
Barujibi is a Bengali Hindu agrarian caste in India. Their traditional occupation is cultivation of Betel. They are one of the fourteen castes belonging to 'Nabasakh' group.[1] Barujibis are listed as Other Backward Class (Category-B) in West Bengal.[2]

Barujibi, Barui
Kuladevi (female)Lakshmi, Chandi (worshipped as Sungai Devi)
Populated statesWest Bengal, Assam, Bangladesh, Tripura, Odisha


  1. Sanyal, Hitesranjan (1981). Social Mobility in Bengal. Papyrus. p. 115.
  2. "List of Other Backward Classes (O.B.C.) Recognized by Govt. of West Bengal" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-11-13.

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