List of Belgian judges
This is a List of Belgian high Judges and National magistrates.

Joseph Grandgagnage, 1st President of the Court of appeal of Liège

Baron Adrien de la Kethulle de Ryhove, 1st President of the Court of Appeal of Ghent between 1919-1923
1st President of the Court of Cassation
- 1832-1867: Etienne de Gerlache
- 1832-1867: Eugène Defacqz
- 1872-1879: Guillaume de Crassier
- 1879-1890: Guillaume de Longe
- 1890-1893: Frédéric Bayet
- 1893-1899: Charles Beckers
- 1899-1901: Frédéric de le Court
- 1901-1903: Auguste Van Berchem
- 1903-1908: Jean Giron
- 1908-1911: Auguste Van Maldeghem
- 1911-1912: Jules Lameere
- 1912-1913: Pierre Scheyven
- 1913-1919: Eugène Du Pont
- 1919-1926: Paul Van Iseghem
- 1926-1939: Arthur Goddyn
- 1939-1946: Jean-François Joseph Jamar
- 1946-1951: Léopold Soenens
- 1951-1955: Nestor Louveaux
- 1955-1960: Paul Wouters
- 1960: Antoine de Clippele
- 1960-1961: Antoine Sohier
- 1961-1964: Paul Giroul
- 1964-1971: Jules Bayot
- 1971-1974: Arthur Belpaire
- 1974-1975: Karel Louveaux
- 1975-1977: Joseph Rutsaert
- 1977-1982: Alfred Wauters
- 1982-1983: Robert Legros
- 1983-1990: Marc Châtel
- 1990-1992: Robert Soetaert
- 1992-1998: Oscar Stranard
- 1998-2003: Pierre Marchal
- 2003-2007: Marc Lahousse
- 2007-2011: Ghislain Londers
- 2012-2014: Etienne Goethals
- 2014-2019: Jean de Codt.[1]
- 2019-current: Beatrijs Deconinck
Presidents of the Constitutional Court
- 1992-1993: Dieudonné André
- 2007-2014: Marc Bossuyt
- -2013:Roger Henneuse
- 2013-2018: Jean Spreutels.
1st President of the Council of State
- -2014: Robert Andersen
- 2014-2017: Yves Kreins
- 2017-:Roger Stevens
1st Presidents of the Court of Appeal of Brussels
- 1877-1881: Esq. Emmanuel de Prelle de la Nieppe
- 1889-1894: Emile Eeckman
- 1919: Henry Lévi-Morelle
- 1920-1922: Ferdinand Ernst
- 1923-1927: Léon Eeckman (son of Emile Eeckman)
- 1927-1933: Baron Édouard Joly
- 1933-1934: Henri Simons
- 1934-1938: Baron Georges de le Court
- 1938-1940: Count Oscar de Lichtervelde
- 1940-1945: vacancy
- 1945-1945: Léopold de Vos
- 1946-1950: Georges Chevalier
- 1950-1954: Rodolphe Heyse
- 1954-1959: Paul Marcoux
- 1959-1959: Paul Derminne
- 1959-1964: Jules Serny
- 1964-1965: Louis Mineur
- 1965-1967: Charles Winckelmans
- 1967-1973: Albert Saliez
- 1973-1977: Achilles Marechal
- 1977-1978: Marcel Liard
- 1978-1982: Jacques van der Haeghen
- 1982-1988: Marc de Smedt
- 1988-1990: Luciaan Slachmuylder
- 1990-1990: Jaak Verdood
- 1991-1992: José Anne de Molina
- 1992-1996: Pierre van de Walle
- 1997-2002: Jacqueline Closset
- 2002-2007: Marc de le Court
- 2007-2009: Guy Delvoie
- 2010-2014: Antoon Boyen
Public Prosecution
Prosecutor-General of the court of Cassation
Presidents of the College of Prosecutors-General
- 2015-2016: Johan Delmulle, (Brussels)[4]
- 2016-2017: Ignacio de la Serna, (Mons)
- 2017-2018: Patrick Vandenbruane, (Antwerp)
Presidents of the Council of Senior Crown Prosecutors
- 2017: Anne-Marie Gepts
- ""On dirait que l'Etat a choisi de démanteler sa propre justice"".
- "Procureur-generaal (63) bij Hof van Cassatie overleden" [Prosecutor general (63) at the Court of Cassation died]. De Standaard (in Dutch). June 27, 2016. Retrieved October 23, 2023.
- "Hof van Cassatie: eedaflegging van de heer procureur-generaal Thijs | Federale Overheidsdienst Justitie". Archived from the original on 2018-02-14.
- "Delmulle: 'Veiligheidsdiensten zijn bang'" [Delmulle: 'Secret service are frightened']. De Standaard (in Dutch). October 3, 2016. Retrieved October 23, 2023.
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