Ashlag (Hasidic dynasty)
Ashlag (Hebrew: אשלג) is the name of a number of Hasidic courts that were established in Israel by the students and descendants of Kabbalist Rebbe Yehuda Leib Haleivi Ashlag from Warsaw, Poland, known as Baal HaSulam.[1]

The Baal HaSulam
Although Hasidic dynasties are most often named for their town of origin, this dynasty is known by the surname of its rebbes.
The current Ashlag leader, Rebbe Simcha Halevi Ashlag, was born to the previous Ashlag Admor, Rebbe Shlomo Binyamin ztz"l and Marat Ahuva Liba, in 5708. As a child, he was close to his grandfather, the renowned Ba’al Hasulam, who saw great promise in him and told him to commence study of the Zohar together with his other studies at the age of 13.
- Rebbe Yehuda Leib Haleivi Ashlag (1885–1954), disciple of the rebbes of Porisov
- Rebbe Shlomo Binyomin Haleivi Ashlag (1906–1983), son of Rebbe Yehuda Leib
- Rebbe Yechezkel Yosef Haleivi Ashlag, (1935–2016), son of Rebbe Shlomo Binyomin
- Rebbe Simcha Avrohom Haleivi Ashlag (1948- ), present rebbe, son of Rebbe Shlomo Binyomin
- Rebbe Boruch Sholom Haleivi Ashlag (1907–1991), son of Rebbe Yehuda Leib
- Admor from Stretyn: Rebbe Yehuda Tzvi Brandwein.
- Rebbe Avraham Brandwein, son of Rebbe Yehuda Tzvi Brandwein.
- Rebbe Shlomo Binyomin Haleivi Ashlag (1906–1983), son of Rebbe Yehuda Leib
- Y Alfasi Hachasidut miDor leDor p 511
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