Herman N. Neuberger

Herman Naftali Neuberger (26 June 1918 – 21 October 2005)[1] was an Orthodox Jewish rabbi who for over fifty years was the leader of Ner Israel Rabbinical College.[2] He was the brother of the physician Albert Neuberger.

Early years

Born in Hassfurt, northern Bavaria, he was the youngest of three children of Meir and Bertha Neuberger (née Hiller), [3] When he was eight years old the Neubergers moved to Würzburg. When he was 13, a few weeks after his bar mitzvah, his father died.[1] As a teenager in Würzburg he met Rabbi Shamshon Rafael Weiss, an affluent Torah scholar who became his mentor and encouraged him to attend a larger yeshiva, so he traveled to Poland to learn in the Mir Yeshiva.

By 1938 Anti-Semitism was growing in Europe due to the rise of the Nazis. A relative of his father in New York was able to send him immigration papers to come to the United States. Not wanting to leave others behind, he arranged for papers for some of his close relatives too. His mother and siblings had already escaped. He also helped Rabbi Dovid Kronglass, who would later become the Mashgiach of Ner Israel, escape.

In America

He studied in Baltimore at Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman's yeshiva in a local synagogue, named Ner Israel.[1] By 1941 Neuberger d on the Board, helping with administrative functions and arranging for the construction of a new school building on Garrison Blvd.[3]

In 1942, Rabbi Neuberger married Judy Kramer, Ruderman's sister in-law.[4] They remained married until her death in 1994.[1] During these early years,[1]

Saving a nation

He took part in the rescue of Persian Jewry.[1] In 1975 the Shah was still in power in Iran and although the country was secular, Jews had few opportunities to study Torah. Rabbi Neuberger brought a small group of Iranian youngsters to the Yeshiva with the intent that they would go back to Iran after receiving their rabbinical degrees to become educators. Before the plan began to bear fruit, it was 1979 and the Ayatollahs took command creating a more awkward situation for Persian Jews. Through a series of connections,[5] Rabbi Neuberger worked to help over 60,000 Jews escape from Iran in an operation still in effect today.[3][6]

Recognition as a college

At this point in Jewish American history, Orthodox and Haredi yeshivas were not considered colleges and their degrees were not recognized. Rabbi Neuberger, along with his lifelong friend, Rabbi Moshe Sherer started the Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools to help yeshivas gain recognition amongst American Colleges.[3]

Around the country

Another major accomplishment of Rabbi Neuberger was gathering married bachurim (young yeshiva-men) learning in Kollel Avodas Levi, and sending them out to open outreach kollelim around the country. Today there are kollelim in many cities including Atlanta, Georgia; Phoenix, Arizona; and Columbus and Cincinnati in Ohio.

Influential Connections

He was described as "politically connected" and was an advisor to city, state and Federal officials on matters affecting his school and fellow Jews around the world.[1]


He had five children, including his son Sheftel a rabbi who succeeded him as President of Ner Israel.[7]


  1. John Fritze (October 24, 2005). "Adviser, leader of rabbinical college". The Baltimore Sun.
  2. "Herman N. Neuberger, 87, rabbinical scholar". The Washington Times. October 26, 2005.
  3. Death of Rabbi Herman N. Neuberger, Hon. Benjamin Cardin, US House of Representatives, October 25, 2005 Benjamin Cardin (October 9, 2005). U. S. Congress (ed.). Congressional Record, V. 151, Pt. 17, October 7 to 26, 2005.
  4. Avi Shafran (November 11, 2005). "Naftali Neuberger, Led Famed Baltimore Seminary". The Forward. Retrieved December 8, 2010.
  5. Lauren Silberman (1 July 2008), The Jewish Community of Baltimore (Images of America: Maryland), ISBN 978-0-7385-5397-9
  6. Persian-style synagogue opening in Baltimore JTA (March 11, 2009). "Persian-style synagogue opening in Baltimore". Archived from the original on 6 June 2012. Retrieved 9 December 2010.
  7. "BDE: HaRav Sheftel Neuberger, Z'TL, Nasi Of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel". February 10, 2021.
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