-ZZZ
Malawi 7Q[1] 7Q-AAA to 7Q-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VP-Y.[lower-alpha 8]
Malaysia 9M[1]
  • 9M-AAA to 9M-ZZZ
  • 9M-EAA to 9M-EZZ (amateur-built)
  • 9M-UAA to 9M-UZZ (microlight).
  • Colonial allocation North Borneo/Sabah VR-O, Sarawak VR-W Straits Settlements VR-S before becoming part of Malaysia. Previously also VR-J, VR-R.
Maldives 8Q[3] 8Q-AAA to 8Q-ZZZ
Mali TZ[3] TZ-AAA to TZ-ZZZ
Malta 9H[3] 9H-AAA to 9H-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VP-M.
Marshall Islands V7[3] V7-0001 to V7-9999
Martinique F-O[17] Outside mainland France is F-OAAA to F-OZZZ[lower-alpha 7][17]
Mauritania 5T[3] 5T-AAA to 5T-ZZZ
Mauritius 3B[3] 3B-AAA to 3B-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VQ-M.
Mexico XA plus national emblem[1] XA-AAA to XA-ZZZ (Commercial)
XB plus national emblem XB-AAA to XB-ZZZ (Private)
XC plus national emblem XC-AAA to XC-ZZZ (Government)[21]
Micronesia V6[3] V6-AAA to V6-ZZZ
Moldova ER[3]
  • ER-AAA to ER-ZZZ
  • ER-10000 to ER-99999
Monaco 3A[1] 3A-MAA to 3A-MZZ. Previously M-O, CZ-, MC-.
Mongolia JU[1] JU-1000 to JU-9999. Previously MT-, HMAY-.
Montenegro 4O[3] 4O-AAA to 4O-ZZZ
Montserrat VP-M[3] VP-MAA to VP-MZZ
Morocco CN[1]
  • CN-AAA to CN-ZZZ
  • CNA-AA to CNA-ZZ for government & military
Mozambique C9[3] C9-AAA to C9-ZZZ. Colonial allocations CR-A, CR-B.
Myanmar XY[3] XY-AAA to XY-ZZZ
XZ[3] XZ-AAA to XZ-ZZZ (Not Used)
Namibia V5[3] V5-AAA to V5-ZZZ
Nauru C2[3] C2-AAA to C2-ZZZ
Nepal 9N[3] 9N-AAA to 9N-ZZZ (commercial aircraft)
9N-RAA to 9N-RZZ (government aircraft)
Netherlands PH[3]
  • PH-AAA to PH-ZZZ
  • PH-1AA to PH-1ZZ (drones)
  • PH-1A1 to PH-9Z9 (microlights)
  • PH-100 to PH-9999 (gliders)
Netherlands Antilles PJ[3] PJ-AAA to PJ-ZZZ
New Zealand ZK[1]
  • ZK-AAA to ZK-ZZZ
  • ZK-A**, ZK-B**, ZK-GA*, ZK-HA* restored historical aircraft
  • ZK-FA*, ZK-FB* balloons
  • ZK-G** gliders
  • ZK-H**, ZK-I** helicopters
  • ZK-RA*, ZK-RB*, ZK-RC*, ZK-RD* gyrocopters
  • The remainder for fixed-wing aircraft.[22]
Nicaragua YN[1] YN-AAA to YN-ZZZ.
Niger 5U[3] 5U-AAA to 5U-ZZZ
Nigeria 5N[1] 5N-AAA to 5N-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VR-N.[lower-alpha 3]
North Korea P[1] P-500 to P-999
North Macedonia Z3[1]
  • Z3-AAA to Z3-ZZZ
  • Z3-HAA to Z3-HZZ (helicopters)
  • Z3-UA-001 to Z3-UA-999 (ultralight)
  • Z3-OAA to Z3-OZZ (hot air balloons)
Norway LN[3]
  • LN-AAA to LN-ZZZ Aircraft in general, except:
    • LN-G**, Gliders
    • LN-O**, Helicopters
    • LN-C**, Balloons
    • LN-Y**, Sports aircraft
Oman A4O[3]
  • A4O-AA to A4O-ZZ
  • A4O-AAA to A4O-ZZZ
Pakistan AP[3] AP-AAA to AP-ZZZ, civil aircraft, from 1947
Palestine SU-Y SU-YAA to SU-YZZ (Temporary assignment of Egyptian prefix)
E4[lower-alpha 9] E4-AAA to E4-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VQ-P. Israel 4X-.
Panama HP[1] HP-1000AAA to HP-9999ZZZ. Previously RX. The three letters (AAA–ZZZ) stand for the ICAO code of the airline, such as CMP for Copa Airlines and PST for Air Panama.
Papua New Guinea P2[3] P2-AAA to P2-ZZZ
Paraguay ZP[3] ZP-AAA to ZP-ZZZ
Peru OB[1]
  • OB-1000 to OB-9999
  • Previously OB-initial-number, e.g. OB-M-1114, OB-M-1245, OB-T-1274.
  • Previously OA-, O-P.
Philippines RP[1]
  • RP-0001 to RP-9999 (Government-owned aircraft)
  • RP-C0001 to RP-C9999 (Aircraft with complete registrations)
  • RP-G0001 to RP-G9999 (Gliders)
  • RP-R0001 to RP-R9999 (Limited registrations)
  • RP-U001A to RP-U999Z (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)
  • RP-X0001 to RP-X9999 (Experimental certificate)
  • RP-S0001 to RP-S9999 (Non-type certificated aircraft)
  • Previously PI-.
Poland SP - civil[1]
  • SP-AAA to SP-ZZZ
  • SP-0*** - Motor-gliders
  • SP-1*** to SP-3***, SP-8*** - Gliders
  • SP-B** - Balloons
  • SP-L** reserved for LOT Polish Airlines
  • SP-S*** - Ultralights
  • SP-X*** - Autogyros
  • SP-Y** - Experimental
SN - government [23]
  • SN-(two digits 00-99)(two letters) State-owned aircraft (public order services); Last two digits indicate type and owner.
  • X - Helicopter, Y - Aeroplane, A - Other
  • A - Central Institutions**, G (H,D,U*) - Border Guard, P (N,K,W*) - Police, S (F) - Fire Dept**, T - Civil Protection**, R - Govt Rescue Service**, Z (C,E,B) Customs**, M,L - other government services**, Q - trial flights**
  • * will be used if primary letters are exhausted; ** currently unused/unseen
Portugal CR, CS[1]
  • CR-AAA to CR-ZZZ Aircraft registered in the overseas provinces, used until 1975
  • CS-AAA to CS-ZZZ Aircraft in general, except:
  • CS-B**, Balloons
  • CS-H**, Helicopters
  • CS-P**, Gliders
  • CS-T**, Airliners (used by most commercial airlines)
  • CS-U**, Ultralight Aircraft
  • CS-X**, Experimental
Qatar A7[1]
  • A7-AAA to A7-ZZZ
  • A7-HAA to A7-HZZ & A7-MAA to A7-MZZ (official use)
Réunion F-O[17] Outside mainland France is F-OAAA to F-OZZZ[lower-alpha 7][17]
Romania YR[1]
  • YR-AAA to YR-ZZZ
  • YR-1000 to YR-9999 (Gliders and ultralights).
  • YR-D0000 to YR-D9999 (UAVs, drones).
Russia RA[1]
  • RA-00001 to RA-99999 (First two digits indicate aircraft type)
  • FLA RF-00001 to FLA RF-99999 or ФЛА РФ-00001 to ФЛА РФ-99999 (Private - no longer valid)
  • RA-0001K to RA-9999K (Ultralight - no longer valid)
  • RA-0001G to RA-9999G (Private - aircraft without type certificate)
  • RA-0001A to RA-9999A (Ultralight)
RF[lower-alpha 6] RF-00001 to RF-99999 (state-owned aircraft; first two digits indicate owner).
Rwanda 9XR[1] 9XR-AA to 9XR-ZZ
Saint Helena/Ascension VQ-H[1] VQ-HAA to VQ-HZZ
Saint Kitts and Nevis V4[1] V4-AAA to V4-ZZZ. Colonial allocation Leeward Islands VP-L.[lower-alpha 1]
Saint Lucia J6[1] J6-AAA to J6-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VQ-L
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines J8[1] J8-AAA to J8-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VP-V.
Samoa 5W[1] 5W-AAA to 5W-ZZZ, since 1961.
San Marino T7[1]
São Tomé and Príncipe S9[1] S9-AAA to S9-ZZZ. Colonial allocation CR-S.
Saudi Arabia HZ[1]
  • HZ-AAA to HZ-ZZZ
  • HZ-AA1 to HZ-ZZ99
  • HZ-AAA1 to HZ-ZZZ99
  • Historically Hejaz UH-.
Senegal 6V[1] 6V-AAA to 6V-ZZZ
Serbia YU[1]
  • YU-AAA to YU-ZZZ
  • YU-0000 to YU-9999 (Gliders)
  • YU-A000 to YU-Z999 (Ultralight).
  • YU-D0000 to YU-D9999 (Drone/Unmanned Aircraft).
  • Previously Yugoslavia. Previously UN-.
Seychelles S7[1] S7-AAA to S7-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VQ-S.
Sierra Leone 9L[1] 9L-AAA to 9L-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VR-L until 1961.
Singapore 9V[1] 9V-AAA to 9V-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VR-S.
Slovakia OM[1]
  • OM-AAA to OM-ZZZ
  • OM-AAAA to OM-ZZZZ (Ultralight)
  • OM-M000 to OM-M999 (Microlights)
  • OM-0000 to OM-9999 (Gliders)
Slovenia S5[1]
  • S5-AAA to S5-9999
  • S5-DAA to S5-DZZ (General)
  • S5-HAA to S5-HZZ (Helicopters)
  • S5-PAA to S5-PZZ (Ultralights)
  • S5-MAA to S5-MZZ (Amateur builds)
  • S5-JAA to S5-JZZ (Gyrocopters)
  • S5-1000 to S5-1999 (Oldtimer gliders)
  • S5-3000 to S5-3999 (Single-seater gliders)
  • S5-7000 to S5-7999 (Doubleseater gliders)
  • S5-KAA to S5-KZZ (Motorgliders/sustainers)
  • S5-OAA to S5-OZZ (Hot air balloons)
  • Previously SL-.
Solomon Islands H4[1] H4-AAA to H4-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VP-P.
Somalia 6O[1] 6O-AAA to 6O-ZZZ. Previously 6OS.
South Africa ZS[1] ZS-AAA to ZS-ZZZ (type certified aircraft)
ZT ZT-RAA to ZT-RZZ (type certified rotorcraft) and ZT-TAA to ZT-TZZ (civil RPAS)[25]
ZU ZU-AAA to ZU-ZZZ (non-type certified aircraft).
South Korea HL[1]
  • HL0000 to HL0599 for glider
  • HL0600 to HL0799 for airship
  • HL1000 to HL1799 for piston engine
  • HL2000 to HL2099 for piston engine
  • HL5100 to HL5499 for turboprop
  • HL6100 to HL6199 for piston engine helicopter
  • HL7100 to HL7199 for single turbojet
  • HL7200 to HL7299, HL7500 to HL7599, HL7700 to HL7799, HL8000 to HL8099, HL8200 to HL8299, HL8300 to HL8399, HL8500 to HL8599 for twin-jet aircraft
  • HL7300 to HL7399 for tri-jet aircraft
  • HL7400 to HL7499, HL7600 to HL7699, HL8400 to HL8499, HL8600 to HL8699 for quad-jet aircraft
  • HL9100 to HL9699 for turboshaft helicopter
  • HL-C000 to HL-C999 for ultralight[26]
  • From 1919 until 1936, F-K. Colonial allocation incorporated into Korea in 1963.
South Sudan Z8[1] Z8-AAA to Z8-ZZZ
Spain EC[1]
  • EC-AAA to EC-WZZ (Civil Aircraft)
  • EC-YAA to EC-ZZZ (Homebuilt aircraft)
  • EC-AA0 to EC-ZZ9 (Ultralight)
  • EC-001 to EC-999 (Test and delivery)
EM[lower-alpha 6] EM-AAA to EM-ZZZ (Military)
Sri Lanka 4R[1] 4R-AAA to 4R-ZZZ. Colonial allocation Ceylon VP-C. Then CY- from 1950 to 1953.
Sudan ST[1] ST-AAA to ST-ZZZ. Previously SN- and FT-.
Suriname PZ[1]
  • PZ-AAA to PZ-ZZZ
  • PZ-HAA to PZ-HZZ (helicopters)
  • PZ-TAA to PZ-TZZ (commercial transport)
  • PZ-UAA to PZ-UZZ (agriculture crop-dusters)
Sweden SE[1]
  • SE-AAA to SE-ZZZ
  • SE-AAA to SE-CZZ (prop aircraft, general use)
  • SE-DAA to SE-DZZ (jets)
  • SE-EAA to SE-GZZ (prop aircraft, general use)
  • SE-HAA to SE-HZZ (helicopters)
  • SE-IAA to SE-IZZ (prop aircraft, general use)
  • SE-JAA to SE-JZZ (helicopters)
  • SE-KAA to SE-MZZ (prop aircraft, general use)
  • SE-RAA to SE-RZZ (jets)
  • SE-SAA to SE-UZZ (sailplanes and gliders)
  • SE-VAA to SE-VZZ (ultralights)
  • SE-XAA to SE-XZZ (homebuilts)
  • SE-YAA to SE-YZZ (ultralights)
  • SE-ZAA to SE-ZZZ (lighter than air)
  • SE-A01 to SE-Z99 (test and delivery)
Switzerland HB plus national emblem[1]
  • General pattern: HB-AAA to HB-ZZZ, with HB-1 to HB-9999 for Gliders and Motorgliders. The registration often denotes the aircraft type and maker. Some examples:
  • HB-Axx two-engined aircraft from 5.7 to 15 tons, Aircraft over 15 tons due to shortage of Jxx.
  • HB-Bxx balloons
  • HB-Cxx single-engined Cessnas under 5.7 tons
  • HB-Dxx and HB-Kxx other single-engined aircraft under 5.7 tons
  • HB-Fxx Swiss-produced aircraft like PC-6 and PC-12
  • HB-Ixx and HB-Jxx aircraft over 15 tons, including DC-3
  • HB-Nxx single-engined Pipers under 5.7 tons if HB-P is exhausted
  • HB-Vxx business jets under 15 tons
  • HB-Xxx helicopters
  • HB-Yxx experimental aircraft
  • HB-Zxx helicopters
  • Also used by Liechtenstein. Previously CH-.
Syria YK[1] YK-AAA to YK-ZZZ
Taiwan B[27][2] B-00000 to B-99999[27]
Tajikistan EY[1] EY-10000 to EY-99999
Tanzania 5H[1] 5H-AAA to 5H-ZZZ. Colonial allocation Tanganyika VR-T and Zanzibar VP-Z.
Thailand HS[1] HS-AAA to HS-ZZZ
Togo 5V[1] 5V-AAA to 5V-ZZZ
Tonga A3[1] A3-AAA to A3-ZZZ
Trinidad and Tobago 9Y[1] 9Y-AAA to 9Y-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VP-T.
Tunisia TS[1] TS-AAA to TS-ZZZ
Turkey TC[1]
  • TC-AAA to TC-ZZZ
  • TC-BAA to TC-BZZ (Hot air balloons)
  • TC-HAA to TC-HZZ (Helicopters)
  • TC-PAA to TC-PZZ (Gliders)
  • TC-UAA to TC-UZZ (Ultralights and microlights)
  • TC-ZAA to TC-ZZZ (Agricultural aircraft)
Turkmenistan EZ[1] EZ-A100 to EZ-Z999
Turks and Caicos VQ-T[1] VQ-TAA to VQ-TZZ
Tuvalu T2[2] T2-AAA to T2-ZZZ
Uganda 5X[1] 5X-AAA to 5X-ZZZ. Colonial allocation VP-U prior to 1962.
Ukraine UR[1]
  • UR-AAA to UR-ZZZ
  • UR10000 to UR99999
  • UR-AAAA to UR-ZZZZ (private aircraft)
United Arab Emirates A6[1] A6-AAA to A6-ZZZ
United Kingdom G[1]
  • G-AAAA to G-ZZZZ
  • G-1-1 to G-99-99 (UK aircraft test serials for test & delivery purposes)
United Nations[lower-alpha 11] 4U[lower-alpha 6] 4U-AAA to 4U-ZZZ
United States N[1]
  • N1 to N99999
  • N1A to N9999Z
  • N1AA to N999ZZ.
  • Prior to 1948 the letter 'N' was usually suffixed by one of the six following; 'C' for Commercial, 'L' for Limited, 'P' for Private, 'R' for Restricted, 'S' for State or 'X' for Experimental.
  • E prefix designates FAR part-103 ultralight aircraft registered via the EAA organization.
Uruguay CX[1] CX-AAA to CX-ZZZ.
Uzbekistan UK[1] UK10000 to UK99999
Vanuatu YJ[1] YJ-AA1 to YJ-ZZ99
Venezuela YV[1]
  • YV1000 to YV9999
  • YV100T to YV999T
  • YV100E to YV999E (training)
  • YVO100 to YVO999 (Official use)
Vietnam VN[2]
  • VN-1000 to VN-9999
  • VN-A100 to VN-A999 (turbo jet engine)
  • VN-B100 to VN-B999 (turbo prop engine)
  • VN-C100 to VN-C999 (internal combustion engine)
  • Previously XV- (South Vietnam).
Yemen 7O[1] 7O-AAA to 7O-ZZZ. Historically 4W- until 1978 (North Yemen, Yemen Arab Republic). Previously YE-.
Zambia 9J[1]
  • 9J-AAA to 9J-ZZZ.
  • Colonial allocation Northern Rhodesia VP-R and VP-Y.[lower-alpha 8]
Zimbabwe Z[1]
  • Z-AAA to Z-ZZZ.
  • Colonial allocation Southern Rhodesia VP-W and VP-Y.[lower-alpha 8]

Post-1928 table notes

  1. VP-L was previously shared between Antigua & Barbuda, Saint Kitts & Nevis, and the British Virgin Islands.
  2. Since 2022 the registration suffix may contain the numbers 2 to 9, so long as the combination contains at least one letter.
  3. Colonial allocation VR-N was shared between Cameroon and Nigeria.
  4. Only C-F, C-G, C-I & CF- are allocated in Canada.
  5. Since 2018 the suffix may contain letters in last 2 positions. In this scheme the digit immediately after the dash indicates the type of aircraft. e.g. 2 for Boeing and 3 for Airbus.
  7. F-O is for aircraft based outside mainland France, but aircraft may also retain mainland F-B, F-G or F-H series.
  8. Colonial allocation VP-Y was shared between Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
  9. Has not been used on any aircraft previously.
  10. Any combination of 3 to 5 letters and numbers permitted (except the letters "I" or "O" are not permitted when the suffix contains numbers).
  11. Besides the United Nations, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) such as the European Union and NATO do not have the power to create aircraft registrations.

Pre-1928 allocations

Note: in the suffix pattern, n represents a number, x represents a letter

Country or regionRegistration prefixSuffix pattern1913 radio call letters
Abyssinia A-B[lower-alpha 1] A-Bxxx
Afghanistan Y-A[lower-alpha 2] Y-Axxx
Albania B-A[lower-alpha 3] B-Axxx
Argentina R-A[lower-alpha 4] R-AxxxLIA to LRZ
Australia G-AU[29] G-AUxxVHA to VKZ
Austria-Hungary and Bosnia-Herzegovina HAA to HFZ, OGA to OMZ and UNA to UZZ
Belgium O-B[lower-alpha 5] O-BxxxONA to OTZ
Bolivia C-B[lower-alpha 5] C-Bxxxnone
Brazil P-B[lower-alpha 5] P-BxxxSNA to STZ
Canada G-C[29] G-Cxxx, except G-CYxxVAA to VGZ (Newfoundland: VOA to VOZ)
G-CY (government aircraft, including military)[31][29] G-CYxx
Bulgaria B-B[lower-alpha 3] B-BxxxLXA to LZZ
Chile B-C[lower-alpha 6] B-CxxxCOA to CPZ
China X-C[lower-alpha 5] X-Cxxxnone
Colombia C C-n to C-nnnnone
Costa Rica TI-[lower-alpha 3] TI-xxx
Cuba C-C[lower-alpha 5] C-Cxxxnone
Czechoslovakia L-B[lower-alpha 5] L-Bxxx
Y-M[lower-alpha 1] Y-MxxxNot applicable
Dz Dz-nnn
Denmark T-D[lower-alpha 7] T-DxxxOUA to OZZ
Dominica Z-D[lower-alpha 2] Z-Dxxx
Dominican Republic HI[lower-alpha 2] HIxxx
Ecuador E-E[lower-alpha 5][lower-alpha 8] E-Exxx
EgyptSUA to SUZ
El Salvador Y-S[lower-alpha 9] Y-Sxxx
Estonia E-A[lower-alpha 10] E-Axxx
Finland K-S[lower-alpha 10] K-Sxxx
France F[lower-alpha 5] F-xxxxF and UAA to UMZ
Germany D D-nnnnA, D and KAA to KCZ[32]
Greece S-X[lower-alpha 5] S-XxxxSVA to SZZ
Guatemala L-G[lower-alpha 5] L-Gxxx
Haiti H-H[lower-alpha 5][lower-alpha 8] H-Hxxx
Hejaz A-H[lower-alpha 5] A-Hxxx
Honduras X-H[lower-alpha 5] X-Hxxx
H-H[lower-alpha 7] H-Hxxx
H-O[lower-alpha 11] H-Oxxx
India G-I[29] G-IxxxVTA to VWZ
Italy I[lower-alpha 5] I-xxxxI
Japan J[lower-alpha 5] J-xxxxJ
Latvia B-L[lower-alpha 12] B-Lxxx
Liberia L-L[lower-alpha 5] L-Lxxx
Lithuania Z-L[lower-alpha 8] Z-Lxxx
Luxembourg L-U[lower-alpha 12] L-Uxxx
MexicoXAA to XCZ[32]
Monaco M-M[lower-alpha 7] M-MxxxCQA to CQZ
M-O[lower-alpha 11] M-Oxxx
MoroccoCNA to CNZ
Netherlands H-N[lower-alpha 13] H-NxxxPAA to PMZ
New Zealand G-NZ[29] G-NZxxVLA to VMZ
Nicaragua A-N[lower-alpha 5] A-Nxxx
NorwayLAA to LHZ
Panama S-P[lower-alpha 5] S-Pxxx
Persia P-I[lower-alpha 1] P-Ixxx
Peru O-P[lower-alpha 5] O-Pxxx
Poland P-P[lower-alpha 5] P-Pxxx
Portugal C-P[lower-alpha 5] C-PxxxCRA to CTZ
Romania C-R[lower-alpha 5] C-RxxxCVA to CVZ
Russia R-R R-Rxxx, RR-xxxR
Serbia-Croatia-Slovenia X-S[lower-alpha 5] X-Sxxx
Siam H-S[lower-alpha 5] H-SxxxHGA to HHZ
South Africa G-UA[29] G-UAxxVNA to VNZ
Spain M[lower-alpha 13] M-xxxxEAA to EGZ
Sweden S-A[lower-alpha 3] S-AxxxSAA to SMZ
Switzerland HB[lower-alpha 13] HB-nnn
United Kingdom K[33] K-nnnB, G and M (British colonies not autonomous: VPA to VSZ)
G-F (lighter than air craft)G-FAAx
G-G (gliders)G-GAAx
United States N[lower-alpha 5] N-xxxxKDA to KZZ, N and W
Uruguay C-U[lower-alpha 5][lower-alpha 8] C-UxxxCWA to CWZ

Pre-1928 table notes

  1. Adopted at the ICAN meeting of 6 October 1925.[28]
  2. Adopted at the ICAN meeting of 25 April 1927.[28]
  3. Adopted at the ICAN meeting of 26 June 1923.[28]
  4. Adopted at the ICAN meeting of 14 October 1924.[28]
  5. Adopted at the International Commission for Air Navigation (ICAN) meeting of 13 October 1919.[30]
  6. Adopted at the ICAN meeting of 6 April 1925.[28]
  7. Adopted at the ICAN meeting of 28 February 1923.[28]
  8. The ICAN meeting of 28 February 1923 amended Ecuador's marks to E-U, Haiti's to H-E, and Uruguay's marks to C-M. They were restored to their original marks at the following meeting on 26 June.[28]
  9. Adopted at the ICAN meeting of 3 November 1926.[28]
  10. Adopted at the ICAN meeting of 3 March 1924.[28]
  11. Amended at the ICAN meeting of 26 June 1923.[28]
  12. Adopted at the ICAN meeting of 25 October 1922.[28]
  13. Adopted at the ICAN meeting of 13 July 1922.[28]


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  29. Appleton, John; Cave, Ian G (1978). British Civil Aircraft Registers 1919-1978. Earl Shilton: Midland Counties Publications. p. 7. ISBN 0-904597-15-6.
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  32. White, Thomas H. (2023-01-01). "United States Callsign Policies". Archived from the original on 2023-04-07.
  33. Used 1919-20, K-100 to K-175 allocated, reallocated to G-EAxx series in 1920.Appleton, John; Cave, Ian G (1978). British Civil Aircraft Registers 1919-1978. Earl Shilton: Midland Counties Publications. p. 3. ISBN 0-904597-15-6.
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