
Barech (also Kabila-e-Barech, Baraich, Bareach, Barreach) is a Pashtun tribe in southern Kandahar province of Afghanistan.[1] The Barech live primarily in Shorawak District.[2]

Notable Personalities


  1. see Adamec, Historical and Political Gazetteer of Afghanistan, Vol. 5, Kandahar and South-Central Afghanistan” 1980, Akademische Druck-u.Verlaganstalt, Graz-Austria
  2. "Kandahar Provincial Overview". Naval Postgraduate School. Retrieved 13 October 2019.


  • A. G. Hastings, Tarikh-e-peshawar (Tarikh-e-peshawar. ed.), Lahore: Globe Publishers, OL 13853859M
  • Muhammad Hayat Khan (1999), Afghanistan and Its Inhabitants, Sang-e-Meel Publications (published April 20, 1999), ISBN 978-969-35-0886-4, OL 13126308M, 9693508866

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