Muqarrab (Sufism)
The Muqarrab (Arabic: مُقَرَّبٌ) is a major spiritual stage (maqām) that the murids and saliks (novices and followers of Sufism) reach in their ascetic quest within Islamic Sufism.[1][2][3][4][5]
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Being close to God (Allah) is one of the main goals of worship (ibadah) and mysticism (Sufism) in the religion of Islam.[6][7]
This proximity accompanied by intimacy and modesty allows the Muslim to escape the idleness of the ghaflah and thus to reach the firmament of fanaa in which personal human attributes are diluted and dissolved in order to leave room for contemplation and the ishq accompanying the baqaa state which returns the Sufi to the commonality of mortal life while maintaining his radiant qalb in the state of yaqeen.[8][9]
Islamic ethics and deontology of this path of spiritual rapprochement must keep the murid in the wake of the rabbaniyya which does not aim to accomplish fantastic feats as much as it aspires to live hidayah and ma'rifa in a peaceful and moderate way.[10][11]
Approach and attraction
The subject related to the situation of the murid in his journey towards God (Allah) faces two complementary concepts leading him towards the maqām of wasil.[12][13]
Indeed, this journey consists on the one hand of an approach (Arabic: اقتراب) emanating from salik through his adoration (ibadah), dhikr, dua, awrad and wazifa, and on the other hand of an attraction (Arabic: تقريب) emanating of God through the anwar and asrar.[14][15]
The spiritual approach and attraction allow the Sufi to remain rigorous in the practice of the five pillars of Islam and the precepts of fiqh and sharia, and this while transcending his worldly life by aspiring to the taste (dhawq) of truth (haqiqa).[16][17]
At no time during the ahwal of his spiritual life can the Muslim discharge himself from the religious obligations which lead him to approach the divine veil (hijab), even if he experiences along the way manifestations of attraction to the like khawatir, ilham, kashf, and even more karamat and tajalli.[18][19]
Even if the ascetic doubts that he evolves in the sphere of the wali, he must not forget that the ihsan consists in perfecting his rite and dogma in order to please God, and this because the irfan, the ishrak, the wilayah are not an end in themselves, but it is the acceptance of the servant by his creator that is central to Muslim spirituality.[20][21][22]
Even though the ecstasy of this spiritual advancement and this celestial solicitation allows the salik to feel the barakah of the blessed views of the basirah, he must not allow himself to be drawn into the extreme and radical dogmatic modes of isloltrianist rahbaniyyah, wanton shath, and the depraved and perverse zandaqa, for righteousness (istiqama) remains the hallmark that describes the pious and humble Muslim.[23][24][25]
- تهذيب الأسرار في أصول التصوف مع ملحق بألفاظ الصوفية المتداولة في الكتاب والسنة. January 2016. ISBN 9782745150325.
- اللمع في تاريخ التصوف الإسلامي - كرتونيه. January 2016. ISBN 9782745157676.
- خاطرات الصوفية بين دلالة الرمز وجمالية التعبير. January 2018. ISBN 9782745188311.
- أبواب التصوف (مقاماته وآفاته). January 2010. ISBN 9782745167798.
- أبو العلا عفيفي, د. (6 April 2020). "التصوف الثورة الروحية في الإسلام".
- التعرف لمذهب أهل التصوف. 23 January 2019. ISBN 9789777792271.
- أسئلة حرجة عن التصوف والأولياء (أربع رسائل تجيب عن أسئلة حول الأولياء والذكر والرقص). January 2012. ISBN 9782745170736.
- مولانا خالد النقشبندي ومنهجه في التصوف. January 2016. ISBN 9782745101945.
- قبس من الشرق يحكي عن الوجد والحرق لمولانا جلال الدين الرومي البلخي. 19 January 2020. ISBN 9782745197238.
- مصطلحات الصوفية في التفسير الإشاري، ويليه، أقوال كبار العلماء في التصوف. January 2013. ISBN 9796500135540.
- "حقائق عن التصوف". January 2013.
- ألفية التصوف لمصطفى البكري وشرحها. January 2020. ISBN 9782745197023.
- الأنوار الإلهية بالمدرسة الزروقية. January 2011. ISBN 9782745172754.
- الجنان, دار (12 June 2018). انفعال المفعول بفعل الفاعل التخلي والتحلي والتجلي. ISBN 9789957649265.
- شمس, طارق أحمد (January 2016). تاريخ التصوف في وسط آسيا. ISBN 9796500278971.
- بين سير وطير (التنظير، حياة الجماعة، وبنى المؤسسة في تصوف أبي حفص عمر السهروردي). January 2012. ISBN 9782745172853.
- موسوعة الصوفية. January 2013. ISBN 9796500154978.
- عمار, علي سالم (8 August 2020). "حقائق في التصوف".
- التصوف الإسلامي بين السنية والتطرف. January 2015. ISBN 9782745179524.
- حدائق الحقائق في الموعظة والتصوف. January 2012. ISBN 9782745135483.
- الحلبي, إبراهيم. "التصوف مرتبة الإحسان في الدين".
- خدرحمد, عبداالله (March 2018). التصوف والتأويل. ISBN 9789957637583.
- سرور, طه عبد الباقي (8 December 2021). "التصوف الإسلامي والإمام الشعراني".
- الفتوحات الإلهية في شرح المباحث الأصلية كتاب في التصوف يشرح آداب الطريقة وأسرار الحقيقة. January 2010. ISBN 9782745168559.
- طارق زيناي, د. (October 2020). محاضرات في التصوف الاسلامي. ISBN 9789957354237.
External links
- Muhammad Metwalli al-Sha'rawi: How to be with God? on YouTube (In Arabic)
- Rateb Nabulsi: Two words that open the doors of closeness to God for you. on YouTube (In Arabic)
- Adnan Ibrahim: Getting closer to God. on YouTube (In Arabic)
- Hasan Yaaqub: A systematic plan to get closer to God. on YouTube (In Arabic)
- Those close to God (Al-Muqarrabun). on YouTube (In Arabic)