Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of Norway

Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of Norway (Norwegian: Det evangelisk-lutherske stift i Norge) is a Lutheran diocese in Norway, founded in Kautokeino in 2013.[1] Branched out from the "Church of Norway in Exile" (formerly the Deanery of Strandebarm), the bishop of the diocese is Thor Henrik With.

Bishop Thor Henrik
Thor Henrik with 1601beskuren.jpg

The diocese co-operates with the Mission Province of Sweden and the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland through the Communion of Nordic Lutheran Dioceses.[2] The three dioceses have altar and pulpit fellowship.[3]


  1. "Valgmenighet.no" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-11-17. Retrieved 2015-11-11.
  2. Block, Mathew (13 June 2019). "Swedish Lutherans consecrate new bishop". International Lutheran Council. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  3. Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland.
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