List of Acer species
There are over 160[1] species in the genus Acer. Species with evergreen foliage are tagged #. Species and sections that are extinct are tagged with †.
Species A-Z
The following is a list of species ordered alphabetically. This is as accepted in September 2015 by the Plant List, which is maintained by Kew Botanical Garden in London, with additions from paleobotanical literature.[2]
Species A
- Acer acuminatum Wall. ex D.Don
- †Acer alaskense Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer amamiense Yamazaki
- Acer amplum Rehder
- Acer argutum
- †Acer ashwilli Wolfe & Tanai[2]
Species B
- Acer barbinerve
- †Acer beckianum Prakash & Barghoorn, 1961
- Acer brachystephyanum
- †Acer browni Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer buergerianum
Species C
- Acer caesium
- Acer calcaratum
- Acer caloneurum
- Acer campbellii
- Acer campestre
- Acer capillipes
- Acer cappadocicum
- Acer carpinifolium
- †Acer castorrivularis Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer caudatifolium
- Acer caudatum
- Acer ceriferum
- †Acer chaneyi Knowlton[2]
- Acer chapaense
- Acer chiangdaoense
- Acer cinerascentiforme
- Acer circinatum
- Acer cissifolium
- †Acer clarnoense Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer confertifolium
- Acer cordatum
- Acer coriaceifolium
- Acer crassum
- Acer crataegifolium
Species D
- Acer davidii
- †Acer dettermani Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer diabolicum
- Acer discolor
- Acer distylum
- †Acer douglasense Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer duplicatoserratum
Species E
- Acer elegantulum
- Acer emeiense
- †Acer eonegundo Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer erianthum
- Acer erythranthum
- Acer eucalyptoides
- †Acer ezoanum[2]
Species F-J
- Acer fabri
- Acer fengii
- Acer fenzelianum
- Acer foveolatum
- †Acer ferrignoi Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer forrestii
- Acer garrettii
- Acer ginnala
- Acer glabrum
- Acer gracilifolium
- Acer granatense
- Acer griseum
- Acer guanense
- Acer guizhouense
- Acer hainanense
- Acer heldreichii
- Acer henryi
- †Acer hillsi Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer huangpingense
- Acer hyrcanum
- †Acer ivanofense Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer japonicum
- Acer jingdongense
Species K-O
- †Acer kenaicum Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer laevigatum
- Acer laisuense
- Acer lanpingense
- †Acer latahense Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer laurinum
- Acer lauyuense
- Acer laxiflorum
- Acer legonsanicum
- Acer leipoense
- Acer leptophyllum
- Acer leucoderme
- Acer lichuanense
- †Acer lincolnense Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer linganense
- Acer lobelii
- Acer longipedicellatum
- Acer longipes
- Acer lucidum
- Acer macrophyllum
- Acer mairei
- Acer mandshuricum
- Acer mapienense
- Acer maximowiczianum
- Acer maximowiczii
- Acer mazandaranicum
- Acer medogense
- Acer metcalfii
- Acer miaoshanicum
- Acer micranthum
- Acer mirabile
- Acer miyabei
- Acer monspessulanum
- Acer morifolium
- Acer nayongense
- Acer negundo
- Acer nigrum Acer saccharum subsp. nigrum(?)
- Acer nipponicum Hara
- Acer oblongum
- Acer obtusifolium
- Acer okamotoi
- Acer oligocarpum
- Acer olivaceum
- Acer oliverianum
- Acer opalus
Species P
- †Acer palaeorufinerve Tanai & Onoe[2]
- Acer palmatum
- Acer pauciflorum
- Acer paxii
- Acer pectinatum
- Acer pehpeiense
- Acer pensylvanicum
- Acer pentaphyllum
- Acer pentapomicum
- Acer pictum
- Acer pilosum
- Acer platanoides
- Acer pluridens
- Acer poliophyllum
- Acer pseudoplatanus
- Acer pseudosieboldianum
- Acer pseudowilsonii
- Acer pubipalmatum
- Acer pycnanthum
Species R
- †Acer republicense Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer robustum
- †Acer rousei Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer rubescens
- Acer rubronervium
- Acer rubrum
- Acer rufinerve Siebold & Zuccarini
Species S
- Acer saccharinum Linnaeus
- Acer saccharum
- Acer salweenense
- Acer schneiderianum
- Acer sempervirens
- Acer shangszeense
- Acer shenkanense
- Acer shensiense
- Acer shihweii
- Acer shirasawanum
- Acer sichourense
- Acer sieboldianum
- Acer sikkimense
- Acer sino-oblongum
- Acer sinopurpurascens
- †Acer smileyi Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer spicatum
- †Acer spitzi Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer stachyophyllum
- Acer sterculiaceum
- †Acer stewarti Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- †Acer stonebergae Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer sutchuenense
- Acer sycopseoides
Species T
- †Acer taggarti Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer taipuense
- Acer tataricum
- †Acer taurocursumWolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer tegmentosum
- Acer tenellum
- Acer tibetense
- Acer tonkinense
- †Acer toradense Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- †Acer traini Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer trialatum
- Acer tricaudatum
- Acer triflorum
- Acer truncatum
- Acer tschonoskii
- Acer turcomanicum
- Acer tutcheri
Species U-Z
- Acer undulatum
- Acer velutinum
- Acer wangchii
- Acer wardii
- †Acer washingtonense Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- †Acer whitebirdense (Ashlee) Wolfe & Tanai[2]
- Acer wuyishanicum
- Acer wuyuanense
- Acer yangbiense
- Acer yaoshanicum
- Acer yinkunii
- Acer yui
Species listed by section and series

Montpellier maple (Acer monspessulanum)
Infrageneric classification of extant species follows The Maple Society (E. Davis), 2021.[3]
Section Acer
- Series Acer
- Acer caesium Wall. ex Brandis
- Acer heldreichii Orph. ex Boiss.
- Acer pseudoplatanus L.
- Acer sosnowskyi Duloch
- Acer velutinum Boiss.
- Acer yangbiense Chen & Yang
- Series Monspessulana
- Acer granatense Boissier
- Acer hyrcanum Fisch. & Meyer
- Acer iranicum Mohtashamian & Rastegar
- Acer mazandaranicum H.Zare & Assad
- Acer monspessulanum L.
- Acer obtusifolium Sibthorp & Smith
- Acer opalus Miller
- Acer sempervirens L.
- Acer undulatum Pojark
- Series Saccharodendron
- Acer binzayedii Vargas-Rodriguez
- Acer floridanum (Chapm.) Pax [4]
- Acer grandidentatum Torr. & Gray[5]
- Acer leucoderme Small [6]
- Acer nigrum Michx.f.[7]
- Acer saccharum Marshall
- Acer skutchii Rehder[8]
Section †Alaskana
- †Acer alaskense Wolfe & Tanai (Late Paleocene, Matanuska River Valley, Alaska)[2]
Section Arguta
- Acer acuminatum Wall. ex D.Don
- Acer argutum Maxim. – deep-veined maple
- Acer barbinerve Maxim. – bearded maple
- †Acer ivanofense Wolfe & Tanai (Late Eocene to Early Oligocene, Meshik Volcanics, Alaska)[2]
- Acer stachyophyllum Hiern – birch-leaved maple
Section †Douglasa
- †Acer douglasense Wolfe & Tanai (Early Eocene, Cape Douglas, Alaska)[2]
Section Ginnala

Amur maple (Acer ginnala)

Tatar maple (Acer tataricum)
- †Acer ashwilli Wolfe & Tanai (Early Oligocene, Central Oregon)[2]
- Acer ginnala Maxim. – Amur maple[9]
- Acer tataricum L. – Tatar maple
Section Glabra
- Series Glabra
- Acer glabrum Torr. – Douglas maple, Rocky Mountain maple, Greene's maple, New Mexico maple, Torrey maple
- Series incertae sedis
- †Acer traini Wolfe & Tanai (Early to middle Miocene, Western North America)[2]
Section Indivisa
- Series Indivisa
- Acer carpinifolium Siebold & Zucc. – hornbeam maple
Section Lithocarpa
- Series Lithocarpa
- Acer diabolicum Blume ex Koch – horned maple
- Acer kungshanense W. P. Fang & C. Y. Chang
- Acer leipoense Fang & Soong
- Acer lungshengense W. P. Fang & L. C. Hu
- Acer sinopurpurascens Cheng
- Acer sterculiaceum Wall. – Franchet’s maple, Himalayan maple
- Acer thomsonii Miquel
- Acer tsinglingense W. P. Fang & C. C. Hsieh
Section Macrantha

Red snakebark maple (Acer capillipes)

Acer davidii subsp. grosseri
- Acer capillipes Maxim.
- †Acer castorrivularis Wolfe & Tanai (Late Eocene, Beaver Creek Flora)[2]
- Acer caudatifolium Hayata
- Acer chienii Hu & Cheng
- †Acer clarnoense Wolfe & Tanai (Late Eocene, John Day Formation)[2]
- Acer crataegifolium Siebold & Zucc.
- Acer davidii Franch.
- †Acer dettermani Wolfe & Tanai (Late Eocene - Early Oligocene, Meshik Volcanics)[2]
- Acer forrestii Diels
- Acer hookeri Miq.
- Acer insulare Makino
- Acer kawakamii Koidz.
- Acer komarovii Pojark in Komarov
- †Acer latahense Wolfe & Tanai (Early - Late Miocene, Latah, Mascall, and Succor Creek Formations)[2]
- Acer laxiflorum Pax in Engler
- Acer maximowiczii Pax[10]
- Acer metcalfii Rehder
- Acer micranthum Siebold & Zucc.
- Acer morifolium Koidz.
- †Acer palaeorufinerve Tanai & Onoe (Miocene to Pliocene, East Asia & Alaska)[2]
- Acer pectinatum Wall. ex Nicholson
- Acer pensylvanicum L.
- Acer rubescens Hayata
- Acer rufinerve Siebold & Zucc.
- Acer sikkimense Miq.
- Acer tegmentosum Maxim.
- Acer tschonoskii Murray
Section Negundo
- Series Negundo
- †Acer eonegundo Wolfe & Tanai (Middle - Late Eocene, Nevada)[2]
- Acer negundo L. – box elder, boxelder maple, Manitoba maple
- Series Cissifolia
- Acer cissifolium (Siebold & Zucc.) Koch
- Acer henryi Pax [11]
- †Acer lincolnense Wolfe & Tanai (late Eocene, Beaver Creek Flora, Montana)[2]
Section Palmata

Fullmoon maple (Acer japonicum)

Acer laevigatum seeds

Japanese maple (Acer palmatum)
- Series Palmata
- Acer amoenum (Carriere) Hara
- Acer anhweiense Fang & Fang f.
- Acer calcaratum Gagnep.
- Acer campbellii Hook.f. & Thomson ex Hiern – Campbell's maple
- Acer chingii Hu
- Acer circinatum Pursh – vine maple
- Acer confertifolium Merril & Metcalf
- Acer duplicatoserratum Hayata
- Acer elegantulum Fang & Chiu
- Acer erianthum Schwer.
- Acer fenzelianum Hand.-Mazz. – Fenzl's maple
- Acer flabellatum Rehder[12]
- Acer heptaphlebium Gagnepain
- Acer japonicum Thunb. – downy Japanese maple
- Acer kuomeii Fang & Fang f.
- Acer kweilinense Fang & Fang f.
- Acer miaoshanicum Fang
- Acer oliverianum Pax – Oliver's maple[13]
- Acer osmastonii Gamble
- Acer palmatum Thunb. – Japanese maple
- Acer pauciflorum Fang
- Acer pseudosieboldianum (Pax) Komarov - Korean maple
- Acer pseudowilsonii Y.S.Chen
- Acer pubinerve Rehder
- Acer pubipalmatum Fang
- Acer robustum Pax
- Acer serrulatum Hayata
- Acer shirasawanum Koidz. – Shirasawa's maple[14]
- Acer sieboldianum Miq. – Siebold's maple
- Acer sinense Pax – Campbell's maple[15]
- Acer takesimense Nakai
- Acer tenuifolium (Koidzumi) Koidzumi
- Acer tonkinense Lecompte
- Acer tutcheri Duthie
- Acer wangchii Fang
- Acer wilsonii Rehder – Wilson's maple[16]
- Series Penninervia
- Acer cordatum Pax
- Acer crassum Chu & Cheng
- Acer erythranthum Gagnep.
- Acer fabri Hance
- Acer hilaense Hu & Cheng
- Acer kwangnanense Hu & Cheng
- Acer laevigatum Hu & Cheng – # smoothbark maple
- Acer oligocarpum
- Acer pubipetiolatum Hu & W.C.Cheng
- Acer sino-oblongum Metcalf
- Acer wangchii Fang
Section Parviflora
- Series Distyla
- Acer distylum Siebold & Zucc. – lime-leaved maple
- Series Parviflora
- Acer nipponicum Hara – Nippon maple
- Series incertae sedis
- †Acer browni Wolfe & Tanai (Early-Middle Miocene; Washington, Oregon, British Columbia)[2]
- †Acer smileyi Wolfe & Tanai (late Oligocene-Middle Miocene; Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada)[2]
Section Pentaphylla
- Series Pentaphylla
- Acer pentaphyllum Diels
- Series Trifida (syn Section integrifolia)
- Acer albopurpurascens Hayata
- Acer buergerianum Miq. – trident maple
- Acer chiangdaoense Santisuk
- Acer coriaceifolium Lév. - # leatherleaf maple
- Acer gracilifolium Fang & Fu
- Acer lucidum Metcalf
- Acer oblongum Wall. ex DC. - #
- Acer paihengii Fang
- Acer paxii Franch. - #
- Acer poliophyllum Fang & Wu
- Acer shihweii Chun & Fang
- Acer sycopseoides Chun
- Acer wangchii Fang
- Acer yinkunii Fang
- Acer yui Fang
Section Platanoidea
- Series Platanoidea
- Acer acutum Fang
- Acer amplum Rehder – broad maple[17]
- Acer campestre L. – field maple
- Acer cappadocicum Gled. – Cappadocian maple
- Acer chunii Fang
- Acer divergens Koch ex Pax
- Acer fulvescens Rehder in Sargent
- Acer lobelii Ten. – Lobel's maple[18]
- Acer longipes Franch. ex Rehder
- Acer miaotaiense P.C.Tsoong[19]
- Acer miyabei Maxim. – Miyabe's maple
- Acer okamotoanum Nakai
- Acer pictum Thunberg
- Acer platanoides L. – Norway maple
- Acer shenkanense Fang ex Fu
- Acer tenellum Pax
- Acer tibetense Fang
- Acer truncatum Bunge – Shandong maple
- Acer turkestanicum Pax in Engler
Section Pubescentia
- Series Pubescentia
- Acer pentapomicum Stewart ex Brandis
- Acer pilosum Maximowicz
Section †Republica
- †Acer republicense Wolfe & Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington state)[2]
Section †Rousea
- †Acer rousei Wolfe & Tanai (Early Eocene, British Columbia)[2]
Section Rubra
- †Acer chaneyi Knowlton (Oligocene to Miocene, Western US)[2]
- †Acer ferrignoi Wolfe & Tanai (Late Miocene, Oregon)[2]
- †Acer kenaicum Wolfe & Tanai (Oligocene, Kenai group, Alaska)[2]
- Acer laurinum Hassk. - #
- Acer pycnanthum K.Koch
- Acer rubrum L. – red maple
- Acer saccharinum L. – silver maple
- †Acer taggarti Wolfe & Tanai (Middle Miocene, Mascall Formation, Oregon)[2]
- †Acer taurocursum Wolfe & Tanai (Late Eocene, Bull Run, Nevada)[2]
- †Acer whitebirdense (Ashlee) Wolfe & Tanai (Middle Miocene, Northwestern USA)[2]
Section Spicata
- Acer caudatum Wall. – tail-leaf maple
- Acer spicatum Lamarck – mountain maple
- Acer ukurunduense Trautvetter & Meyer
Section †Stewarta
- †Acer hillsi Wolfe & Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington state)[2]
- †Acer stewarti Wolfe & Tanai (Early Eocene, British Columbia)[2]
Section †Spitza
- †Acer spitzi Wolfe & Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington state)[2]
Section †Torada
- †Acer stonebergae Wolfe & Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington State & British Columbia)[2]
- †Acer toradense Wolfe & Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington State & British Columbia)[2]
- †Acer washingtonense Wolfe & Tanai (Early Eocene, Washington State)[2]
Section Trifoliata

Paperbark maple (Acer griseum)

Acer maximowiczianum leaves
- Series Emeiensia
- Acer sutchuenense Franch.
- Series Grisea
- Acer griseum (Franch.) Pax – paperbark maple
- Acer maximowiczianum Miq. – Nikko maple
- Acer triflorum Komarov – three-flowered maple
- Series Mandshurica
- Acer mandshuricum Maxim. – Manchurian maple
Section Wardiana
- Acer wardii W.W.Smith

Zoeschen maple (Acer × zoeschense)
- Acer × bormuelleri Borbas (A. monspessulanum × A. campestre or A. opalus)
- Acer × boscii Spach (A. monspessulanum × A. tataricum or A. pensylvanicum × A. tataricum, possibly A. tataricum × A. campestre)
- Acer × conspicuum van Gelderen & Otterdoom (A. davidii × A. pensylvanicum)
- Acer × coriaceum Bosc ex Tausch (A. monspessulanum × A. opalus ssp. obtusatum)
- Acer × dieckii van Gelderen & Otterdoom See A. platanoides[20]
- Acer × freemanii Murray (A. rubrum × A. saccharinum)
- Acer × hillieri Lancaster (A. miyabei × A. cappadocicum 'Aureum')
- Acer × martinii Jordan (A. monspessulanum × A. opalus)
- Acer × pseudo-heldreichii Fukarek & Celjo (A. pseudoplatanus × A. heldreichii)
- Acer × ramosum Jordan (A. monspessulanum × A. opalus)
- Acer × schwerinii Pax (uncertain, maybe A. crataegifolium × A. rufinerve)
- Acer × zoeschense Pax (A. campestre × either A. cappadocicum or A. lobelii)[21]
- "Acer". The Plant List. Version 1.1. 2013. Retrieved 2016-09-17.
- Wolfe, J.A.; Tanai, T. (1987). "Systematics, Phylogeny, and Distribution of Acer (maples) in the Cenozoic of Western North America". Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy. 22 (1): 1–246. Archived from the original on 2011-10-04. Retrieved 2011-08-18.
- Davis, E. (March 2021). "Systematic Classification of Acer" (PDF). The Maple Society. Retrieved 28 August 2021.
- Whether this or A. barbatum is the proper name of this taxon is subject to contention, though Michaux's original material was a mix of A. saccharum and A. rubrum. It is often treated as a subspecies of A. saccharum: A. s. subsp. floridanum (Chapm.) Desmarais.
- Sometimes treated as a subspecies of A. saccharum: A. s. subsp. grandidentatum (Torr. & Gray) Desmarais.
- Often treated as a subspecies of A. saccharum: A. s. subsp. leucoderme (Small) Desmarais.
- Often treated as a subspecies of A. saccharum: A. s. subsp. nigrum (Michx.f.) Desmarais.
- Sometimes treated as a subspecies of A. saccharum: A. s. subsp. skutchii (Rehder) E.Murray.
- Sometimes considered a subspecies of A. tataricum: A. t. subsp. ginnala (Maxim.) Wesm.
- Sometimes considered a subspecies of A. pectinatum: A. p. subsp. maximowiczii (Pax) E.Murray. Not to be confused with A. maximowiczianum Miq.
- Sometimes treated as a subspecies of A. cissifolium: A. c. subsp. henryi (Pax) E.Murray.
- Often treated as a subspecies of A. campbellii: A. c. subsp. flabellatum (Rehder) E.Murray.
- Sometimes treated as a subspecies of A. campbellii: A. c. subsp. oliverianum (Pax) E.Murray
- Also "fullmoon maple", which is also used for A.japonicum. This is made more complex by A. japonicum var. microphyllum being a synonym of A. shirasawanum.
- Often treated as a subspecies of A. campbellii: A. c. subsp. sinense (Rehder) De Jong.
- Often treated as a subspecies of A. campbellii: A. c. subsp. wilsonii (Rehder) De Jong.
- Sometimes treated as a subspecies of A. longipes: A. l. subsp. amplum (Rehder) De Jong.
- Sometimes treated as a subspecies of A. platanoides: A. p. subsp. lobelii (Ten.) Gams, or A. cappadocicum: A. c. subsp. lobelii (Ten.) De Jong.
- Sometimes considered a subspecies of A. miyabei: A. m. subsp. miaotaiense (P.C.Tsoong) E.Murray.
- van Gelderen (p. 245) concludes this is probably an aberrant A. platanoides closer to cultivar status.
- The identity of the second parent is uncertain, with these two species cited by different authors.

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Acer.
- van Gelderen, Dick M.; Piet C. de Jong; Herman John Oterdoom (1994). Maples of the World. Portland: Timber Press. ISBN 0-88192-000-2.
- Rushforth, Keith (1999). Trees of Britain and Europe. London: Collins. ISBN 0-00-220013-9.
- Turland, Nicholas J. (November 1995). "Neotypification of Acer orientale (Aceraceae)". Taxon. International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT). 44 (4): 597–600. doi:10.2307/1223502. JSTOR 1223502.
- Xu, Ting-zhi; Chen Yousheng; Piet C. de Jong; Herman J. Oterdoom; Chin-Sung Chang. "Aceraceae". Flora of China. Retrieved 2008-05-28.
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