Hot Road

Hot Road (ホットロード) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Taku Tsumugi. It was adapted into a live action film that was released on 16 August 2014.[2][3]

Hot Road
Cover of the first tankōbon volume as published by Shueisha
Published byShueisha
ImprintMargaret Comics
MagazineBessatsu Margaret
Original runJanuary 1986May 1987
Live-action film
Directed byTakahiro Miki
Written byTaku Tsumugi
ReleasedAugust 16, 2014 (2014-08-16)


  • Kazuki Miyaichi lives with her mother. Kazuki does not like her mother's boyfriend and she feels that she is not loved by her mother. This leads Kazuki to get into trouble.
  • Kazuki's mother
  • Hiroshi Haruyama is a troubled kid who does part-time jobs for a living instead of going to school. He is a member of the motorcycle gang “Nights”.
  • Tōru Tamami

Live-action film

A live-action film based on the manga was released on August 16, 2014.Takahiro Miki directed the film. The film stars Rena Nōnen as Kazuki Miyaichi and Hiroomi Tosaka as Hiroshi Haruyama.


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