Entertainment Experience

Entertainment Experience was a Dutch TV-program and competition following the creation of a user-generated film-project in which two films were created: one film made by professionals named Tricked (Steekspel), directed by Dutch director Paul Verhoeven, and one "user-generated film" made by contesting teams of participants. The process of making the films was shown on Veronica.

Directed byPaul Verhoeven
Written byKim van Kooten
Paul Verhoeven
Robert Alberdingk Thijm
Produced byRené Mioch
Justus Verkerk
Edited by
Distributed by
Running time
50 minutes


The project was launched on September 21, 2011, and finished at the end of 2012.

The film script consisted of eight parts. Part one was written by Kim van Kooten. "The crowd" (participators of the competition) wrote the scripts for the seven following parts. Each of the participating film crews made a single short film, corresponding to their part of the film, while Verhoeven filmed all the scripts for his version.[1]

Paul Verhoeven[2] announced the name of his movie on 7 May 2012 on the television show De Wereld Draait Door. The international title of the movie is Tricked. (The Dutch title is Steekspel). It was suggested by the participant Trudi van der Stelt AKA 'Trudiola'.

On 24 September 2012, the movie premiered in the Tuschinski Theater in Amsterdam. Both the version by Verhoeven and the version of the participating teams were shown. On 28 March 2013, Tricked had its public release in EYE.

In March 2013, Lotgenoten (Counterparts), the user-generated version of the winning participants IO Filmproducties, was picked up by Benelux Film Distributors for nationwide theatrical release and on dvd and video on demand.

In 2014 the China edition of the project was launched (the local name is: 全民电影EEC). In China director John Woo and actress Zhang Ziyi were attached.

In 2019 the concept was launched in the Middle East in close collaboration with Shams Media City. The project was spearheaded by female director Nahla Al Fahad.

Cast (Verhoeven's version)

Peter BlokRemco Albrecht
Ricky KooleIneke Albrecht
Carolien SpoorLieke Albrecht
Robert de HoogTobias Albrecht
Sallie HarmsenNadja van Romsbeek
Gaite JansenMerel
Jochum ten HaafWim
Anita LudolphieMaaike
Pieter TiddensFred
Ronald van ElderenGijs
Celia van den BoogertVerkoopster Nelly

Progress of the project

The public film was composed out of 8 separate parts. The course of the story was determined by the audience. From the beginning of the project several production teams were formed. They filmed their version of the script. The community exclusively received parts of the final script, put together by scriptwriter Robert Alberdingk Thijm and Paul Verhoeven, in order to film them.

The crews who won a segment:

PartTeamDirected byCast
Part 1Nightwork FilmsHenriëtte DrostPeter in 't Hout (Remco), Jolijn van Dulken (Ineke), Tirza Gehring (Lieke), Mick van der Waag (Tobias), Rianne Dekker (Nadja), Tamara van Sprundel (Merel), Arjen van der Lely (Wim), William Vast (Fred)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 8
IO FilmproductiesStephan BrenninkmeijerAlfred Heppener (Remco), Heleen van Doremalen (Ineke), Fransie Groenendijk (Lieke), Martijn van Hese (Tobias), Charmène Sloof (Nadja), Marleen Maathuis (Merel), Cas van der Sande (Wim), Mischa van der Klei (Fred), Nienke Brinkhuis (Maaike)
Part 4Vicie FilmsMaarten van VlietRik Luijmes (Remco), Sofie Cornelissen (Lieke), Luuk Weerts (Tobias), Karlijn Lansink (Merel), Milou Adjanga (Nadja), Edwin van Weert (Wim), Peter Smith (Fred)
Part 6MarantzfilmsJoris van Blerck en Max HuismanEric van der Velden (Remco), Yvonne van Uden (Ineke), Nina van Blerck (Lieke), Igmar Sauer (Tobias), Charlotte Quanjel (Nadja), Evelien Bijnen (Merel), Koen Andringa (Wim), Gert van de Meent (Fred)
Part 7Van Goch ProductiesCarel van GochHelma van Goch (Ineke), Hannah van Goch (Lieke), Wouter van Goch (Tobias), Lea Willenborg (Nadja), Carel van Goch (Wim), Jos van der Heijden (Fred)

Composers who wrote a winning score:

  • Part 1: Roy van der Hoeven
  • Part 2: Guy Renardeau
  • Part 3: TTM Productions
  • Part 4: Augmented Four
  • Part 5: Luuk Degen
  • Part 6: Meriam Stokman
  • Part 7: Luuk Degen
  • Part 8: Ruud Hermans

The script

Seven of the eight scripts are based on various separate scripts, contributed by the audience. Based on these contributions, Paul Verhoeven and Robert Alberdingk Thijm composed a script each time, which formed the basis for the next script. In total 85 participants contributed to the final scripts. Several recurring contributors are mentioned below.

ScriptwriterCommunity NameScriptwriterCommunity Name
Renee van AmerongenReneeRobbie VeenmanRobbyrrrrr
Lidy KoeneLadyEsther E. SchmidtGelijkestrijd
Bart van WezelBamaheAnnemiek DirkzwagerMoek
Marco de GardeijnMarcusjosephusBob le NobelBobsjoke
Kenneth DingensKennethMarion BrouwerMarsel
Richard HendrikseRotery815Silvia NobisSilvie
Carla van VlietScriptsterFleur JansenFleur
Mireille OostromKeshetStephanie MacStephaniem
Constance van den BrinkC.StansJosé van WindenJopie70
Anne Karina WesterikAnnekaJozef Onno Johan Casper van HelsdingenOnno van Helsdingen
Joost van PraagJVPSFrank WesterinkFrnkwstrnk
Faritia MartinaPaulaJochum ten HaafMurphy
Jonathan Maxwell ReevesGhostwriter

The teams could write their own ending. The winning screenplay was written by Stephan Brenninkmeijer and Fleur Jansen.


On May 24, 2012, the winner of the soundtrack competition was chosen. Dutch band Reveller was the winner with a song called "Hold the Horses". Reveller consist of:

Sven SterkSinger/songwriter
Ramon de WildeSinger/songwriter
Dennis BiesmansBass
Evert AaltenKeyboard
Rob KlerkxDrum

Nominations and wins

  • March 2012, Entertainment Experience was nominated for a Spin Award in the category Cross Media.
  • In 2012 Entertainment Experience won the One Show Entertainment Merit Award in the Innovation in Branded Content category
  • Tricked (Steekspel) was selected for the 7th Rome Film Festival in the category: Medium-length films
  • In April 2013 Entertainment Experience won an International Digital Emmy Award in the Digital Program Non Fiction category
  • In 2014 the Chinese edition of the Entertainment Experience was awarded with the Hurun Award
  • In 2019 the UAE Entertainment Experience was awarded with the BroadcastPro Award as Trendsetter of the Year


  1. Entertainment Experience Entertainment Experience follows the development of a user-generated movie.
  2. en:Paul_Verhoeven, oldid 884111904
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