Naya Sanwara
Naya Sanwara is a village in the Sirohi district of Rajasthan, India. On the border of the village, there is a large lake to the southeast, where the Ambamata Temple is located. The village is administrated by a locally elected president, known as Pradhan or Sarpanch. This village depends on its sub-district (Tehsil) Pindwara, the nearest city, for all major economic activities. [1]
Other Important Information
The total geographical area of the village is 1262 hectares. Naya Sanwara has a total population of 4,191 people, out of which male population is 2,205 while female population is 1,986. Literacy rate of Naya Sanwara village is 50.87% out of which 64.94% of males and 35.25% of females are literate. There are about 845 houses in Naya Sanwara village. Pin code of Naya Sanwara village locality is 307022.
In Naya Sanwara there are a few government schools from primary schools to senior secondary schools. Naya Sanwara residents can have 10+2 level of education from the Government school of the village, but for higher education or graduation they move to nearby cities. [2]
See also