Microid S

Microid S (ミクロイドS, Mikuroido Esu) is a manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka, published in Akita Shoten's Weekly Shōnen Champion from March 1973 to September 1973. It was later adapted into an anime series by Toei.

Microid S
ミクロイドZ / ミクロイドS
(Microid Z / Microid S)
Written byOsamu Tezuka
Published byAkita Shoten
MagazineWeekly Shōnen Champion
Original runMarch 26, 1973September 3, 1973
Anime television series
Directed byMasayuki Akehi
Written byMasaki Tsuji
Music byGoh Misawa
StudioToei Animation
Original networkTV Asahi
Original run 7 April 1973 6 October 1973

The anime adaption of Tezuka's manga Microid Z (ミクロイドZ, Mikuroido Zetto), replaced the letter "Z" with an "S" as to match the initial letter of the show’s sponsor, Seiko.[1] It consisted of 26 episodes and was originally broadcast on TV Asahi.[1][2]

The series is known as Microsuperman in Italy.[3]



  1. Jonathan Clements, Helen McCarthy (2006). The Anime Encyclopedia: A Guide to Japanese Animation Since 1917. Stone Bridge Press, 2006. ISBN 1845765001.
  2. Daniel Valentin Simion (2009). Il Dizionario dei Cartoni Animati. Anton, 2009. ISBN 9788890390227.
  3. Daniel Valentin Simion (2009). Il Dizionario dei Cartoni Animati. Anton, 2009. ISBN 9788890390227.
  4. Jeff Rovin (1985). The Encyclopedia Of Superheroes. Facts On File Publications, 1985. ISBN 0-8160-1679-8
  5. Microid S (manga) at Tezuka official website
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