
Molendoa is a genus of moss in family Pottiaceae.

Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Bryophyta
Class: Bryopsida
Subclass: Dicranidae
Order: Pottiales
Family: Pottiaceae
Genus: Molendoa



The genus Molendoa contains the following species according to World Flora Online:[1]

  • Molendoa andina (Mitt.) Broth.
  • Molendoa boliviana Broth.
  • Molendoa burmensis E.B. Bartram
  • Molendoa cucullata (Herzog) Hilp.
  • Molendoa duthiei (Broth.) Broth.
  • Molendoa excelsa (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  • Molendoa fuegiana E.B. Bartram
  • Molendoa herzogii Broth.
  • Molendoa hornschuchiana (Hook.) S.O. Lindberg ex Limpr.
  • Molendoa kitaibelana Györffy
  • Molendoa ogalalensis (G.L. Merr.) R.H. Zander
  • Molendoa platyphyllum (R.S. Williams) R.H. Zander
  • Molendoa roylei (Mitt.) Broth.
  • Molendoa schliephackei (Limpr.) R.H. Zander
  • Molendoa sendtneriana (Bruch & Schimp.) Limpr.
  • Molendoa seravschanica Broth. & Györffy
  • Molendoa sordida (Mitt.) Steere
  • Molendoa subobtusifolia Broth.
  • Molendoa taeniatifolia Herzog
  • Molendoa tenuinervis Limpr.
  • Molendoa warburgii (Crundw. & M.O. Hill) R.H. Zander


  1. "Molendoa Lindb". World Flora Online. Retrieved 26 April 2020.

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