Belgian order of precedence

The Belgian order of precedence (French: Liste de préséance en Belgique, Dutch: Lijst van préséance in België) is the formal ranking used at the Royal court during acts of state. Because the EU, NATO and SHAPE all have their headquarters in Belgium, this list is used every year during formal receptions at court.

A distinction is made between Princes of the Royal blood, and Princes of nobility. The same goes for Cardinals who always have precedence, no matter if they are acting as residing bishop. Members of the royal household are given high positions. Many of the people who occupy these positions also have special privileges in Belgium and have the right to use special car number plates.

List Used Until 2023

  1. HM King of the Belgians
  2. HM Queen of the Belgians
  3. HM King Albert of the Belgians
  4. HM Queen Paola of the Belgians
  5. HRH The Duchess of Brabant
  6. HRH Prince Gabriel of Belgians
  7. HRH Prince Emmanuel of the Belgians
  8. HRH Princess Eleonore of the Belgians
  9. HI & RH The Archduchess of Austria-Este
  10. HI & RH The Archduke of Austria-Este
  11. HI & RH Archduke Amadeo of the Belgians
  12. HI & RH Archduchess Elisabeta of the Belgians
  13. HI & RH Archduchess Anna Astrid of Austria-Este
  14. HI & RH Archduke Maximilian of Austria-Este
  15. HI & RH Archduchess Maria Laura of Austria-Este
  16. Mr William Isvy
  17. HI & RH Archduke Joachim of Austria-Este
  18. HI & RH Archduchess Luisa Maria of Austria-Este
  19. HI & RH Archduchess Laetita Maria of Austria-Este
  20. HRH Prince Laurent of the Belgians
  21. HRH Princess Claire of the Belgians
  22. HRH Princess Louise of the Belgians
  23. HRH Prince Nicholas of the Belgians
  24. HRH Prince Aymeric of the Belgians
  25. HRH Princess Delphine of the Belgians
  26. Mr James O'Hare
  27. HRH Princess Josephine of the Belgians
  28. HRH Princess Lea of the Belgians
  29. HRH Princess Marie Christine, Mrs. Gourgues
  30. HRH Princess Marie Esmeralda of the Belgians, Lady Moncada
  31. the Belgian Cardinals
  32. the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, the Papal Nuncio
  33. the Ambassadors accredited by the court
  34. the President of the European Parliament
  35. the President of the Chamber and the President of the Senate
  36. the President of the European Council
  37. the Prime Minister
  38. the Vice Prime Ministers
  39. the Federal Ministers
  40. the President of the European Union
  41. the Minister for Foreign Affairs (if foreign diplomats are present)
  42. the President of the European Commission
  43. the Secretary General of NATO
  44. the Foreign Minister
  45. the President of the International Court of Justice in the Hague
  46. the President of the Court of Justice of the European Union
  47. the prosecutor General of the Court of Cassation
  48. the President of the Constitutional Court
  49. the Presidents of the Parliaments of the Communities and Regions
  50. the Minister-Presidents of the Communities and Regions
  51. the Secretaries of State
  52. the Grand Marshall of His Majesty the King
  53. the Vice presidents and members of the European Commission
  54. the Belgian Ministers of State
  55. the Regional Ministers
  56. the Ladies in Waiting of the Queen
  57. the Judges of the International Criminal Court of The Hague
  58. the Judges and Clerks of the Court of Justice of the European Union
  59. the Ambassadors to the European Union
  60. the Ambassadors to NATO
  61. the President of the Court of Audit (Rekenhof/Cour des comptes)
  62. the President of the High Council of Justice
  63. the Noble families of the Blue Room.
  64. the Dignitaries of the Royal Court
  65. HM's Chief of Staff
  66. the Head of HM's Military Household
  67. the Intendant of HM's Civil List
  68. The Chief of the Household of the Royal Princes.
  69. The honorary Chief of Staff of His Majesty.
  70. The honorary Intendant of His Majesty's Civil List.
  71. The honorary Head of HM's Military Household.
  72. The honorary Ladies in Waiting of The Queen
  73. The President of the Military Committee of NATO.
  74. the Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, if not a Cardinal.
  75. The Foreign ambassadors of His Majesty
  76. The Head of Protocol or the Royal Court.
  77. The Governors of the Provinces
  78. The Presidents of the Provincial Councils
  79. The Bishops of the Belgian Church province.
  80. The Commanders in chief of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe.
  81. The Aide-de-camp of His Majesty.

The official list goes further until 178. Further are mentioned Members of Parliament, Generals, members of the Royal Academies, Burgomasters, ...

See also


  1. Emmanuel COPPIETERS, Protocol, UGA, Heule, 1988.
  2. Pierre-Yves MONETTE, Beroep: Koning der Belgen, 2003
  3. Eddy VAN DEN BUSSCHE, Praktisch Handboek voor het Protocol, UGA, Heule, 2008.
  4. Eddy VAN DEN BUSSCHE, Manuel pratique pour le protocole, UGA, Heule, 2008.
  5. Eddy VAN DEN BUSSCHE, Het Protocol in België - Le Protocole en Belgique, UGA, Heule, 2013.
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