Canon of Curaçao

The Canon of Curaçao is a list of fifty themes (called "windows") that chronologically summarizes the history of Curaçao. In the windows 50 subjects are described in approximately 400 words each.[1] Complementing the Canon of the Netherlands and its regional canons, the Canon of Curaçao was compiled on the initiative of the General Faculty of the University of Curaçao (UoC), for the purpose of history education.[2]

In 2020, the canon was released by a committee appointed by the University of Curaçao, the Curaçao National Archives (Dutch: Nationaal Archief Curaçao, NAC), and the Foundation for School Materials (Papiamento: Fundashon Material pa Skol, FMS).[2] The committee members are:

  • Dr. R. M. Allen, anthropologist, part-time lecturer at UoC
  • Drs. E. Baetens, former geography teacher and FMS employee
  • Drs. W. Kamps, former staff member of the General Faculty of UoC
  • Drs. M. Scriwanek, director of the NAC
  • Drs. R. Sille, former history teacher and rector of the Kolegio Alejandro Paula (KAP)
  • Drs. H. Vlinkervleugel, chairman of the Curaçao association of history teachers
  • Drs. I. Witteveen, former director of the National Archaeological Anthropological Museum (NAAM) and former FMS employee

The 50 windows

1The original inhabitants[3]5000 BCE–500The pre-ceramic or archaic period
2The Spanish period[4]1499–1634The first European settlers and administrators
3The conquest of Curaçao by the WIC and the arrival of the Dutch[5]1634–1665The conquest of Curaçao
4New inhabitants in the seventeenth century[6]1634–1700Introduction of the plantation economy
5The slave trade and slavery[7]1672–1713Curaçao as slave market
6Resistance to slavery[8]18th centuryRebellion of enslaved Africans
7Tula[9]1795From slave leader to national hero
8Papiamentu[10]from 1700From colloquial language to creole language
9Curaçao around 1800[11]1795–1803Seizures of power
10The development of Willemstad[12]from 1634Urban development
11The development of habitation outside Willemstad[13]from 1634The population of Bandabou
12Brión, Piar and Bolívar[14]18th centuryHistorical heroes
13The plantation system of Curaçao[15]from 1634Running an agricultural business
14The abolition of slavery[16]1 July 1863Emancipation
15The structure of society in the first half of the nineteenth century[17]19th centurySocial status based on skin color
16Buildings[18]from 1634Architecture of Curaçao
17The defense of Curaçao[19]from 1634Defensive works
18Employment and emigration between 1863 and 1920[20]1863–1920Regional labor migration
19Mining industry[21]from 1634Salt, guano, phosphate, and limestone
20The arrival of Catholic religious from the Netherlands[22]from 1715The mission among the Afro-Curaçaoan population
21The arrival of the oil industry[23]from 1912Establishment of the Shell refinery
22The new immigrants on Curaçao from the beginning of the twentieth century[24]20th centuryMigrant flows
23The harbor[25]from 1634Harbor and economy
24The labor movement[26]20th centuryOrigin and development
25The Second World War[27]1940–1945War and neutrality
26Dr. M. F. da Costa Gomez[28]1907–1966Curaçaoan statesman
27Universal suffrage[29]1948Political emancipation
28The charter[30]15 December 1954Reformed relations within the Kingdom
29The sixties – an atmosphere of change[31]1960–1969Emergence of the trade union system
30Thirty May 1969[32]30 May 1969Rebellion against oppression
31Women's emancipation[33]20th centuryElimination of social inequality
32The cultural dynamics of the seventies[34]from c. 1970Attention to domestic art and culture
33Departure of Shell, arrival and departure of PDVSA[35]1976–2019Management of the oil refinery
34The political developments from the charter to 10 October 2010[36]1954–2010Autonomization and decentralization of governance
35From ‘Oil as King’ to ‘Tourism as King’[37]20th centuryPillars of the economy
36Sports: small island – great sportspeople – Andruw Jones[38]20th centuryInternational sports achievements
37Visual arts in the 20th century[39]20th centuryCuraçaoan artists
38Carnival[40]from 1872Origin and development of the folk festival
39Water[41]20th centuryWater sources, supply, and use
40Elis Juliana and Paul Brenneker[42]20th centuryPioneers of Curaçaoan cultural heritage
41Education on Curaçao[43]19th and 20th centuryEmergence, access and structure
42The plural society[44]from 1915Economy, labor and diversity
43Getting along with nature[45]from 1499Interaction between humans and nature
44Religion and religious celebrations[46]1965Entry and multiplicity of religions
45The relation with Venezuela[47]from 1634Administrative, economic and trade relations
46The lives of Curaçaoans in the diaspora[48]from 1880Emigration and remigration
47The other islands of the former Netherlands Antilles[49]from 1635Connection with Aruba, Bonaire, Sint Maarten, Sint Eustatius, and Saba
48The development of telecommunications[50]from 1887History of the means of communication
49Transport[51]from 1880The development of road, sea, and air transport
50Media[52]from 1812The development of the media

See also


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