
Halecania is a genus of fungi in the family Leprocaulaceae. It has 22 species.[1] The genus was circumscribed by Austrian lichenologist Michaela Mayrhofer in 1987, with Halecania alpivaga assigned as the type species. She created Halecania to contain species, formerly placed in Lecania, with the following characteristics: uniformly amyloid apical domes, paraphyses with dark brown apical caps, and halonate ascospores (i.e., surrounded by a transparent coat).[2]

Isotype of Halecania australis
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Ascomycota
Class: Lecanoromycetes
Order: Leprocaulales
Family: Leprocaulaceae
Genus: Halecania
M.Mayrhofer (1987)
Type species
Halecania alpivaga
(Th.Fr.) M.Mayrhofer (1987)


  • Halecania alpivaga (Th.Fr.) M.Mayrhofer (1987)
  • Halecania athallina Fryday (2020)[3]Alaska
  • Halecania australis Lumbsch (1994)
  • Halecania bryophila Fryday & Coppins (1996)
  • Halecania elaeiza (Nyl.) M.Mayrhofer (1987)
  • Halecania etayoana Palice, van den Boom & Elix (2009)
  • Halecania fuscopannariae Etayo & van den Boom (2009)
  • Halecania giraltiae van den Boom & Etayo (2001)
  • Halecania laevis M.Brand & van den Boom (2009)
  • Halecania lecanorina (Anzi) M.Mayrhofer (1987)
  • Halecania lobulata van den Boom & Elix (2005)[4]
  • Halecania micacea Fryday & Coppins (1996)[5]
  • Halecania pakistanica van den Boom & Elix (2005)[4]
  • Halecania panamensis van den Boom (2017)[6] – Panama
  • Halecania pannarica M.Brand & van den Boom (2009)
  • Halecania parasitica Aptroot & K.H.Moon (2015)[7]
  • Halecania pepegospora (H.Magn.) van den Boom (2005)
  • Halecania ralfsii (Salwey) M.Mayrhofer (1987)
  • Halecania rhypodiza (Nyl.) Coppins (1989)
  • Halecania robertcurtisii T.J.Curtis & Lendemer (2022)[8] – eastern North America
  • Halecania santessonii M.P.Andreev (2010)[9] – Russia
  • Halecania spodomela (Nyl.) M.Mayrhofer (1987)
  • Halecania subalpivaga S.Y.Kondr., Lőkös & Hur (2015)
  • Halecania subsquamosa (Müll.Arg.) van den Boom & H.Mayrhofer (2007)
  • Halecania tornensis (H.Magn.) M.Mayrhofer (1987)
  • Halecania viridescens Coppins & P.James (1989)


  1. Wijayawardene, Nalin; Hyde, Kevin; Al-Ani, Laith Khalil Tawfeeq; Somayeh, Dolatabadi; Stadler, Marc; Haelewaters, Danny; et al. (2020). "Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa". Mycosphere. 11: 1060–1456. doi:10.5943/mycosphere/11/1/8.
  2. Mayrhofer, H. (1987). "Studien über die saxicolen Arten der Flechtengattung Lecania in Europa I. Halecania gen. nov". Herzogia (in German). 7 (3–4): 381–406. doi:10.1127/herzogia/7/1987/381. S2CID 249735048.
  3. Spribille, Toby; Fryday, Alan M.; Pérez-Ortega, Sergio; Svensson, Måns; Tønsberg, Tor; Ekman, Stefan; Holien, Håkon; Resl, Philipp; Schneider, Kevin; Stabentheiner, Edith; Thüs, Holger; Vondrák, Jan; Sharman, Lewis (2020). "Lichens and associated fungi from Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska". The Lichenologist. 52 (2): 61–181. doi:10.1017/S0024282920000079. PMC 7398404. PMID 32788812.
  4. van den Boom, P.P.G.; Elix, J.A. (2005). "Notes on Halecania species, with descriptions of two new species from Asia". The Lichenologist. 37 (3): 237–246. doi:10.1017/S0024282905014787. S2CID 86081058.
  5. Fryday, A.M.; Coppins, B.J. (1996). "Three new species in the Catillariaceae from the central highlands of Scotland". The Lichenologist. 28 (6): 507–512. doi:10.1006/lich.1996.0048. S2CID 83480765.
  6. van den Boom, P.P.G.; Sipman, H.J.M.; Divakar, P.K.; Ertz, D. (2017). "New or interesting records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Panama, with descriptions of ten new species". Sydowia. 69: 47–72.
  7. Aptroot, A.; Moon, K.H. (2015). "New lichen records from Korea, with the description of the lichenicolous Halecania parasitica". Herzogia. 28: 197–207. doi:10.13158/heia.28.1.2015.193. S2CID 131146892.
  8. Curtis, Tomás J.; Lendemer, James C. (2022). "A new species of Halecania (Leprocaulaceae, Lecanoromycetes) from eastern North America". The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. 149 (1): 79–85. doi:10.3159/torrey-d-21-00037.1.
  9. Andreev, M. (2010). "Halecania santessonii, a new lichenicolous lichen from Russia". The Lichenologist. 42 (3): 249–252. doi:10.1017/s0024282909990703. S2CID 85114788.

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