
Bootsmann (lit.'Boatswain') is a naval rank used in some navies.


Bootsmann (German)
Shoulder and sleeve insignia
Country Germany
Service branch German Navy
Rank groupNon-commissioned officer
Next higher rankOberbootsmann
Next lower rankObermaat
Equivalent ranksFeldwebel

The German term Bootsmann translates to Boatswain, i.e. the senior crewman of the deck department.

In a military context, Bootsmann (Btsm or B) is the lowest Portepeeunteroffizier (NCO with portepeé) rank in the German Navy. It belongs to the particular rank group Senior NCOs with port épée. It is grouped as OR6 in NATO, equivalent to Petty Officer First Class in the US Navy, and to Petty Officer in the British Royal Navy.

In navy context NCOs of this rank were formally addressed as Herr Bootsmann also informally / short Bootsmann.

The sequence of ranks (top-down approach) in that particular group is as follows:
Unteroffiziere mit Portepee


These names were adopted for the Russian Navy as botsman (боцман) botsmanmat (боцманмат) by Peter the Great, among many other Prussian and Holland military ranks; they were initially treated as positions rather than ranks.

See also


    • Schult, J. Segler-Lexikon. (in German). p. 61.
    • "Oekonomische Encyklopädie von J. G. Krünitz (1773 bis 1858)" (in German). University of Trier.
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