List of Acts of the Parliament of South Africa, 1910–1919

This is a list of acts of the Parliament of South Africa enacted in the years 1910 to 1919.

South African acts are uniquely identified by the year of passage and an act number within that year. Some acts have gone by more than one short title in the course of their existence; in such cases each title is listed with the years in which it applied.

The National Archives of the United Kingdom hold copies of the Acts from 1910 - 1925 in TNA Catalogue ref: CO 632. Correspondence relating to the Acts can also be found in the Original Correspondence, TNA Catalogue ref: CO 551.

The South Africa Act, 1909, which created the Union of South Africa, is often listed with the acts of the Parliament of South Africa although it was enacted by the Parliament of the United Kingdom.


Act no.Short title
1Crown Liabilities Act, 1910
2Census Act, 1910
3Public Holidays Act, 1910
4Naturalization of Aliens Act, 1910
5Interpretation Act, 1910
6Mining Taxation Act, 1910
7Appropriation (1910–1911) Act, 1910
8Railways and Harbours Appropriation Act, 1910
9Rhodes' Will (Groote Schuur Devolution) Act, 1910
10Patents Amendment (Natal and Orange Free State) Act, 1910
11Cape Province Cattle Cleansing Act, 1910


Act no.Short title
1Appellate Division Further Jurisdiction Act, 1911
2Crown Land Disposal (Execution of Deeds) Act, 1911
3High Commissioner's Act, 1911
4South African College Act, 1911
5Additional Appropriation (1910–1911) Act, 1911
6Appropriation (Part) Act, 1911
7Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1911
8Explosives Act, 1911
9Habitual Criminals Act, 1911
10Post Office Administration and Shipping Combinations Discouragement Act, 1911
11Agricultural Pests Act, 1911
12Mines and Works Act, 1911
13Prisons and Reformatories Act, 1911
14Diseases of Stock Act, 1911
15Native Labour Regulation Act, 1911 (before 1964)
Bantu Labour Regulation Act, 1911 (after 1964)
16Cigarette Excise and Surtax Act, 1911
17General Loans Act, 1911
18Public Debt Commissioners Act, 1911
19Powers and Privileges of Parliament Act, 1911
20Dipping Tanks (Advances) Act, 1911
21Exchequer and Audit Act, 1911
22Bushman-Relics Protection Act, 1911
23Dutch Reformed Churches Union Act, 1911
24Appropriation (1911–1912) Act, 1911
25Railways and Harbours Additional Appropriation (1910–1911) Act, 1911
26Natal Poll Tax Act, 1905, Amendment Act, 1911
27Railways and Harbours Appropriation (1911–1912) Act, 1911
28Loans Appropriation (1910–1912) Act, 1911
29Public Works Loan and Floating Debt Consolidation Act, 1911
30Stamp Duties and Fees Act, 1911
31Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Appropriation (1910–1912) Act, 1911
32Anatomy Act, 1911
33Railways Construction Act, 1911
34Miners' Phthisis Allowances Act, 1911


Act no.Short title
1Natal Native Trust and Native Administration Amendment Act, 1912
2Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1912
3Appropriation (Part) Act, 1912
4Additional Appropriation (1910–1912) Act, 1912
5Oliphants River (Van Rhynsdorp) Canal Act, 1912
6Gill College Corporation Private Act, 1912
7Natal Bank (Limited) Laws 1888 to 1912 Private Act, 1912
8Irrigation and Conservation of Waters Act, 1912
9Second Appropriation (Part) Act, 1912
10Second Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1912
11Unauthorized Expenditure (1910–1911) Act, 1912
12Land Settlement Act, 1912
13South Africa Defence Act, 1912
14Police Act, 1912
15Transvaal and Orange Free State Land Settlements Amendment Act, 1912
16Judges' Salaries and Pensions Act, 1912
17Fencing Act, 1912
18Land Bank Act, 1912
19Miners' Phthisis Act, 1912
20Private Bill Procedure Act, 1912
21Appropriation (1912–1913) Act, 1912
22Railways and Harbours Appropriation (1912–1913) Act, 1912
23Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Appropriation (1912–1913) Act, 1912
24Loan Appropriation (1912–1913) Act, 1912
25Railways and Harbours Unauthorized Expenditure (1910–1911) Act, 1912
26Railways and Harbours Additional Appropriation (1911–1912) Act, 1912
27Administration of Justice Act, 1912
28Railways and Harbours Service Act, 1912
29Public Service and Pensions Act, 1912
30Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Additional Appropriation (1910–1912) Act, 1912


Act no.Short title
1Appropriation (Part) Act, 1913
2Additional Appropriation (1912–1913) Act, 1913
3Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1913
4Railways and Harbours Additional Appropriation (1912–1913) Act, 1913
5Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Additional Appropriation (1912–1913) Act, 1913
6Trustee Investment in Union Government Securities Act, 1913
7Excise (Proposed Duties Procedure) Act, 1913
8Natal Poll Tax Further Suspension Act, 1913
9Customs Management Act, 1913
10Financial Relations Act, 1913
11Transfer Duty Reduction Act, 1913
12Maclear and Elliot Districts Further Provision Act, 1913
13Second Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1913
14Dipping Tanks Further Provision Act, 1913
15Wine, Spirits and Vinegar Act, 1913
16Forest Act, 1913
17Railways and Harbours Unauthorized Expenditure (1911–1912) Act, 1913
18Transvaal Precious and Base Metals Act Amendment Act, 1913
19Carnarvon Outer Commonage Settlement Act, 1913
20Marriage Laws Amendment Act, 1913
21Unauthorized Expenditure (1911–1912) Act, 1913
22Immigrants Regulation Act, 1913 (before 1961)
Admission of Persons to the Union Regulation Act, 1913 (after 1961)
23Railways Construction Act, 1913
24Administration of Estates Act, 1913
25Children's Protection Act, 1913
26New Fiscal Divisions (Cape) Act, 1913
27Natives Land Act, 1913 (before 1964)
Bantu Land Act, 1913 (from 1964 to 1978)
Black Land Act, 1913 (after 1978)
28Appropriation (1913–1914) Act, 1913
29North Barrow and Weenen Commonages Amendment Act, 1913
30Bills of Exchange (Non-Business Days) Act, 1913
31Stamp Duties and Fees Amendment Act, 1913
32Railways and Harbours Appropriation (1913–1914) Act, 1913
33Public Works Loan Act, 1913
34Loan Appropriation (1913–1914) Act, 1913
35Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Appropriation (1913–1914) Act, 1913
36Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1913
37Excise and Customs Tariffs Amendment Act, 1913
38Loan Redemption (1910–1911) Validation Act, 1913


Act no.Short title
1Indemnity and Undesirables Special Deportation Act, 1914
2Appropriation (Part) Act, 1914
3Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1914
4Additional Appropriation (1913–1914) Act, 1914
5Railways and Harbours Additional Appropriation (1913–1914) Act, 1914
6Railways and Harbours (Application of Moneys 1912–1913) Validation Act, 1914
7Railways and Harbours Strike and Service Amendment Act, 1914
8Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1914
9Prescription Further Amendment Act (Transvaal), 1914
10Cape Liquor Licensing Courts (Constitution) Amendment Act, 1914
11Natal Public Health Acts (Re-enactment and Amendment) Act, 1914
12Unauthorized Expenditure (1912–1913) Act, 1914
13Matches Duty Act, 1914
14Lunacy and Leprosy Laws Amendment Act, 1914
15Workmen's Wages Protection Act, 1914
16Justices of the Peace and Oaths Act, 1914
17Fruit Export Act, 1914
18The Rand Water Board Supplementary Water Supply (Private) Act, 1914
19Second Appropriation (Part) Act, 1914
20Second Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1914
21Co-operative Agricultural Societies (Transvaal and Orange Free State) Amendment Act, 1914
22Indians Relief Act, 1914
23Wharfage and Light Dues Act, 1914
24Railways and Harbours Unauthorized Expenditure (1912–1913) Act, 1914
25Workmen's Compensation Act, 1914
26Customs Tariff Act, 1914
27Riotous Assemblies and Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1914
28Income Tax Act, 1914
29Miners' Phthisis Act Amendment Act, 1914
30Natal Poll Tax Further Suspension Act, 1914
31Appropriation (1914–1915) Act, 1914
32Hartebeestpoort Irrigation Scheme (Crocodile River) Act, 1914
33Borrowing Powers and General Loans Act Amendment Act, 1914
34Railways and Harbours Appropriation (1914–1915) Act, 1914
35Loan Appropriation (1914–1915) Act, 1914
36Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Appropriation (1914–1915) Act, 1914
37Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1914
38Statistics Act, 1914
39Public Service and Pensions Act Amendment Act, 1914
40Criminal Justice Administration Act, 1914

1914 Special Session

Act no.Short title
1Public Welfare and Moratorium Act, 1914
2Prieska–Upington Railway Construction Act, 1914
3Additional Loan Appropriation (1914–1915) Act, 1914
4Currency Act, 1914


Act no.Short title
1Appropriation (Part) Act, 1915
2Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1915
3Additional Appropriation (1914–1915) Act, 1915
4Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Additional Appropriation (1914–1915) Act, 1915
5Railways and Harbours Additional Appropriation (1914–1915) Act, 1915
6Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Appropriation (1915–1916) Act, 1915
7Hlobane Railway Amendment Act, 1915
8Railways and Harbours Appropriation (1915–1916) Act, 1915
9Loan Appropriation (1915–1916) Act, 1915
10Removal of Disabilities (War and Rebellion) Act, 1915
11Indemnity and Special Tribunals Act, 1915
12University of the Cape of Good Hope (Council) Act, 1915
13Railways and Harbours (Appointment of Commissioners) Act, 1915
14Appropriation (1915–1916) Act, 1915
15The Imperial Cold Storage and Supply Company, Limited, Railway (Private) Act, 1915
16South African Mutual Life Assurance Society Private Act, 1915
17Dipping Tanks Further Provision (Natives) Act, 1915 (before 1964)
Dipping Tanks Further Provision (Bantu) Act, 1915 (from 1964 to 1978)
Dipping Tanks Further Provision (Blacks) Act, 1915 (after 1978)
18Finance Act, 1915
19War Stores (Commission) Act, 1915
20Unauthorized Expenditure (1913–1914) Act, 1915
21Railways and Harbours Unauthorized Expenditure (1913–1914) Act, 1915
22Customs Amendment and Excise Duties Extension Act, 1915
23Income Tax Act, 1915
24Mining Taxation Amendment Act, 1915
25Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1915
26Persons on Active Service Relief Act, 1915
27Additional Loan Appropriation (1915–1916) Act, 1915


Act no.Short title
1Native Definition Amendment Act, 1916
2Removal or Modification of Restrictions on Immovable Property Act, 1916
3Girls' and Mentally Defective Women's Protection Act, 1916
4Appropriation (Part) Act, 1916
5Additional Appropriation (1915–1916) Act, 1916
6Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Additional Appropriation (1915–1916) Act, 1916
7Railways and Harbours Additional Appropriation (1915–1916) Act, 1916
8Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1916
9Patents, Designs, Trade Marks and Copyright Act, 1916 (before 1953)
Designs, Trade Marks and Copyright Act, 1916 (from 1953 to 1964)
Designs and Copyright Act, 1916 (from 1964 to 1965)
Designs Act, 1916 (after 1965)
10Unauthorized Expenditure (1914–1915) Act, 1916
11Transvaal Liquor Licensing Ordinance Amendment (Sale of Liquor) Act, 1916
12University of South Africa Act, 1916
13University of Stellenbosch Act, 1916
14University of Cape Town Act, 1916
15Public Service Commission Act, 1916
16Transvaal and Orange Free State Land Settlements Act Further Amendment Act, 1916
17Railway Board Act, 1916
18Railways and Harbours Unauthorized Expenditure (1914–1915) Act, 1916
19Local Stock (Registration) Act, 1916
20Law Society (Cape of Good Hope) Private Act, 1916
21Payment of Members of Parliament Act, 1916
22Railways and Harbours Regulation, Control and Management Act, 1916
23Second Appropriation (Part) Act, 1916
24Legal Proceedings (Rebellion) Act, 1916
25Diseases of Stock Act Amendment Act, 1916
26Irrigation and Conservation of Waters Act 1912 Amendment Act, 1916
27Second Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1916
28Drought and Flood Distress Relief Act, 1916
29War Special Pensions Act, 1916
30Land Bank Act 1912 Amendment Act, 1916
31Exchequer and Audit Act, 1911, Amendment Act, 1916
32Insolvency Act, 1916
33Transvaal Liquor Licensing Laws Amendment Act, 1916
34Special War Tax (Gold Mines) Act, 1916
35Income Tax Act, 1916
36Diamond Export Duty Act, 1916
37Customs and Excise Duties Amendment Act, 1916
38Mental Disorders Act, 1916
39Trading with the Enemy Act, 1916
40Mapochs Gronden Water and Commonage Act, 1916
41Public Railways (Working and Closing) Act, 1916
42Finance Act, 1916
43Marriage Officers Act, 1916
44Miners' Phthisis Act, 1916
45Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1916
46Railways and Harbours Appropriation (1916–1917) Act, 1916
47Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Appropriation (1916–1917) Act, 1916
48Loan Appropriation (1916–1917) Act, 1916
49Appropriation (1916–1917) Act, 1916


Act no.Short title
1Gubenxa and Embokotwa Titles Amendment Act, 1917
2Additional Appropriation (1916–1917) Act, 1917
3Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Additional Appropriation (1916–1917) Act, 1917
4Railways and Harbours Additional Appropriation (1916–1917) Act, 1917
5Appropriation (Part) Act, 1917
6Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1917
7Banks Act, 1917
8Lord's Day Act (Natal) Amendment Act, 1917
9Financial Relations Act Extension Act, 1917
10Cape Superior Courts Further Provision Act, 1917
11Unauthorized Expenditure (1915–1916) Act, 1917
12Railways and Harbours Unauthorized Expenditure (1915–1916) Act, 1917
13Workmen's Compensation (Industrial Diseases) Act, 1917
14Forest (Demarcation) Act, 1917
15Second Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1917
16Second Appropriation (Part) Act, 1917
17Co-operative Agricultural Societies (Transvaal and Orange Free State) Acts Further Amendment Act, 1917
18Irrigation Works (Special Loans) Act, 1917
19Sale of Agricultural Produce on Certain Mines Act, 1917
20Higher Education Additional Provision Act, 1917
21Fertilisers, Farm Foods, Seeds and Pest Remedies Act, 1917
22General Loans Consolidation and Amendment Act, 1917
23Land Settlement Act Amendment Act, 1917
24Bewaarplaats Moneys Application Act, 1917
25Land Surveyors Recognition Act, 1917
26Telegraph Messages Protection Act, 1917
27Diamond Export Duty Act, 1917
28Oliphants River Irrigation Works Act, 1917
29Railways and Harbours Appropriation (1917–1918) Act, 1917
30Appropriation (1917–1918) Act, 1917
31Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act, 1917
32Magistrates' Courts Act, 1917
33Railways and Harbours Service Act Amendment and Further Provision Act, 1917
34Durban Harbour Works Construction Act, 1917
35Agricultural Produce Export Act, 1917
36Customs and Excise Duties Act, 1917
37Public Welfare and Moratorium Act Amendment Act, 1917
38Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Appropriation (1917–1918) Act, 1917
39Loan Appropriation (1917–1918) Act, 1917
40Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1917
41Income Tax (Consolidation) Act, 1917
42Financial Adjustments Act, 1917
43War Special Pensions Act, 1917
44Miners' Phthisis Acts Amendment Act, 1917


Act no.Short title
1Additional Appropriation (1917–1918) Act, 1918
2Special Justices of the Peace Act, 1918
3Fugitive Offenders (Occupied Territories) Act, 1918
4Prevention of Corruption Act, 1918
5Railways and Harbours Additional Appropriation (1917–1918) Act, 1918
6Commission's (Cost of Living) Powers Act, 1918
7Appropriation (Part) Act, 1918
8Railways and Harbours Unauthorized Expenditure (1916–1917) Act, 1918
9Universities Acts Amendment Act, 1918
10Unauthorized Expenditure (1916–1917) Act, 1918
11Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1918
12Electoral Act, 1918
13Deeds Registries Act, 1918
14Public Service Commission Amendment Act, 1918
15Electoral Census Further Provision Act, 1918
16Dairy Industry Act, 1918
17Wheat Conservation Act, 1918
18Appropriation (1918–1919) Act, 1918
19Loan Appropriation (1918–1919) Act, 1918
20Customs and Excise Duties Act, 1918
21Railways and Harbours Appropriation (1918–1919) Act, 1918
22Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Appropriation (1918–1919) Act, 1918
23Hartebeestpoort Irrigation Scheme (Acquisition of Land) Act, 1918
24Miners' Phthisis Acts Further Amendment Act, 1918
25War Special Pensions Act Amendment Act, 1918
26Income Tax Act, 1918
27Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1918
28Factories Act, 1918
29Regulation of Wages, Apprentices and Improvers Act, 1918
30Transvaal Mining Leases and Mineral Law Amendment Act, 1918
31Electoral Divisions Redelimitation Amendment Act, 1918


Act no.Short title
1Additional Appropriation (1918–1919) Act, 1919
2Railways and Harbours Additional Appropriation (1918–1919) Act, 1919
3Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Additional Appropriation (1918–1919) Act, 1919
4Marriage Registers and Certificates Act, 1919
5Statistics Amendment Act, 1919
6Crown Land Disposal (Cape of Good Hope) Amendment Act, 1919
7Appropriation (Part) Act, 1919
8Second Additional Appropriation (1918–1919) Act, 1919
9Railways and Harbours Appropriation (Part) Act, 1919
10Agricultural Pests (Citrus Canker) Act, 1919
11Riparian Land (Erven and Commonages) Act, 1919
12Inquests Act, 1919
13The Bedford Additional Water Supply (Private) Act, 1919
14Rand Mines Power Supply Company Water Supply (Private) Act, 1919
15Precious Stones (Alluvial) Amendment Act, 1919
16Unauthorized Expenditure (1917–1918) Act, 1919
17Commonages (Cape of Good Hope) Act, 1919
18Railways and Harbours Appropriation (1919–1920) Act, 1919
19Railways and Harbours Unauthorized Expenditure (1917–1918) Act, 1919
20General Loans Further Amendment Act, 1919
21Medical Practitioners and Dentists Registration Amendment Act, 1919
22Agricultural Holdings (Transvaal) Registration Act, 1919
23Bills of Exchange (Time of Noting) Act, 1919
24Messina Railway Amendment Act, 1919
25Public Servants (Military Service) Act, 1919
26Second Appropriation (Part) Act, 1919
27Customs Management Act Amendment Act, 1919
28Transvaal Transfer Duty Amendment Act, 1919
29Co-operative Agricultural Societies Acts Amendment Act, 1919
30Second Railways and Harbours Appropriation (1919–1920) Act, 1919
31Railways and Harbours Capital and Betterment Works Appropriation (1919–1920) Act, 1919
32Customs and Excise Duties Act, 1919
33Transvaal Liquor Licensing Ordinance, 1902, Amendment Act, 1919
34Diamond Export Duty Act Amendment Act, 1919
35Loan Appropriation (1919–1920) Act, 1919
36Public Health Act, 1919
37Asiatics (Land and Trading) Amendment Act (Transvaal), 1919
38Diamond Cutting Act, 1919
39Income Tax (Consolidation) Act Amendment Act, 1919
40Miners' Phthisis Act, 1919
41Appropriation (1919–1920) Act, 1919
42War Special Pensions Act, 1919
43Financial Adjustments Act, 1919
44Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1919
45Pretoria Mint Act, 1919
46Amnesty and Indemnity and Undesirables Deportation Act, 1914, Amendment Act, 1919
47Public Welfare and Moratorium Acts Extension and Further Amendment Act, 1919
48Native Reserve Locations Acts (Cape of Good Hope) Further Amendment Act, 1919
49Treaty of Peace and South West Africa Mandate Act, 1919


  • Government Gazette of the Union of South Africa, Volumes III–XXXVII.
  • "National Primary Legislation". South African Legislation Resources. LegalB. Retrieved 14 June 2011.
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