List of species of special concern in Rabun County, Georgia

Lists of animal and plant species that are endangered, threatened, rare or uncommon in Rabun County, Georgia are maintained by both the United States Fish and Wildlife Service[1] and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.[2]


This lists the animal species that are endangered, threatened, rare or uncommon in Rabun County.[3]

Binomial nameCommon nameUS status[4]GA rank[5]GA status[6]Photo
Alasmidonta varicosaBrook floater (freshwater mollusk)-Imperiled-
Aneides aeneusGreen salamander-ImperiledRare
Cambarus georgiaeLittle Tennessee crayfish-Critically imperiled-
Clethrionomys gapperiSouthern red-backed vole-Rare - apparently secure-
Corynorhinus rafinesquiiRafinesque's big-eared bat-RareRare
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensisHellbender-ImperiledRare
Empidonax minimusLeast flycatcher-Rare-
Eumeces anthracinus anthracinusNorthern coal skink-Imperiled-
Glyptemys muhlenbergiiBog turtleThreatenedImperiledThreatened
Moxostoma sp. 4Brassy jumprock (sucker fish)-Rare - apparently secure-
Neotoma floridana haematoreiaSouthern Appalachian woodrat-Rare-
Notropis hypsilepisHighscale shiner (fish)-Rare-
Notropis photogenisSilver shiner (fish)-Critically imperiledEndangered
Notropis scepticusSandbar shiner (fish)-ImperiledRare
Parascalops breweriHairy-tailed mole-Critically imperiled-
Percina evidesGilt darter-Imperiled or rare-
Percina squamataOlive darter--Threatened
Phenacobius crassilabrumFatlips minnow-Critically imperiledEndangered
Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucusNorthern pine snake-Imperiled-
Plethodon teyahaleeSouthern Appalachian salamander-Imperiled-
Sorex cinereusMasked shrew-Imperiled or rare-
Sorex disparLong-tailed or rock shrew-Critically imperiled-
Sorex hoyiPygmy shrew-Imperiled-
Speyeria dianaDiana fritillary (butterfly)---
Synaptomys cooperiSouthern bog lemming-Critically imperiled-
Tamiasciurus hudsonicusRed squirrel-Apparently secure-


This lists the animal species that are endangered, threatened, rare or uncommon in Rabun County.[7]

Binomial nameCommon nameUS status[4]GA rank[5]GA status[6]Photo
Agastache scrophulariifoliaPurple giant hyssop-Presence not confirmed-
Aralia nudicaulisWild sarsaparilla-Imperiled-
Brachyelytrum septentrionaleNorthern shorthusk grass-Critically imperiled-
Calamagrostis porteriPorter's reedgrass-Critically imperiled-
Calystegia catesbeiana ssp. sericataSilky bindweed-Critically imperiled-
Carex aestivaliformisSedge-Critically imperiled-
Carex appalachicaAppalachian sedge-Critically imperiled-
Carex biltmoreanaBiltmore sedge-Critically imperiled-
Carex lucorumSouthern fibrous root sedge-Critically imperiled-
Carex manhartiiManhart's sedge-Rare - apparently secure-
Carex miseraWretched sedge-Critically imperiled-
Carex pedunculataLongstalk sedge---
Carex roanensisRoan Mountain sedge-Critically imperiled-
Carex scabrataSedge-Imperiled or rare-
Cephaloziella obtusilobulaRoundleaf leafy liverwort-Presence not confirmed-
Chelone cuthbertiiCuthbert turtlehead-Critically imperiled-
Comptonia peregrinaSweet-fern-Critically imperiled-
Corydalis sempervirensPale corydalis-Critically imperiled-
Cymophyllus fraserianusFraser's sedge-Critically imperiled-
Cypripedium acaulePink ladyslipper-Secure-
Cypripedium parviflorum var. parviflorumSmall-flowered yellow ladyslipper-Apparently secure-
Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescensLarge-flowered yellow ladyslipper-Apparently secure-
Diphasiastrum tristachyumGround cedar-Critically imperiled-
Drosera rotundifoliaRoundleaf sundew-Critically imperiled-
Gymnoderma lineareRock gnome lichenEndangeredCritically imperiledEndangered
Helianthus smithiiSmith sunflower-Critically imperiled-
Helonias bullataSwamp-pinkThreatenedCritically imperiledThreatened
Huperzia appressaFir clubmoss-Critically imperiled-
Hydrastis canadensisGoldenseal-ImperiledEndangered
Hymenophyllum tayloriaeTaylor filmy fern-Critically imperiled-
Hypericum buckleiiBlue Ridge St. Johnswort-Critically imperiled-
Isotria medeoloidesSmall whorled pogoniaThreatenedImperiledThreatened
Juglans cinereaButternut (nut-bearing only)-Imperiled-
Juncus gymnocarpusNaked-fruit rush-Imperiled to rare-
Kalmia buxifoliaSand-myrtle-Critically imperiled-
Kalmia carolinaCarolina bog myrtle-Critically imperiled-
Lejeunea blomquistiiBlomquist leafy liverwort-Presence not confirmed-
Lindernia saxicolaRock false pimpernel-Presence not confirmedEndangered
Listera smalliiAppalachian twayblade-Imperiled-
Lycopodium clavatumGround pine-Critically imperiled-
Lygodium palmatumClimbing fern-Imperiled-
Lysimachia fraseriFraser's loosestrife-Critically imperiledRare
Melanthium latifoliumBroadleaf bunchflower-Imperiled-
Menziesia pilosaMinniebush-Critically imperiled-
Monotropsis odorataSweet pinesap-Critically imperiled-
Neottia smalliiAppalachian twayblade-Imperiled-
Packera millefoliaBlue Ridge golden ragwort-Critically imperiledThreatened
Panax quinquefoliusAmerican ginseng-Rare-
Panax trifoliusDwarf ginseng-Critically imperiled-
Parnassia grandifoliaLargeleaf grass-of-parnassus-Presence not confirmed-
Plagiochila caducilobaGorge leafy liverwort-Critically imperiled-
Plagiochila sharpieSharp's leafy liverwort-Critically imperiled-
Plagiochila sullivantiiSullivant's leafy liverwort-Presence not confirmed-
Plagiomnium carolinianumMountain wavy-leaf moss-Imperiled-
Platanthera integrilabiaMonkeyface orchidCandidateCritically imperiledThreatened
Platyhypnidium pringleiPringle's platyhypnidium (moss)-Critically imperiled-
Prunus pensylvanicaFire cherry-Imperiled-
Sanguisorba canadensisCanada burnet-Critically imperiledThreatened
Sarracenia purpureaPurple pitcherplant-Critically imperiledEndangered
Shortia galacifoliaOconee bells-Critically imperiledEndangered
Solidago simulansCliffside goldenrod-Critically imperiled-
Sorbus americanaAmerican mountain-ash-Critically imperiled-
Tofieldia glutinosa or Triantha glutinosaSticky false asphodel-Presence not confirmed-
Trillium persistensPersistent trilliumEndangeredCritically imperiledEndangered
Tsuga carolinianaCarolina hemlock-Critically imperiled-
Vaccinium erythrocarpumBearberry-Critically imperiled-
Xerophyllum asphodeloidesEastern turkeybeard-Critically imperiledRare


  1. US Fish & Wildlife Service list for Rabun County Archived 2007-02-17 at the Wayback Machine (accessed October 20, 2006)
  2. Georgia DNR list for Rabun County Archived 2004-08-20 at the Wayback Machine (accessed December 20, 2011)
  3. For more information about these animal in Georgia, see: Georgia Special Concern Animals Archived 2006-09-27 at the Wayback Machine (accessed October 20, 2006)
  4. Refers to the status of the species under the Endangered Species Act
  5. Refers to a ranking of the rarity of the species in Georgia by the Georgia Natural Heritage Program link Archived 2006-09-27 at the Wayback Machine (accessed October 20, 2006)
  6. Refers to the status of the species in Georgia under the Georgia Endangered Wildlife Act of 1973 or the Georgia Wildflower Preservation Act of 1973
  7. For more information about these animal in Georgia, see: Georgia Special Concern Plants Archived 2006-09-27 at the Wayback Machine (accessed October 20, 2006)
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