Fistula (liturgical object)

The fistula (variously called calamo, cannula, arundo, calamus, pipa, pugillaris, sipho or sumptorium)[1] is a metal drinking straw used in the Roman Rite to receive the Blood of Christ in Holy Communion.


Most notably, a golden fistula was used during a Papal Mass prior to the liturgical reforms proceeding the Second Vatican Council.[2] It is seldom used nowadays, although the modern Mass of Paul VI still allows for the fistula to be used, according to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal no. 245: "The Blood of the Lord may be consumed either by drinking from the chalice directly, or by intinction, or by means of a tube or a spoon."[3]


  1. Eucharistic Utensils by Lucas Viar, published on the Liturgical Arts Journal:
  2. Description and Images of the Solemn Papal Liturgy in the Usus Antiquior by Shawn Tribe, published on the New Liturgical Movement. Source:
  3. The Roman Missal, 2011, ICEL.

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