Avatars in the Mahabharata

The following is a list of the avatars of the epic Mahabharata, and their original devatas (deities) or other beings.

Character Deity
Ashwatthama Portions of Shiva, Kama, Krodha and Yama[1]
Abhimanyu Varchas (son of Chandra and Rohini)
Arjuna Indra
Amitaujas Ketuman
Balarama Shesha/rebirth of Lakshmana (Ramayana)
Bahlika One of the Krodhavasas
Bhadra A portion of Lakshmi
Bhagadatta A portion of Bāṣkala (demon)
Bhanumati - Duryodhana's wife Durukti
Bhima Vayu
Bhishma Prabhasa (Vasu of the Star), a portion of Ganga (goddess)
Brihadratha The asura Sukshma
Bhurishravas One of the Rudras
Chandravarma The asura Chandra
Chitrāngadā A portion of Shachi
Chitrasena Khara (Ramayana)
Dantavakra Vijaya
Danda and Dandadhara (two princes of Magadha) Krodhahantri and Krodhavardana
Darada The asura Surya
Damayanti Rebirth of Ahukā (the wife of Ahuka)
Devaki Rebirth of Kaikeyi (Ramayana)
Dhrishtadyumna A portion of Agni
Dhenuka Rebirth of Khara (Ramayana)
Dhristaketu Rebirth of Anuhlda/brother of Prahlada
Dhritarasthra Hansa/the son of Arishta
Dirghaprajna Vrishaparvan
Draupadi Shachi, Svaha Agni
Dronacharya Brihaspati
Drupada One of the Maruts
Duhsala A portion of Kuhu (goddess)
Durvasa Shiva
Duryodhana Kali (asura)[2]
Dushasana Rebirth of Indrajita (Ramayana)
Ekalavya One of the Krodhavasas
Gandhari Mati
Ghatotkacha Nirṛti
Hanuman Vayu
Iravan Vacchi/son of Chandra and Revati, a portion Mangala
Jarasandha Viprachitti[3]
Jambavan A portion of Brahma
Jambavati A portion of Lakshmi
Jara - Hunter Rebirth of Vali/a portion of Indra (Ramayana)
Jayadratha Rebirth of Jambha[4]
Jayatsena One of the Kalakeyas
Kalindi Yamuna
Kamsa Rebirth of Kalanemi[5]
Kirata - Hunter Shiva
Karna Surya[6]
Kratha Rahu
Kripacharya Portions of Brahma, one of the Rudras and one of the Maruts
Kripi Tara
Krishna Vishnu
Kritavarma One of the Maruts
Kshema One of the Krodhavasas
Kshemadhurti One of the Krodhavasas
Kunti Siddhi
Lakshmana Lakshmi
Madri Dhriti
Maniman Vritra/son of Danayu
Mauravi Ahilawati/the daughter of serpent king Vasuki
Mitravinda Ganga (goddess)
Nakula A portion of the Ashvins
Nagnajita Rebirth of Ishupada
Nagnajiti Niladevi (Lakshmi)
Nala Rebirth of Ahuka/the forester
Nanda Rebirth of Dasharatha (Ramayana)
Nila One of the Krodhavasas
Parashurama Vishnu
Paundraka Vasudeva Rebirth of Vena
Pradyumna Kamadeva, a portion of sage Sanat Kumara
Revati Incarnation of Nagalakshmi, Sheshnag's wife and rebirth of Urmila from Ramayan.
Rohini Surabhi
Rukmi One of the Krodhavasas
Rukmini Rebirth of Sita/Sridevi (Lakshmi)[7]
Rochamana Asvagriva
Sahadeva A portion of the Ashvins
Samba Kartikeya[8]
Samudrasena One of the Kalakeyas
Satyabhama Bhudevi (Lakshmi)
Satyaki One of the Maruts
Satyavati Acchoda
Savitri A portion of Gayatri
Senabindu Tuhunda
Shalva Ajaka
Shalya Rebirth of Sanhlda/brother of Prahlada
Shakuni Dvapara Yuga
Shantanu Rebirth of king Mahabhisha
Shikhandi Rebirth of Amba
Shishupala Jaya
Sons of Ganga Vasus
Sreniman One of the Kalakeyas
Srutayudha A portion of Varuna
Subala Disciple of Prahlada
Subhadra Yogamaya
Subahu Rebirth of Trishira (Ramayana)
Sunaka Chandrahantri
Sulochana Rebirth of Ahiravana (Ramayana)
Ugrasena Svarbhanu
Ulupi Maya (Lakshmi)
Upapandavas Visvadevas
Upachitrana Rebirth of Subahu
Uttamaujas and Yudhamanyu Amshuman and Aryaman
Vasudeva Kashyapa
Vidura Dharma/Yama
Virata One of the Maruts
Vindhyavasini Adi Shakti
Vikarna Atikaya
Vyasa A portion of Brahma, rebirth of the sage Apantaratamas/a portion of Vishnu
Yashoda Aditi/rebirth of Kaushalya (Ramayana)
Yudhishthira A portion of Dharma
Five Kekaya brothers Aswashira, Ayashira, Ayashanka, Gaganamurdha, and Vegavan
Junior wives of Krishna Various Apsaras


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