List of World War I Slovak flying aces

Many men among the aviators of the Austro-Hungarian Luftfahrtruppen were of the Slovak ethnic minority, living in what was then part of the Kingdom of Hungary. Austria-Hungary was a constitutional union of the Austrian Empire (Cisleithania) and the Kingdom of Hungary (Transleithania) which existed from 1867 to 1918, when it collapsed as a result of defeat in World War I. The aces listed below either were born in present-day Slovak Republic, were of Slovak ethnic identity, or both.

Karl Kaszala 8[1] Born Nitra (Nyitra). Awarded the Iron Cross (2nd class).
Béla Macourek 5[2] Born Bratislava (Pozsony). Awarded the Military Merit Cross and Medal.
Franz Wognar 5[3] Born Trnava (Nagyszombat). Received five (1 gold and 4 silver) awards of the Medal for Bravery.

See also


  1. "Karl Kaszala". The Aerodrome. 2016. Retrieved 21 January 2016.
  2. "Bela Macourek". The Aerodrome. 2016. Retrieved 21 January 2016.
  3. "Franz Wognar". The Aerodrome. 2016. Retrieved 21 January 2016.
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