List of philosophy awards

This list of philosophy awards is an index to articles about notable awards related to philosophy. The list shows the country of the organization giving the award. Many of the awards are not limited to people from this country.

CountryAwardSponsorGiven for
InternationalAvicenna PrizeUNESCOIndividuals and groups in the field of ethics in science[1]
United StatesBarwise PrizeAmerican Philosophical AssociationSignificant and sustained contributions to areas relevant to philosophy and computing[2]
United StatesBerggruen PrizeBerggruen InstituteThinkers whose ideas have helped us find direction, wisdom, and improved self-understanding in a world being rapidly transformed by profound social, technological, political, cultural, and economic change[3]
BelgiumCardinal Mercier Prize for International PhilosophyUniversité catholique de LouvainContribution to international philosophy[4][5]
United StatesCecil Hemley Memorial AwardPoetry Society of AmericaLyric poem that addresses a philosophical or epistemological concern[6]
EuropeE. W. Beth Dissertation PrizeAssociation for Logic, Language and InformationOutstanding PhD theses in the fields of Logic, Language, and Information[7]
GermanyElisabeth of Bohemia PrizeBielefeld UniversityInternationally recognized philosopher for outstanding services to research on women in the history of philosophy[8]
PortugalFernando Gil International Prize for the Philosophy of ScienceGovernment of PortugalWork of particular excellence in the domain of philosophy of science, whether regarding general epistemological problems or particular scientific areas
GermanyFriedrich Nietzsche PrizeSaxony-AnhaltGerman-language essayistic or philosophical work
BelgiumGolden Eurydice AwardInternational Forum for BiophilosophyOutstanding contribution, or contributions over a period, in the field of biophilosophy
United StatesHempel AwardPhilosophy of Science AssociationLifetime achievement in the philosophy of science
NorwayHolberg PrizeNorwayOutstanding scholars for work in the arts, humanities, social sciences, law and theology, either within one of these fields or through interdisciplinary work
United StatesJohn Fisher awardAmerican Society for AestheticsOriginal essay in aesthetics
GermanyKarl Jaspers PrizeCity of Heidelberg, Heidelberg UniversityScientific work of international significance supported by philosophical spirit
United StatesKluge PrizeJohn W. Kluge Center at the Library of CongressDeep intellectual accomplishment in the human sciences
JapanKyoto Prize in Arts and PhilosophyInamori FoundationLifetime achievements in the arts and philosophy
SwitzerlandLakatos AwardLatsis FoundationOutstanding contribution to the philosophy of science, widely interpreted
GermanyMeister Eckhart PrizeIdentity FoundationThinkers who produce high-quality work on the subject of identity
United StatesMonograph prizeAmerican Society for AestheticsOutstanding monograph in the philosophy of art or aesthetics
United StatesNicholas Rescher Prize for Systematic PhilosophyUniversity of PittsburghPhilosophers who have addressed the historical “big questions” of the field in ways that nevertheless command the respect of specialists
FranceJean Nicod PrizeFrench National Centre for Scientific ResearchLeading philosopher of mind or philosophically oriented cognitive scientist
United StatesPhilosopher's AnnualPhilosopher's AnnualTen best articles published in philosophy each year
SwedenRolf Schock PrizesSwedish Royal AcademiesLogic and Philosophy
GermanySigmund Freud PrizeDeutsche Akademie für Sprache und DichtungScientific prose
United KingdomSir Henry Jones Memorial PrizeUniversity of GlasgowMoral and political philosophy
CanadaSymposium Book AwardSymposium: Canadian Journal of Continental PhilosophyBooks on continental philosophy
Czech RepublicThe VIZE 97 PrizeDagmar and Václav Havel Foundation VIZE 97People who through their work cross the traditional framework of scientific knowledge, contribute to the understanding of science as an integral part of general culture, and in an unconventional way deal with the fundamental questions of knowledge, being and human existence
United StatesWeizenbaum AwardInternational Society for Ethics and Information TechnologyIndividual who has “made a significant contribution to the field of information and computer ethics, through his or her research, service, and vision


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