New Era for Democracy

New Era for Democracy (French: Nouveau Temps pour la Démocratie, NTD) is a political party in Burkina Faso.

New Era for Democracy
Nouveau Temps pour la Démocratie
LeaderVincent Dabilgou
Founded13 March 2015
National Assembly
13 / 127


The NTD was established on 13 March 2015 by former Minister of Urban Development Vincent Dabilgou.[1] In the 2015 general elections it received 2% of the vote, winning three of the 127 seats in the National Assembly,[2] one by proportional representation (taken by Emmanuel Lankoande)[3] and two in the constituency vote (Larba Ousmane Lankouande in Gnagna Province and Issa Barry in Yagha Province).[4]


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