Longwu (18 August 1645 – 4 February 1647) was the era name of the Longwu Emperor of the Southern Ming. It was used for 2 years. On 24 December 1646 (Longwu 2, 18th day of the 11th month), after the Yongli Emperor ascended to the throne, he continued to use this era name, and the following year, the era was changed to Yongli.
Longwu | |||||||||
Chinese | 隆武 | ||||||||
Literal meaning | "plentiful and martial" | ||||||||

From 11 October (14th day of the 9th month) to 21 October (24th day of the 9th month) 1647, Zhang Huashan (張華山), a rebel leader in Huai'an, used this era name to start his uprising.[1][2]
From 2 March (9th day of the 2nd month) 1648 to 1 March (19th day of the 1st month) 1649, Jin Shenghuan (金聲桓), commander (總兵, zong bing) of Jiangxi, used this era name to start his uprising.[3][4]
Comparison table
The Gānzhī of each month on the right side of the table was the first day of each month. "(Long)" means that the month has 30 days, and "(Short)" means that the month has 29 days. The numbers in the "leap month" table indicate the X leap month of that year, and the numbers below the first day of each month indicate the corresponding Western calendar date.
AD | Gānzhī 干支 | Year | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | leap
mon. |
1645 | Yǐyǒu 乙酉 | Longwu 1 (隆武元年) | Gēngxū (Long) 庚戌(大) 21/08 | Gēngchén (Short) 庚辰(小) 20/09 | Jǐyǒu (Long) 己酉(大) 19/10 | Jǐmǎo (Long) 己卯(大) 18/11 | Jǐyǒu (Long) 己酉(大) 18/12 | Jǐmǎo (Long) 己卯(大)己卯(大) 17/01/1646 | |||||||
1646 | Bǐngxū 丙戌 | Longwu 2 (隆武二年) | Jǐyǒu (Short) 己酉(小) 16/02 | Wùyín (Long) 戊寅(大) 17/03 | Wùshēn (Short) 戊申(小) 16/04 | Dīngchǒu (Short) 丁丑(小) 15/05 | Bǐngwǔ (Long) 丙午(大) 13/06 | Bǐngzǐ (Short) 丙子(小) 13/07 | Yǐsì (Short) 乙巳(小) 11/08 | Jiǎxū (Long) 甲戌(大) 09/09 | Jiǎchén (Short) 甲辰(小) 09/10 | Guǐyǒu (Long) 癸酉(大) 07/11 | Guǐmǎo (Long) 癸卯(大) 07/12 | Guǐyǒu (Long) 癸酉(大) 06/01/1647 | — |
Longwu | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
AD | 1645 | 1646 | 1647 | 1648 | 1649 |
Qing dynasty | Shunzhi 2 順治二年 | 3 三年 | 4 四年 | 5 五年 | 6 六年 |
Other regime eras that existed during the same period
- China
- Shunzhi (順治, 1644–1661): Qing dynasty — era name of the Shunzhi Emperor
- Qingguang (清光, 1645): Qing period — era name of Hu Shoulong (胡守龍)
- Jianguo Lu (監國魯, 1646–1653): Southern Ming — era name of Zhu Yihai, Prince of Lu
- Dingwu (定武, 1646–1664): Southern Ming — era name of Zhu Benli (Zhu Danji), Prince of Han (Doubtful)
- Dongwu (東武, 1648): Southern Ming — era name of Zhu Changqing, Prince of Huai
- Dashun (大順, 1644–1646): Xi dynasty — era name of Zhang Xianzhong
- Vietnam
- Phúc Thái (福泰, 1643–1649): Later Lê dynasty — era name of Lê Chân Tông
- Thuận Đức (順德, 1638–1677): Mạc dynasty — era name of Mạc Kính Vũ
- Japan
- Shōhō (正保, 1644–1648): era name of Emperor Go-Kōmyō
- Li Chongzhi (李崇智). Zhongguo lidai nianhao kao (中國歷代年號考), p. 226
- Zhao Erxun (趙爾巽). Draft History of Qing (清史稿), Shizu 1:〔順治四年九月〕辛亥,淮安賊張華山等用隆武年號,嘯聚廟灣。丁巳,以李猶龍為天津巡撫。辛酉,官軍討廟灣賊,破之。
- Qing Shizu Shilu (清世祖實錄), Volume 36:(順治五年二月甲戌)江南江西河南總督馬國柱疏報,江西總兵金聲桓據南昌以叛,偽稱豫國公,王德仁偽稱建武侯,餘將各稱偽職,用偽隆武年號,攻陷郡邑,劫掠船艘,聲言將浮江東下窺伺江南,請速發大兵以圖撲滅。章下兵部。
- Qing Shizu Shilu (清世祖實錄), Volume 42:(順治六年正月)壬午,征南大將軍固山額真譚泰、固山額真何洛會等奏報,平復江西捷音,云官兵於去年七月初十日,薄南昌府城下,圍困賊兵。至本年正月十八日,固山額真何洛會、領護軍參領喀爾他喇、署甲喇章京根特巴圖魯至城南,豎雲梯進攻。十九日午後,蒙古固山兵先登,叛賊金聲桓中二矢,投水死,仍磔尸示眾,生擒王得仁正法,賊黨盡殲,南昌、九江、南康、瑞州、臨江、袁州等府地方俱平。
Further reading
- Li Chongzhi (李崇智) (December 2004). Zhongguo lidai nianhao kao (中國歷代年號考). Beijing (北京): Zhonghua Book Co. (中華書局). ISBN 7101025129.
- Deng Hongbo (鄧洪波) (March 2005). Chronology of East Asian history (東亞歷史年表). Taipei (臺北): National Taiwan University, Program for East Asian Classics and Cultures (國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計劃). ISBN 9789860005189. Archived from the original (pdf) on 2007-08-25. Retrieved 2021-11-26.