List of quasiparticles

This is a list of quasiparticles.

Quasiparticle Signification Underlying particles
Anyon A type of quasiparticle that occurs only in two-dimensional systems, with properties much less restricted than fermions and bosons.
Bion A bound state of solitons, named for Born-Infeld model soliton
Bipolaron A bound pair of two polarons polaron (electron, phonon)
Bogoliubon Broken Cooper pair electron, hole
Configuron[1] An elementary configurational excitation in an amorphous material which involves breaking of a chemical bond
Dislon A localized collective excitation associated with a dislocation in crystalline solids.[2] It emerges from the quantization of the lattice displacement field of a classical dislocation
Dropleton The first known quasiparticle that behaves like a liquid[3]
Electron quasiparticle An electron as affected by the other forces and interactions in the solid electron
Electron hole (hole) A lack of electron in a valence band electron, cation
Exciton A bound state of an electron and a hole (See also: Biexciton) electron, hole
Ferron A quasiparticle that carries heat and polarization, akin to phonon and magnons.[4][5]
Fracton A collective quantized vibration on a substrate with a fractal structure.
Fracton (subdimensional particle) An emergent quasiparticle excitation that is immobile when in isolation.
Holon (chargon) A quasi-particle resulting from electron spin-charge separation
Leviton A collective excitation of a single electron within a metal
Magnon A coherent excitation of electron spins in a material
Majorana fermion A quasiparticle equal to its own antiparticle, emerging as a midgap state in certain superconductors
Nematicon A soliton in nematic liquid crystal media
Orbiton[6] A quasiparticle resulting from electron spin-orbital separation
Oscillon A soliton-like single wave in vibrating media
Phason Vibrational modes in a quasicrystal associated with atomic rearrangements
Phoniton A theoretical quasiparticle which is a hybridization of a localized, long-living phonon and a matter excitation[7]
Phonon Vibrational modes in a crystal lattice associated with atomic shifts
Plasmaron A quasiparticle emerging from the coupling between a plasmon and a hole
Plasmon A coherent excitation of a plasma
Polaron A moving charged quasiparticle that is surrounded by ions in a material electron, phonon
Polariton A mixture of photon with other quasiparticles photon, optical phonon
Roton Elementary excitation in superfluid helium-4
Soliton A self-reinforcing solitary excitation wave
Spinon A quasiparticle produced as a result of electron spin-charge separation that can form both quantum spin liquid and strongly correlated quantum spin liquid
Trion A coherent excitation of three quasiparticles (two holes and one electron or two electrons and one hole)
Triplon A quasiparticle formed from electrons with triplet state pairing[8][9] triplet state electrons
Wrinklon A localized excitation corresponding to wrinkles in a constrained two dimensional system[10][11]


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