
Butchie is a fictional character on the HBO drama series The Wire, portrayed by S. Robert Morgan. A blind man, he runs an East-Side Baltimore bar, and is Omar Little's bank and advisor. Like his character, actor S. Robert Morgan is blind; he lost his sight to macular degeneration in his twenties.[1]

The Wire character
S. Robert Morgan as Butchie
First appearance"Hot Shots" (2003)
Last appearance"Not for Attribution" (2008)
Created byDavid Simon
Portrayed byS. Robert Morgan
In-universe information
OccupationBar owner
FamilyHayward (Nephew)

The Wire

Season 2

Butchie is first seen supplying Corrections Officer Tilghman with the narcotics he sells inside the prison and later negotiating with Stringer Bell over supplying Tilghman with the poisoned drugs that will kill several prisoners and hospitalize others. Later in the season, it becomes apparent that Butchie is a connection to Omar, as Proposition Joe arranges a face-to-face meeting between Omar and Stringer by talking to him.

Season 3

Butchie's connection to Omar is more apparent, as several scenes show Omar getting advice from Butchie. Omar enlists Butchie to find Officer Dozerman's missing gun, and Omar returns it to Detective Bunk Moreland through Butchie. Butchie later provides Omar with Avon Barksdale's hideout location. Butchie had known the information all along but hoped to protect Omar by withholding it. In the end, Avon is arrested before Omar can use Butchie's tip.

Season 4

Proposition Joe again contacts Butchie to set up a meeting with Omar, this time pitting Omar against Marlo Stanfield by convincing Omar to rob a card game that Stanfield will attend. When Stanfield contrives to have Omar framed for murder, Butchie is Omar's first phone call after Omar is arrested. Omar escapes the charge and steals an entire shipment of drugs from the New Day Co-Op, getting revenge on both Stanfield and Joe. Butchie suggests that Omar sell the shipment back to Joe, and Omar leaves Baltimore to retire on the profits.

Season 5

Butchie is tortured and murdered in his bar by Stanfield enforcers Chris Partlow and Snoop, to lure Omar from retirement. Butchie refuses to give information about Omar's whereabouts; Omar is notified of Butchie's death and returns to Baltimore for revenge.

See also


  1. Ryan, Lindsay (July 13, 2005). "A Haven for Sightless Readers". Washington Post. Retrieved 2008-01-22.

Further reading

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