Pacific Seabird Group

The Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) is an international professional ornithological society based in the US, dedicated to the study and conservation of Pacific seabirds and their environment. The objectives of the Pacific Seabird Group are exclusively scientific, educational, conservational, and nonprofit. In furtherance of these objectives, PSG's principal activities are (1) to increase the amount and quality of scientific research on Pacific seabirds, (2) to educate PSG's members and the general public of the ecology and importance of Pacific seabirds and their environment, (3) to disseminate publications and other information to accomplish this end, and (4) to advocate for the conservation of Pacific seabirds wherever they occur.focusing on the behavior, ecology, and conservation of seabirds.[1]


It was founded in 1972, by William R.P. Bourne, Ph.D., James G. King, James C. Bartonek, as an association of professional seabird researchers and managers. It aims to increase the quality and quantity of seabird research by facilitating information exchange, to assess threats to seabird populations, and to provide government agencies and others with expert advice on managing them.


The Pacific Seabird Group is governed by an Executive Council, which includes a student representative, and representatives from Alaska/Russia, Washington/Oregon, Northern California, Southern California/Latin America/Hawaii, non-Pacific U.S. states, Canada, Asia/Oceania, and Europe/Africa. Membership on the Executive Council is decided by an annual election by the membership. Membership is open to "all persons interested in Pacific seabirds and/or their environment." There are Individual Members, Life Members, Honorary Members, Student Members, Corresponding Members, and Sponsored Members. Dues are paid annually.[2]

The PSG is a member of the Ornithological Council, the World Seabird Union, and the American Bird Conservancy.


Pacific Seabirds is a biannual (spring and fall) publication with news and events of interest to the membership. It continues the Pacific Seabird Group Bulletin.[3]

Since 2000, the PSG has published the open-access, peer-reviewed journal Marine Ornithology on behalf of a consortium of seabird groups from across the world. Marine Ornithology is published 2-3 times a year, and is the continuation of the African Seabird Group's journal Cormorant.[4]

Annual meeting

Since its inception, the PSG has hosted an annual meeting of members. In 2008, the first annual meeting outside North America was held in Hakodate, Japan. The most recent meeting was held in La Jolla, California (USA) in February 2023. Dates, venues, and some abstracts of prior meetings can be found on the PSG website.[5]


At each annual meeting, awards are presented for the best student oral and poster presentations. A Lifetime Achievement Award and Special Achievement Award may also be presented.

YearMeeting LocationLifetime Achievement AwardSpecial Achievement Award
2023 La Jolla, California Hsiao-Wei Yuan, Shui-Hua Chen, and Simba Chan
2022 virtual
2021 virtual
2020 Portland, Oregon
2019 Lihue, Hawaii
2018 La Paz, Mexico
2017 Tacoma, Washington P. Dee Boersma, Sarah Wanless Martin Raphael
2016 Oahu, Hawaii Larry B. Spear Lindsay Young;[6] Gus Van Vliet
2015San Jose, CaliforniaDavid Ainley
2014Juneau, AlaskaAnthony GastonVivian Mendenhall
2013Portland, OregonMalcolm CoulterNone
2012Oahu, HawaiiJohn CooperNone
2010Long Beach, CaliforniaDaniel W. AndersonFrank Gress
2009Hakodate, JapanHaruo OgiYutaka Watanuki
2008Blaine, WashingtonJohn CroxallLora Leschner, and S. Kim Nelson
2007Pacific Grove, CaliforniaMichael P. HarrisEdward F. Melvin
2006Girdwood, AlaskaG. Vernon ByrdMark Rauzon
2005Portland, OregonSpencer G. SealyNone
2004La Paz, MexicoNone
2003Parksville, British ColumbiaNone
2002Santa Barbara, CaliforniaPhilip & Myrtle AshmoleNone
2001Lihue, Kauai, HawaiiNoneHiroshi Hasegawa
2000Napa, CaliforniaRichard G. B. BrownMalcolm Coulter & Steven M. Speich
1999Blaine, WashingtonJohn Warnham
1998Monterey, CaliforniaGeorge J. Divoky & Craig S. Harrison
1997Portland, OregonWilliam R.P. Bourne, James G. King, James C. Bartonek (co-founders PSG)
1996Charles J. GuigetNone
1995Miklos D. UdvardyNone
1994Thomas R. HowellNone
1993Sacramento, CaliforniaFirst Award ever given by PSG: Karl W. KenyonArthur L. Sowls


The PSG often comments on government proposals or legal actions concerning seabird conservation issues. In the past, it has written regarding Marine Protected Areas in the western United States, American white pelican management plans, the eradication of introduced mammals from islands, and decisions on the listing of species in endangered species legislation.


  1. "Pacific Seabird Group". Retrieved 2017-05-02.
  2. "Pacific Seabird Group Bylaws" (PDF). Retrieved 2017-05-02.>
  3. "Pacific Seabird Group". Retrieved 2017-05-02.
  4. "About Marine Ornithology". Retrieved 2017-05-02.
  5. "Pacific Seabird Group". Retrieved 2017-05-02.
  6. "Achievement Awards | Lindsay Young". Pacific Seabird Group. 20 July 2016. Retrieved 2023-04-28.
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