
Magneettimedia is a Finnish free and online newspaper. It was initially published by retail chain J. Kärkkäinen but currently it is published by Pohjoinen perinne, a society linked with the Finnish Resistance Movement.[1]


In 2011 Skepsis ry, a society of Finnish sceptics, awarded J. Kärkkäinen a Huuhaa Prize, a prize for promoting pseudo-science, for publishing Magneettimedia. Skepsis accused Magneettimedia of promoting alternative medicine and conspiracy theories.[2]

In October 2013 Magneettimedia's editor-in-chief Juha Kärkkäinen and the J. Kärkkäinen company were convicted of agitation against an ethnic group. This verdict was given due to anti-Semitic articles on Magneettimedia.[3] For example, Magneettimedia has denied the Holocaust and accused Jews and Zionists of plotting to rule over the world. After the verdict Magneettimedia ceased being published in paper form[4] but continued as an online newspaper. However, in April 2015 a new paper edition of Magneettimedia was published.[1]

As of 2015, Magneettimedia did not identify its editor-in-chief, which is illegal under Finnish law.[5]

See also


  1. Leppävuori, Anna: Kohuttu Magneettimedia jatkaa ilmestymistään - lehden paperiversio kolahti postilaatikkoihin Yle. April 20, 2015. Retrieved January 22, 2017.
  2. Huuhaa-palkinnot Skepsis. Retrieved January 22, 2017.
  3. Oosi, Riikka: Kärkkäisen tuomio ei yllätä asiantuntijaa Yle. October 21, 2013. Retrieved January 22, 2017.
  4. Hirvonen, Tuomas: Juutalaiskirjoittelusta tuomittu Magneettimedia lopetetaan - uusi lehti tilalle Yle. November 4, 2013. Retrieved January 22, 2017.
  5. "Kansa on kyllästynyt valtamedian vaikenemiseen ja antitotuuksiin"– Nyt puhuu Magneettimedian päätoimittaja, Yle
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