
Ocyptamus is a large and diverse genus of over 200 species of hoverfly mostly found in the Neotropical region.[1][2] It is likely that many of these species will be discovered to be synonyms though many others await description.

Ocyptamus cf. fuscipennis
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Syrphidae
Tribe: Syrphini
Genus: Ocyptamus
Macquart, 1834


There is evidence that the genus is not monophyletic[3][4] and is paraphyletic with regard to Eosalpingogaster and Toxomerus, and some subgenera have been given full generic status (Hybobathus, Pelecinobaccha, Orphnabaccha, and Pseudoscaeva).[5]

Selected Species

Subgenus: Ocyptamus Macquart, 1834

Subgenus: Hermesomyia Vockeroth, 1969

  • O. wulpianus (Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891)

Subgenus: Pipunculosyrphus Hull, 1937

  • O. globiceps (Hull, 1937)
  • O. scintillans (Hull, 1943)
  • O. tiarella (Hull, 1944)

Subgenus: Mimocalla Hull, 1943

  • O. bonariensis (Brethes, 1905)
  • O. capitatus (Loew, 1863)
  • O. conjunctus (Wiedemann, 1830)
  • O. erebus (Hull, 1943)
  • O. flata (Hull, 11940)
  • O. giganteus (Schiner, 1868)
  • O. nymphaea (Hull, 1943)
  • O. sargoides (Macquart, 1850)
  • O. tristani Zumbado, 2000
  • O. willistoni Thompson, 1976

Subgenus: Styxia Hull, 1943

  • O. ariela (Hull, 1944)
  • O. eblis (Hull, 1943)

Subgenus: Calostigma Shannon, 1927

  • O. coreopsis (Hull, 1944)
  • O. elnora (Shannon, 1927)
  • O. exiguus (Williston, 1888)
  • O. ornatipes (Curran, 1927)
  • O. striatus (Walker, 1852)

Subgenus: Atylobaccha Hull, 1949

Proposed Genera

In 2020, five new genera were proposed for "orphaned" lineages within Ocyptamus, containing these species. The new genera are sometimes used for these species.[6]

Genus Fragosa

  • argentina (Curran, 1939)
  • aurora (Hull, 1943)
  • deceptor (Curran, 1930)
  • filiola (Shannon, 1927)
  • filissima (Hull, 1943)
  • harlequina (Hull, 1948)
  • hyacinthia (Hull, 1947)
  • macer (Curran, 1930)
  • mara (Curran, 1941)
  • oenone (Hull, 1949)
  • provocans (Curran, 1939)
  • rugosifrons (Schiner, 1868)
  • stenogaster (Williston, 1888)
  • tenuis (Walker, 1852)
  • titania (Hull, 1943)
  • virgilio (Hull, 1942)
  • zephyrea (Hull, 1947b)

Genus Hypocritanus

Genus Maiana

  • callida (Hine, 1914)
  • pumila (Austen, 1893)

Genus Nuntianus

  • abata (Curran, 1938)
  • aeolus (Hull, 1943)
  • anona (Hull, 1943)
  • arabella (Hull, 1947)
  • banksi (Hull, 1941)
  • cecrops (Hull, 1958)
  • chapadensis (Curran, 1930)
  • confusus (Goot, 1964)
  • crocatus (Austen, 1893)
  • croceus (Austen, 1893)
  • cubanus (Hull, 1943)
  • cultratus (Austen, 1893)
  • cymbellina (Hull, 1944)
  • debasa (Curran, 1941)
  • delicatissimus (Hull, 1943)
  • dryope (Hull, 1958)
  • fervidus (Austen, 1893)
  • filii (Doesburg, 1966)
  • flavens (Austen, 1893)
  • geijskesi (Doesburg, 1966)
  • gilvus (Austen, 1893)
  • halcyone (Hull, 1949)
  • hippolite (Hull, 1957)
  • hyalipennis (Curran, 1930)
  • inornatus (Walker, 1836)
  • io (Hull, 1944)
  • iona (Curran, 1941)
  • lepidus (Macquart, 1842)
  • lucretia (Hull, 1949)
  • luctuosus (Bigot, 1884)
  • micropyga (Curran, 1941)
  • minimus (Hull, 1943)
  • murinus (Curran, 1930)
  • myiophagus (Thompson, 2018)
  • neoparvicornis (Telford, 1973)
  • neptunus (Hull, 1943)
  • neuralis (Curran, 1934)
  • niobe (Hull, 1943)
  • nora (Curran, 1941)
  • obliquus (Curran, 1941)
  • octomaculatus (Thompson, 1976)
  • oriel (Hull, 1942)
  • panamensis (Curran, 1930)
  • peri (Hull, 1943)
  • philippianus (Enderlein, 1938)
  • prenes (Curran, 1930)
  • prudens (Curran, 1934)
  • pullus (Sack, 1921)
  • punctifrons (Williston, 1891)
  • pyxia (Hull, 1943)
  • saffrona (Hull, 1943)
  • spatulatus (Giglio-Tos, 1892)
  • vanessa (Hull, 1949)
  • variegatus (Macquart, 1842)
  • verona (Curran, 1941)
  • victoria (Hull, 1941)
  • vierecki (Curran, 1930)
  • xanthopterus (Wiedemann, 1830)
  • xantippe (Hull, 1949)
  • zenillia (Curran, 1941)
  • zita (Curran, 1941)
  • zobeide (Hull, 1943)
  • zoroaster (Hull, 1943)

Genus Victoriana

  • attenuata (Williston, 1891)
  • duida (Hull, 1947)
  • ferruginea (Thompson, 1981)
  • laudabilis (Williston, 1891)
  • lugubris (Philippi, 1865)
  • melanorrhina (Philippi, 1865)
  • mentor (Curran, 1930)
  • oblonga (Walker, 1852)
  • parvicornis (Loew, 1861)
  • sagittifera (Austen, 1893)
  • sativa (Curran, 1941)
  • selene (Hull, 1949)
  • zilla (Hull, 1943)

See also


  1. Reemer, M. (2010). "A second survey of Surinam Syrphidae (Diptera):introduction and Syrphinae" (PDF). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. 153 (2): 163–196. doi:10.1163/22119434-900000295. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-09-15. Retrieved 2011-12-24.
  2. Ximo Mengual; Gunilla Ståhls; Santos Rojo (2008). "First phylogeny of predatory flower flies (Diptera, Syrphidae, Syrphinae) using mitochondrial COI and nuclear 28S rRNA genes: conflict and congruence with the current tribal classification" (PDF). Cladistics. 24 (4): 543–562. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.2008.00200.x. hdl:10045/12249. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2009-04-09. Retrieved 2009-10-19.
  3. Mengual, Ximo (2012). "Is the mega-diverse genus Ocyptamus (Diptera, Syrphidae) monophyletic? Evidence from molecular characters including the secondary structure of 28S rRNA". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 62 (1): 191–205. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2011.09.014. PMID 21985963.
  4. Gonçalves Miranda, Gil Felipe (2011). An overview of the genus Ocyptamus Macquart, 1834, with a revision of the Ocyptamus tristis species group (Doctor of Philosophy thesis). University of Guelph. Archived from the original on 14 July 2012. Retrieved 16 Jan 2012.
  5. Miranda, G.F.G; Young, A.D.; Locke, M.M.; Marshall, S.A.; Skevington, J.H.; Thompson, F.C. (2013). "Key to the Genera of Nearctic Syrphidae". Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification. 23. doi:10.3752/cjai.2013.23.
  6. Miranda, Gil Felipe Gonçalves; Skevington, Jeffrey H; Marshall, Stephen A. (2020). "New generic concepts for orphaned lineages formerly treated as part of the genus Ocyptamus Macquart, 1834 (Diptera, Syrphidae)". Zootaxa. 4822 (2). doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4822.2.1.

For many photographic examples: https://www.flickr.com/search/?q=ocyptamus&w=all

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