List of members of the American Academy of Arts and Letters Department of Literature

This List of members of the American Academy of Arts and Letters Department of Literature shows the members of one of the three departments of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

After being nominated by current members, new members are selected in two elections, the first by the department they join (Art, Literature or Music). Candidates who receive the most votes in their own department are then voted on by the entire membership.






















Deceased members

Daniel Aaron 1912–2016 1997
M. H. Abrams 1912–2015 2001
Brooks Adams1848–19271906
Charles Francis Adams1835–19151905
Franklin P. Adams1881–19601946
Henry Adams1838–19181898
James Truslow Adams1878–19491923
Léonie Adams1899–19881951
George Ade1866–19441908
Conrad Aiken1889–19731941
Edward Albee 1928–2016 1966
Henry Mills Alden1836–19191898
Edwin Anderson Alderman1861–19311925
Thomas Bailey Aldrich1836–19071898
Richard Aldrich1863–19371908
Nelson Algren1909–19811981
Hervey Allen1889–19491936
James Lane Allen1848–19251898
Winthrop Ames1871–19371931
A. R. Ammons1926–20011990
Maxwell Anderson1888–19591935
Sherwood Anderson1876–19411937
Charles M. Andrews1863–19431937
Hannah Arendt1906–19751964
Newton Arvin1900–19631952
John Ashbery 1927–2017 1980
Gertrude Atherton1857–19481938
Louis Auchincloss1917–20101965
Wystan Hugh Auden1907–19731948
Irving Babbitt1865–19331920
Irving Bacheller1859–19501920
Leonard Bacon1887–19541941
George Pierce Baker1866–19351916
Ray Stannard Baker1870–19461920
Russell Baker1925-20191984
James Baldwin1924–19871964
Simeon E. Baldwin1840–19271898
Amiri Baraka1934–20142001
Djuna Barnes1892–19821959
Philip Barry1896–19491930
Donald Barthelme1931–19891978
Jacques Barzun1907–20121952
John Spencer Bassett1867–19281923
Hamilton Basso1904–19641955
Arlo Bates1850–19181905
Charles Austin Beard1874–19481939
Carl L. Becker1873–19451933
William Beebe1887–19621939
Samuel N. Behrman1893–19731943
Saul Bellow1915–20051958
Stephen Vincent Benét1898–19431929
William Rose Benét1886–19501933
Bernard Berenson1865–19591922
John Berryman1914–19721965
Albert J. Beveridge1862–19271920
John Bigelow1817–19111898
William Henry Bishop1847–19281918
Morris Bishop1893–19731973
Joseph Bucklin Bishop1847–19281923
Elizabeth Bishop1911–19791954
R. P. Blackmur1904–19651956
Louise Bogan1897–19701952
Catherine Drinker Bowen1897–19731963
Claude Bowers1878–19581937
Paul Bowles1910–19991981
James Boyd1888–19441938
Kay Boyle1902–19921968
Gamaliel Bradford1863–19321915
Roark Bradford1896–19481947
Robert Bridges1858–19411906
John Malcolm Brinnin1916–19981978
Crane Brinton1898–19681955
Joseph Brodsky1940–19961979
Louis Bromfield1896–19561928
Cleanth Brooks1906–19941970
Gwendolyn Brooks1917–20001976
Van Wyck Brooks1886–19631925
John Mason Brown1900–19691950
William Crary Brownell1851–19281898
Art Buchwald 1925–2007 1986
Pearl S. Buck1892–19731936
Kenneth Burke1897–19931951
William S. Burroughs1914–19971983
John Burroughs1837–19211898
Maxwell Struthers Burt1882–19541926
Richard Burton1861–19401908
Nicholas Murray Butler1862–19471909
Witter Bynner1881–19681962
James Branch Cabell1879–19581937
George Washington Cable1844–19251898
Erskine Caldwell1903–19871942
Hortense Calisher1911–20091977
Joseph Campbell 1904–1987 1973
Henry Seidel Canby 1878–1961 1931
Truman Capote 1924–1984 1964
Bliss Carman 1861–1929 1898
Rachel Carson 1907–1964 1953
Raymond Carver 1938–1988 1988
R.V. Cassill 1919–2002 1981
Willa Cather 1876–1947 1929
Bruce Catton 1899–1978 1955
Madison J. Cawein 1865–1914 1908
French Ensor Chadwick 1844–1919 1912
Robert W. Chambers 1865–1933 1909
Edward Channing 1856–1931 1911
Stuart Chase 1888–1985 1938
Hobart C. Chatfield-Taylor 1865–1945 1912
John Cheever 1912–1982 1957
John Vance Cheney 1848–1922 1908
Winston Churchill 1871–1947 1908
Marchette Chute 1909–1994 1957
John Ciardi 1916–1986 1957
Amy Clampitt 1920–1994 1987
Eleanor Clark 1914–1996 1968
Mark Twain 1835–1910 1898
Robert M. Coates 1897–1973 1958
Robert P. T. Coffin 1892–1955 1946
Mary Colum 1877–1957 1953
Padraic Colum 1881–1972 1948
Henry Steele Commager 1902–1998 1952
Evan S. Connell 1924–2013 1988
Marc Connelly 1890–1980 1935
James Brendan Connolly 1868–1957 1908
Moncure D. Conway 1832–1907 1898
Royal Cortissoz 1869–1948 1908
Malcolm Cowley 1898–1987 1949
James Gould Cozzens 1903–1978 1943
Francis Marion Crawford 1854–1909 1898
Robert Creeley 1926–2005 1987
Herbert Croly 1869–1930 1912
Wilbur L. Cross 1862–1948 1911
Rachel Crothers 1878–1958 1933
Samuel McChord Crothers 1857–1927 1906
E. E. Cummings 1894–1962 1949
Edward Dahlberg 1900–1977 1968
Augustin Daly 1838–1899 1898
H. L. Davis 1896–1960 1956
Owen Davis 1874–1956 1923
Charles DeKay 1848–1935 1905
Margaret Deland 1857–1945 1926
Babette Deutsch 1895–1982 1958
Bernard DeVoto 1897–1955 1948
Peter DeVries 1910–1993 1969
James Dickey 1923–1997 1972
E. L. Doctorow 1931–2015 1984
Theodore A. Dodge 1842–1909 1908
John Dos Passos 1896–1970 1937
W. E. Burghardt DuBois 1868–1963 1944
Rene Jules Dubos 1901–1982 1979
Finley Peter Dunne 1867–1936 1908
Will Durant 1885–1981 1959
Walter Prichard Eaton 1878–1957 1918
Richard Eberhart 1904–2005 1960
Leon Edel 1907–1997 1964
Irwin Edman 1896–1954 1941
Harry Stillwell Edwards 1855–1938 1912
Maurice Francis Egan 1852–1924 1908
Edward Eggleston 1837–1902 1898
Loren Eiseley 1907–1977 1971
Stanley Elkin 1930–1995 1982
Ralph Ellison 1914–1995 1964
Richard Ellmann 1918–1987 1971
John Erskine 1879–1951 1920
Robert Fagles 1933–2008 1998
James T. Farrell 1904–1979 1942
William Faulkner 1897–1962 1939
Edgar Fawcett 1847–1904 1898
Edna Ferber 1887–1968 1930
Francis Fergusson 1904–1986 1962
Chester B. Fernald 1869–1938 1910
Leslie Fiedler 1917–2003 1988
Henry T. Finck 1854–1926 1908
John Huston Finley 1863–1940 1908
Oscar W. Firkins 1864–1932 1912
M. F. K. Fisher 1908–1992 1991
Dorothy Canfield Fisher 1879–1958 1931
Willard Fiske 1831–1904 1898
Dudley Fitts 1903–1969 1957
Robert Fitzgerald 1910–1985 1962
Janet Flanner 1892–1978 1959
John Gould Fletcher 1886–1950 1949
Jefferson Butler Fletcher 1865–1946 1918
James Thomas Flexner 1908–2003 1976
Horton Foote 1916–2009 1998
Shelby Foote 1916–2005 1994
James Forbes 1871–1938 1922
Worthington C. Ford 1858–1940 1908
Paul Leicester Ford 1865–1902 1898
Paula Fox 1923–2017 2004
John Fox Jr. 1863–1919 1898
Waldo Frank 1889–1967 1952
Harold Frederic 1856–1898 1898
Douglas Southall Freeman 1886–1953 1937
Mary E. Wilkins Freeman 1852–1930 1926
Robert Frost 1874–1963 1916
Henry B. Fuller 1857–1929 1898
Horace H. Furness Jr. 1865–1930 1911
Horace Howard Furness 1833–1912 1905
William Gaddis1922-19981984
John Kenneth Galbraith1908-20061966
Hamlin Garland1860-19401898
William H. Gass1924-20071983
Peter Gay1923-20151989
Arthur Goodrich1878-19411927
George A. Gordon1853-19291898
Francine du Plessix Gray1930-20191992
Julien Green1900-19981972
Donald Hall1928-20081989
Oscar Hammerstein II1895-19601950
Elizabeth Hardwick1916-20071977
John Hawkes1925-19981980
John Hay1838-19051898
Shirley Hazzard1931-20161982
Anthony Hecht1923-20041970
Joseph Heller1923-19991977
Lillian Hellman1905-19841946
Oliver Herford1863-19351911
James Herne1839-19011898
John Hollander1929-20131979
Bronson Howard1842-19081898
Irving Howe1920-19931979
Julia Ward Howe1819-19101907
Mark Anthony DeWolfe Howe1864–19601908
William Dean Howells1837-19201898
Hatcher Hughes1884-19451924
Langston Hughes1902-19671961
Rolfe Humphries1894-19691953
James Gibbons Huneker1860-19211918
Ada Louise Huxtable1921-20131977
Christopher Isherwood1904-19861949
Josephine Jacobsen1908-20031994
Henry James1843-19161898
Marquis James1891-19551953
William James1842-19101998
Randall Jarrell1914-19651960
Robinson Jeffers1887-19621937
Joseph Jefferson1829-19051898
Donald Justice1925-20041992
Justin Kaplan1925-20141985
Alfred Kazin1915-19951965
Donald Keene1922-20191986
Helen Keller1880-19681933
Murray Kempton1918-19971995
George Kennan1845-19241898
George F. Kennan1904-20051962
Galway Kinnell1927-20141980
Kenneth Koch1925-20021996
Alfred Kreymborg1883-19661949
Louis Kronenberger1904-19801951
Joseph Wood Krutch1893-19701937
Stanley Kunitz1905-20061963
Christopher La Farge1897-19561947
Oliver La Farge1901-19631957
Philip Levine1928-20151997
R. W. B. Lewis1917-20021982
Abbott Lawrence Lowell1856–19431910
Robert Lowell1917-19771954
Charles F. Lummis1859-19281908
Dwight Macdonald1906–19821970
Archibald MacLeish1892-19821933
Alfred Thayer Mahan1840-19141898
Norman Mailer1923-20071967
Bernard Malamud1914–19861964
Thomas Mann1875-19551950
Edgar Lee Masters1869-19501918
Peter Matthiessen1927-20141974
Brander Matthews1852-19291898
Mary McCarthy1912-19891960
William Keepers Maxwell1908–20001963
Carson McCullers1917-19671952
William Meredith1919-20071968
W. S. Merwin1927-20191972
Josephine Miles1911-19851980
Arthur Miller1915-20051958
Henry Miller1891-19801957
Joaquin Miller1839-19131898
Czeslaw Milosz1911-20041982
Donald Grant Mitchell1822-19081898
John Ames Mitchell1845-19181908
Joseph Mitchell1908-19961970
Langdon Mitchell1862-19351908
William Vaughn Moody1869-19101905
Charles Moore1855-19421920
Marianne Craig Moore1887-19721947
Paul Elmer More1864-19371908
Samuel Eliot Morison1887-19761963
Christopher Morley1890-19571936
Wright Morris1910-19981970
Howard Moss1922-19871971
Albert Murray1916-20131997
Ogden Nash1902-19711950
Robert Nathan1894-19851936
Allan Nevins1890-19711938
Reinhold Niebuhr1892-19711953
Anais Nin1903-19771974
Charles Eliot Norton1827-19081898
Rollo Ogden1856-19371923
John O'Hara1905-19701957
Eugene O'Neill1888-19531933
Thomas Nelson Page1853-19221898
Albert Bigelow Paine1861-19371918
Grace Paley1922-20071980
Dorothy Parker1893-19671959
Will Payne1865-19541908
William Morton Payne1858-19191908
Donald Culross Peattie1898-19641941
Harry Thurston Peck1856-19141898
Walker Percy1916-19901972
S. J. Perelman1904-19791958
James Breck Perkins1847-19101898
Bliss Perry1860-19541905
Ralph Barton Perry1876-19571942
Thomas Sergeant Perry1845-19281898
William Lyon Phelps1865-19431910
Arthur Stanwood Pier1874-19661908
Ernest Poole1880-19501916
Katherine Anne Porter1890-19801941
Ezra Pound1885-19721938
J. F. Powers1917-19991968
Reynolds Price1933-20111988
Herbert Putnam1861-19551925
Edward Kennard Rand1871-19451933
john Crowe Ransom1888-19741965
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings1896-19531939
Agnes Repplier1858-19501926
Adrienne Rich1929-20121990
Kenneth L. Roberts1885–19571935
Edwin Arlington Robinson1869-19351908
Theodore Roethke1908-19631956
Theodore Roosevelt1858–19191898
Elihu Root1845-19371915
Philip Roth1933–20181970
Josiah Royce1855–19161898
Muriel Rukeyser1913–19801967
John Russell1996
Oliver Sachs1933–20151996
Harrison E. Salisbury1908-19931972
Carl Sandburg1878-19671933
Arthur Schlesinger Jr.1917-20071961
Edward Brewster Sheldon1886-19461918
Upton Sinclair1878-19681944
Isaac Bashevis Singer1904-19911965
William Milligan Sloane1850-19281898
Susan Sontag1933-20041979
Jean Stafford1915-19791970
Wallace Stegner1909-19931969
John E. Steinbeck1902-19681939
Wallace Stevens1879-19551946
Burton E. Stevenson1872-19621928
William J. Stillman1828-19011898
Frederic Jesup Stimson1855-19431898
Frank R. Stockton1834-19021898
Charles Warren Stoddard1843-19091898
Robert Stone1937-20151994
William Styron1925-20061966
Mark Strand1934-20141981
Julian Street1879-19471924'
Austin Strong1881-19521929
Simeon Strunsky1879-19471946
Thomas R. Sullivan1849-19161898
May Swenson1913-19891970
Booth Tarkington1869-19461908
Allen Tate1899-19791908
Henry Osborn Taylor1856-19411915
Peter Taylor1917-19941969
Studs Terkel1912-20081997
William Roscoe Thayer1859-19231911
A. E. Thomas1872-19471924
Augustus Thomas1857-19341898
Lewis Thomas1913-19931984
Dorothy Thompson1894-19611938
Maurice Thompson1844-19011898
Ashley H. Thorndike1871-19331913
Chauncey Brewster Tinker1876-19631931
Lionel Trilling1905-19751951
Barbara Tuchman1912-19891968
Moses Coit Tyler1835-19001898
Louis Untermeyer1885–19771941
John Updike1932–20091964
Mona Van Duyn1921–20041983
Gore Vidal1925–20121999
Kurt Vonnegut1922–20071973
Eudora Welty1909-20011952
Edith Wharton1862-19371926
John Hall Wheelock1886-19781948
Andrew Dixon White1832-19181898
E. B. White1899-19851962
Stewart Edward White1873-19461908
William Allen White1868-19441908
Elie Wiesel1928-20161996
Richard Wilbur1921-20171957
August Wilson1945-20051995
William Winter1836-19171998
Yvor Winters1900-19671956
Owen Wister1860-19381998
C. Vann Woodward1908-19991970
Thomas Wolfe1900-19381937
George Edward Woodberry1855-19301908
Frederick J. E. Woodbridge1867-19401933
James A. Wright1927-19801974
Stark Young1881–19631938
Marguerite Yourcenar1903–19871982

See also

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