Ecotourism in Paraguay

Paraguay is notable for its history, culture and ecology.

Cascade Pikysyry

National Parks/Reserves

  • Médanos del Chaco National Park
  • Lagoon Inmakata National Park
  • Ganso National Park
  • Riacho Yacaré Ecological Reserve
  • Pozo Hondo Ecological Reserve
  • Scientific Pirizal Reserve
  • Yacaré National Park
  • Estero Milagro National Park
  • Laguna Blanca Ecological Reserve
  • Cerro Sarambí National Park

The country appeals to ecotourism because of its plant and animal diversity. Paraguay offers cultural diversity, with a variety of ecosystems, shared with neighboring countries. It offers the opportunity to see a diversity of wildlife in both public and private places.


The flora consists of an estimated 13,000 native species including trees, shrubs, herbs and epiphytic species as well as orchids.

There are approximately 20,000 species; this includes the native and exotic and 280 native endangered species.

The most valuable tree species in the native forests are: lapacho, perobá, yvyrapytá, Bay Cedar, incense. The tree that is emblematic of Paraguay is the lapacho.

The forest zone is a major natural resource. Better controls are needed to avoid deforestation, since it endangers the country's unique species; nevertheless there are several national parks such as National Park Ybycuí To 160 km Asunción 50 square kilometres of subtropical forest.

The National Defensores del Chaco covers an area of 7400 square kilometres.


There are 13000 species of vertebrates and fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, invertebrates, shellfish and shellfish or insects.

The species of wildlife threatened with extinction are: Jaguar, yaguareté, tapirs, mboreví, bare-throated bellbird, red parrot, harpy eagle or taguato, anteater or jurumí, giant armadillo or tatú cart, lies and others.

Rivers provide surubí, gold and pacú.

Protected wildlife areas

Lake Ypacarai (background)

Tatí Yupí, Itabo, Carapa Refuge and Mbaracayu Refuge reserves are driven by Itaipu. In addition are those of the entity Yacyretá, Antiguy, Yabebyry.

Paraguay currently has 42 protected wildlife areas:

Private Reserves

  • Mbaracayú Forest Nature Reserve
  • Arroyo Blanco Nature Reserve
  • Morombí Nature Reserve
  • Ypety Nature Reserve

Other reserves


  • La magia de mi tierra. Fundación en Alianza. 2007
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