John Mahia-ini

John Mahia-ini was an Anglican bishop in Kenya during the last quarter of the twentieth century.[1] he was Bishop of Mount Kenya Central from 1984[2] to 1993.[3] After his retirement, Bishop Mahiaini and his wife Started a school called St. Anna Care Centre for the orphans and the vulnerable in the Gathukeini location, his home place. It is from this place that he also started a goat project for the elderly to empower them financially. The school currently has a population of 390 children from the local community and serves 150 elderly men and women. His driving strength is found in the Bible, James 1:27; 'Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.' (ESV) This work is supported by people of good will both in Kenya and abroad; Britain, America, Slovakia, Sweden and Canada.


  1. Anglican Communion News Service
  2. "New dioceses in Kenya". Church Times. No. 6376. 26 April 1985. p. 4. ISSN 0009-658X. Retrieved 23 November 2017 via UK Press Online archives.
  3. 'Church, State, and Society in Kenya: From Mediation to Opposition, 1963–1993' Sabar, G p331: London; Frank Cass; 2002

St. Anna Care Centre for the Orphans and the elderly

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