Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences

Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences (official name: National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan), (Kyrgyz: Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук илимдер академиясы), originally part of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, was established as an independent entity by government decree in December 1993.

National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic
  • Кыргыз Республикасынын Улуттук илимдер академиясы (Kyrgyz)
  • Национальная академия наук Кыргызской Республики (Russian)
AbbreviationNAN KR
PurposeFundamental and applied research contributing to the development of productive forces of the country, its scientific and technical potential, culture, education, literature, and arts, the formation of law-governed state, and contributing to peace-building and international friendship
Coordinates42°52′41″N 74°34′47″E
Kanat Abdrakhmatov (since November 2022)
479,200,000 Kyrgyz som (2022) [1]

The aims of the academy are to carry out research in natural, engineering, and social sciences, to train scientists in all fields of knowledge, to advise the government in matters of scientific policy, and to disseminate knowledge. The academy defines the research topics in the national research institutions, coordinates basic research funded by the state, participates in international organizations, and organizes symposia and conferences to discuss scientific issues and coordinate research. As of 2008, there are 37 academicians, 57 corresponding members, and 7 foreign members. Academician Kanat Abdrakhmatov was elected to a position as the new president of the Academy on 28 November 2022.


The history of the Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences begins in 1943 when Kyrgyz Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was established. It included institutes of geology, biology, chemistry, language, and history. An increasing potential of the branch resulted in establishing the Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz SSR by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union on August 17, 1954. Among 8 research units of the academy were institutes of: chemistry, geology, botanic, water management and energy, history, zoology and parasitology, language and literature, and medicine. In December 1993, the Academy of Sciences was transformed into National Academy of Sciences with newly established South branch.[2]

Departments and Institutions

The academy has 3 major departments (sections), specifically:

  • Physico Technical, Mathematical, and Mining and Geological Sciences,
  • Chemical Engineering, Medical and Biological, and Agrarian Sciences, and
  • Social Sciences

Each of departments consists of scientific institutes, and centers.

Department of Physico Technical, Mathematical, and Mining and Geological Sciences

  • Institute of Automatics and Information Technologies
  • Institute of Machine Science
  • Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics
  • Institute of Physico Technical Problems and Material Engineering
  • Institute of Water Problems and Hydroenergetics
  • Institute of Geology
  • Institute of Rock Mechanics and Exploration of Mineral Resources
  • Institute of Seismology

Department of Chemical Engineering, Medical and Biological, and Agrarian Sciences

  • Institute of Biotechnology
  • Institute of Forest after G.A.Gan
  • Botanical Garden after E.Z Gareev
  • Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
  • Institute of Mountain Physiology
  • Innovation Center of Phytotechnologies
  • Botanic and Soils Institute

Department of Social Sciences

  • Institute of History and Cultural Heritage
  • Institute of Language and Literature after Ch.T.Aitmatov
  • Institute of Economics after A.Alyshbaev
  • Institute of Philosophy and Political-Legal Research
  • Center of Methodology of Science and Social Research


The budget of the organization was 479,200,000 Kyrgyz som in 2022.

Presidents of the Academy of Sciences

The list of presidents of the Academy of Sciences is as follows:[3]

NameDatesField of ExpertiseOrganization
Constantin ScriabineJanuary 1943 - July 1952Veterinary ScienceKyrgyz branch of the Academy of Sciences of USSR
Isa AkhunbaevJuly 1952 - December 1954MedicineKyrgyz branch of the Academy of Sciences of USSR
Isa AkhunbaevDecember 1954 - February 1960MedicineAcademy of Sciences of Kyrgyz SSR
Kurman-Gali KarakeevFebruary 1960 - November 1978HistoryAcademy of Sciences of Kyrgyz SSR
Musa AdyshevNovember 1978 - December 1978GeologyAcademy of Sciences of Kyrgyz SSR
Murzabek ImanalievJuly 1979 - March 1987MathematicsAcademy of Sciences of Kyrgyz SSR
Nikolay LaverovJuly 1987 - March 1989GeologyAcademy of Sciences of Kyrgyz SSR
Askar AkaevMarch 1989 - October 1990OptoelectronicsAcademy of Sciences of Kyrgyz SSR
Ilgiz AitmatovDecember 1990 - December 1993Mechanics of RocksNational Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic
Turar KoychuevDecember 1993 - December 1997EconomicsNational Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic
Janybek JeenbaevDecember 1997 - April 2007PhysicsNational Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic
Sharipa JorobekovaApril 2007 - April 2012Physical ChemistryNational Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic
Abdygany ErkebayevApril 2012 - April 2017Kyrgyz LiteratureNational Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic
Murat DjumataevOctober 2017 - October 2022Machine scienceNational Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic
Kanat Abdrakhmatovsince November 2022SeismologyNational Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic



  1. "Бюджет Академии наук КР вырастет в 2023 году на 187.5 млн сомов" [The budget of the Academy of Sciences will increase by 187.5 million som in 2023] (in Russian). 28 November 2022. Retrieved 16 May 2023.
  2. Национальная академия наук Кыргызской Республики [National Academy of Science of Kyrgyz Republic] (in Russian). Bishkek: Ilim. 1995. p. 151. ISBN 5-8355-0850-6.
  3. "List of the presidents of the Academy of Sciences (in Russian)". Archived from the original on 2012-03-20. Retrieved 2011-07-31.
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