Ingush Independence Committee

The Ingush Independence Committee or Committee of Ingush Independence (Ingush: Ğalğay Kortamuq̇alen Komitet, Russian: Комитет Ингушской Независимости, romanized: Komitet Ingushskoy Nezavisimosti) is an Ingush separatist organization founded on 7 January 2023 by Ingush diaspora in Turkey.

Ingush Independence Committee
Ğalğay Kortamuq̇alen Komitet (Ingush)
Комитет Ингушской Независимости (Russian)
Formation7 January 2023
PurposeIngush separatism
Key people
Magomed Toriev
Ahmad Ozdo
AffiliationsFree Nations of Post-Russia Forum


The committee was founded on 7 January 2023 in Istanbul by Ingush nationalists living in Turkey. The creation of the movement was supported by Oleksiy Goncharenko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada.[1]

The movement participated in the Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum, which was held in the European parliament in January 2023.[2]

In May 2023 the government of Ingushetia started charging known members of the organization with supporting the Cacuasus Emirate and justification of Nazism.[3]

The armed wing of the movement, the Ingush Liberation Army, was created in April 2023.

In 22 September 2023, the committee had a meeting with the Verkhovna Rada in which they discussed about the situation in Ingushetia and North Caucasus as a whole. The meeting was also attended by Refat Chubarov of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People.[4]

Ingush Liberation Army

The Ingush Liberation Army (Ingush: Ğalğay Kortamuq̇alen Eskar, Russian: Ингушская освободительная армия) is a paramilitary unit that is, allegedly, active in Ingushetia.[5]

According to the organization spokesperson, the army is made up of volunteers, mostly from Ingushetia, and veterans of the Chechen wars and Ingushetia border clashes.

The Ingush Liberation Army is currently not planning to join the Ukrainian army, but the spokesperson says it is a possibility.[6]


The committee does not claim to be a political party and doesn't have a specific ideology, it seeks to unite all Ingush people who support an independent state.

Despite that, many of the members have made comments about religion and traditionalism, saying that Ingushetia will stay a Muslim republic that follows traditions, the ILA also uses Shahada as its symbol.

The organization is against 2018 border changes and seeks to return the lost territories.[7]

The committee is against unification with other countries and refused an offer from the Chechen government in exile which would unify the two states, if they become independent, into a North Caucasian Confederation.[8]



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