Germán Arenas Zuñiga
Germán Arenas y Zuñiga (May 1870 – 10 April 1948)[1] was a Peruvian lawyer and politician. He was a member of the Civilista Party. He was born in Lima, Peru. He graduated from the National University of San Marcos. He served in the Chamber of Deputies of Peru. He was three times minister of the interior (1907–1908, 1917–1918, 1918–1919) and minister of finance (February–April 1918)[2] in the Government of Peru. He was twice Prime Minister of Peru (December 1918 – April 1919, December 1931 – January 1932).

- Basadre, Jorge: Historia de la República del Perú. 1822 - 1933, Octava Edición, corregida y aumentada. Tomos 10, 11, 12 y 13. Editada por el Diario "La República" de Lima y la Universidad "Ricardo Palma". Impreso en Santiago de Chile, 1998.
- Chirinos Soto, Enrique: Historia de la República (1930-1985). Desde Sánchez Cerro hasta Alan García. Tomo II. Lima, AFA Editores Importadores S.A., 1985.
- Tauro del Pino, Alberto: Enciclopedia Ilustrada del Perú. Tercera Edición. Tomo 3, ANG/BED. Lima, PEISA, 2001. ISBN 9972-40-151-0
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