Pigafetta's Dictionary
Pigafetta's Dictionary is the first Italian–Malay vocabulary written by the chronicler Antonio Pigafetta.[1] These are the list words of the languages of various natives he met during his journey with Ferdinand Magellan.
The Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan led about 270 men on five ships from Spain to look for the Spice Islands of Maluku. The Venetian chronicler Antonio Pigafetta participated in the expedition and served as an assistant to Magellan. He kept a detailed, daily journal of the voyage.[2] He was one of only 18 men who returned to Spain in 1522.
One of his notable works in the voyage was his narrative and the list of words of various languages of natives during the long journey which includes: Brazilian native language – 8 words, Patagonian language – 90 words, Philippine language – 160 words, Malay – more than 400 words, which Pigafetta calls "Moorish."[1][3]
In Pigafetta's book, Primo viaggio intorno al mondo (English: First Voyage Around the World), he takes care to record as many words as he can. The chronicle of Pigafetta was one of the most cited documents by historians who wished to study the precolonial Philippines.[4] As one of the earliest written accounts, Pigafetta was seen as a credible source for a period, which was prior unchronicled and undocumented.[5]
Some list of words
Italian | English | List (Pigafetta) |
AL miglio | Millet | maiz |
Alla farina | Flour | hui |
AL hamo | Fishhook | pinda |
AL cortello | Knife | tacse |
Al petine | Comb | chigap |
Alla forfice | Scissors | pirame |
AL ſonaglio | Bell | Jtanmaracz |
Buono piu q̃ bono | Good, better | tum maragathum |
Italian | English | List (Pigafetta) |
AL capo | Head | her |
aL ochio | Eye | other |
AL nazo | Nose | or |
Alle cillie | Eyebrows | occhecheL |
ALe palpebre | Eyelids | SechechieL |
Ali bussi deL nazo | Nostrils | oresche |
ALa boca | Mouth | xiam |
Ali Labri | Lips | Schiahame |
Ali denti | Teeth | phor |
ALa linga | Tongue | SchiaL |
AL mento | Chin | Sechen |
A li pelli | Hair | archiz |
AL volto | Face | cogecheL |
Ala golo | Throat | ohumez |
ALa copa | Occiput | Schialeschin |
ALe ſpalle | Shoulders | pelles |
AL gomedo | Elbow | CoteL |
ALa man | Hand | chene |
ALa palma de Laman | Palm of the hand | Caimeghin |
AL dito | Finger | Cori |
Ale orechie | Ears | Sane |
Soto eL broço | Armpit | Salischin |
Ala mamela | Teat | othen |
AL peto | Bosom | ochij |
AL corpo | Body | gecheL |
AL menbro | Penis | ſachet |
Ali teſticuli | Testicles | Sacancas |
Ala natura de le donne | Vagina | Jsse |
AL vzar cõ eſſe | Communication with women | Jo hoi |
ALe coſſe | Thighs | chiane |
AL genochio | Knee | tepin |
AL chulo | Rump | Schiaguen |
Ale culate | Buttocks | hoij |
AL brazo | Arm | maz |
AL polso | Pulse | holion |
A le gambe | Legs | coss |
AL piede | Foot | thee |
AL calcagno | Heel | tere |
ALa chauequie deL pie | for Ankle | perchi |
Ala ſola deL pie | for Sole of the foot | caotſcheni |
Ale onguie | for Fingernails | Colim |
AL core | for Heart | thoL |
AL gratare | for to Scratch | gechare |
Al homo ſguerco | or Cross-eyed man | Calischen |
AL giuane | for Young man | Calemi |
AL hacqua | for Water | holi |
AL fuoco | for Fire | ghialeme |
AL fumo | Smoke | giaiche |
Al no | for No | ehen |
AL si | for Yes | Rey |
AL oro | Gold | pelpeli |
ALe petre lazure | Lapis lazuli | Secheg |
AL solle | Sun | Calexcheni |
Alle ſtelle | Stars | ſettere |
AL mare | Sea | Aro |
AL vento | Wind | oni |
ALa fortuna | Storm | ohone |
AL peſse | Fish | hoi |
AL mangiare | to Eat | mechiere |
ALa ſcutella | Bowl | elo |
ALa pigniata | Pot | aschanie |
AL demandare | to Ask | ghelhe |
Vien qui | Come here | hai si |
AL gardar | to Look | chonne |
AL andar | to Walk | Rey |
AL Combater | to Fight | oamaghce |
Ale freze | Arrows | Sethe |
AL Cane | Dog | holL |
AL lupo | Wolf | Ani |
AL andare longi | for to Go a long distance | Schien |
ALa guida | Guide | anti |
ALa neue | Snow | theu |
AL courire | to Cover | hiani |
AL Seruzo ucelo | for Ostrich, a bird | hoihoi |
A li sui oui | for its Eggs | Jani |
Ala poluere derba che mangião | for the powder of the herb which they eat | Capac |
AL odorare | to Smell | os |
AL papagalo | Parrot | cheche |
ALa gabiota ucelo | Birdcage | Cleo |
AL misiglioni | Misiglioni | Siameni |
AL panno roſso | Red Cloth | Terechae |
AL bonet | for Cap | AicheL |
Al colore nego | Black | AineL |
AL roſso | Red | taiche |
AL gialo | Yellow | peperi |
r to Cook | yrocoles | |
ALa cintura | Belt | Catechin |
AL ocha | Goose | cache |
AL diauolo grande | for their big Devil | Setebos |
Ali picoli | for their small Devils | cheleule |
Below are some list of words as translated by Pigafetta on the third column, fourth column is the equivalent Philippine language that can be found from Diccionario bisaya-español y español-bisaya (Manila, 1885) by Juan Félix de la Encarnación and from Diccionario Hispano-bisaya y bisaya-español (Manila, 1895) by Antonio Sanchez de la Rosa[6] and/or the equivalent Visayan word. It is regarded as the first European record of the Cebuano language and the oldest dictionary in the Philippines. Some words can be distinguished as Malay.
Italian | English | List (Pigafetta) | Classical Cebuano (Encarnación/Sanchez) | Cebuano |
AL homo | For Man | lac | lalaqui | lalaki |
ALa donna | for Woman | paranpaon | ||
ALa Jouene | for Young woman | beni beni | binibini | binibini |
Ala maritata | for Married woman | babay | babaye | babaye |
Ali capilli | for Hair | bo ho | bohóc | buhok |
AL vizo | for Face | guay | bayhon | dagway |
Ale palpebre | for Eyelids | pilac | pilik (mata) | pilok |
Ale ciglie | for Eyebrows | chilei | quilay/quiray | kilay |
Al ocquio | for Eye | matta | mata | mata |
AL nazo | for Nose | Jlon | ilong/irong | ilong |
Ale maſſelle | for Jaws | apin | aping | aping |
Ali labri | for Lips | oloL | ||
A la bocca | for Mouth | baba | ba-ba | ba-ba |
A li denti | for Teeth | nipin | ngipon | ngipon |
Ale gengiue | for Gums | leghex | lagos/lagus | lagos |
Ala linga | for Tongue | dilla | dila | dila |
Alle orechie | for Ears | delengan | dalonggan/doronggan | dalunggan |
Ala gola | for Throat | liogh | liog | liog |
AL collo | for Neck | tangip | ||
AL mento | for Chin | q̃ilan | sulang | |
ALa barba | for Beard | bonghot | bongot | bungot |
Ale ſpalle | for Shoulders | bagha | abaga | abaga |
A la ſchena | for Spine | licud | licod | likod |
AL peto | for Breast | dughan | doghan/dughan | dughan |
AL corpo | for Body | tiam | tian | tiyan |
Soto li braci | Armpit | Jlot | iloc/iroc | ilok |
AL bracio | for Arm | botchen | botcon/butcon | bukton |
AL gomedo | for Elbow | ſico | sico | siko |
AL polſo | for Pulse | molanghai | ||
ALa mano | for Hand | camat | camot/camut | kamot |
A la palma de la man | for the Palm of the hand | palan | palad | palad |
AL dito | for Finger | dudlo | todlo/tudlo | tudlo |
Ala ongia | for Fingernail | coco | coco | kuko |
AL Lombelico | for Navel | puſut | posad/posud | pusod |
AL membro | for Penis | vtin | otin | utin |
Ali teſticoli | for Testicles | boto | boto | buto |
Ala natura de le donne | for Vagina | billat | bilat | bilat |
AL vzar cõ loro | for to have Communication with women | Jiam | ||
Ale cullate | for Buttocks | ſamput | sampot | sampot |
Ala coſsa | for Thigh | paha | pa-a | paa |
AL ginochio | for Knee | tuhud | tohod/tohud | tuhod |
AL Schincho | for Shin | baſsag baſsag | ||
ALa polpa de la gamba | for Calf of the leg | bitis | bitiis/biti-is | bitiis, batiis |
ALa cauechia | for Ankle | bolboL | bool bool/boco boco | buolbuol |
AL calcagnio | for Heel | tiochid | ticod/ticud | tikod |
Ala ſolla deL pie | for Sole of the foot | Lapa lapa | lapa lapa | lapalapa |
AL horo | for Gold | balaoan | bulaoan/bulauan | bulawan |
AL argento | for Silver | pilla | pilac | pilak |
AL Laton | for Brass | concach | calonggaqui | |
AL fero | for Iron | butan | pothao/puthao | puthaw |
Ale canne dolce | for Sugarcane | tube | tobo/tubo | tubo |
AL cuchiaro | for Spoon | gandan | ||
AL rizo | for Rice | bughax, baras | bugas | bugas |
AL melle | for Honey | deghex | dogos/dugos | dugos |
ALa cera | for Wax | talho | talo | talo |
AL ſalle | for Salt | acin | asin | asin |
AL vino | for Wine | tuba nia nipa | toba nga nipa/tuba nga nipa | tuba nga nipa |
AL bere | for to Drink | MinuncubiL | moinom | moinom (og tubig) |
AL mangiare | for to Eat | maCan | pagcaon,magkaon | mokaon |
AL porcho | for Hog | babui | baboy/babuy | baboy |
ALa capra | for Goat | candin | canding | kanding |
ALa galina | for Chicken | monoch | manoc | manok |
AL miglio | for Millet | humas | humay | |
AL ſorgo | for Sorgo | batat | ||
AL panizo | for Panicum | dana | ||
AL peuere | for Pepper | maniſſa | malisa | |
Ali garofoli | for Cloves | chianche | sangqui | sangki |
ALa Cannella | for Cinnamon | mana | mana | mana |
AL gengero | for Ginger | luia | loy-a/luy-a | luy-a |
AL ayo | for Garlic | Laxuna | lasona | lasuna |
Ali naranſi | for Oranges | acſua | (ang) suha | |
AL ouo | for Egg | ſilog | itlog/itlug | itlog |
AL coco | for Cocoanut | lubi | lobi/lubi | lubi |
AL acceto | for Vinegar | zlucha | suca | suka |
AL acqua | for Water | tubin | tobig/tubig | tubig |
AL fuoco | for Fire | Clayo | calayo | kalayo |
AL fumo | for Smoke | assu | aso | aso |
AL ſofiare | for to Blow | tigban | ||
Alle belancie | for Balances | tinban | timbangan | timbang |
AL pezo | for Weight | tahiL | ||
Ala perla | for Pearl | mutiara | mutia | mutya |
Ale madre de le perle | for Mother of pearl | tipay | tipay | tipay |
Ala zampognia | for Pipe [a musical instrument] | Subin | sobing/subing | subing |
AL mal de sto Job | for Disease of St. Job | Alupalan | ||
portame | Bring me | palatin comorica | umari ka | |
Acerte fogacie de rizo | for certain Rice cakes | tinapai | tinapay | tinapay |
buono | Good | main | maayo/maopay | maayo |
Nõ | No | ti da le | dili | dili |
AL cortello | for Knife | capol, ſundan | sipol,sondang/sipol,sundang | sipol, sundang |
Ale forfice | for Scissors | catle | catli | katla |
A tosare | To shave | chunthinch | gunting | gunting |
AL homo ben hornato | for a well adorned Man | pixao | ||
Ala tella | for Linen | balandan | balantan | |
A li panni q̃ ſe copreno | for the cloth with which they cover themselves | Abaca | abaca | abaka |
AL conaglio | for hawk’sbell | colon colon | colongcolong/goronggorong | |
Ali pater nr̃j dogni ſorte | for Pater nosters of all classes | tacle | ||
AL petine | for Comb | cutlei, miſsamis | surlay/sodlay | sudlay |
AL pentinare | for to Comb | monssughud | mansoyod | mangsulod/mangsuyod |
ALa Camiza | for Shirt | Sabun | sabong (i.e. ornament) | |
ALa gugia de coſire | for Sewing-needle | daghu | dagom/dagum | dagom |
AL cuſire | for to Sew | mamis | ||
A La porcelana | for Porcelain | mobuluc | ||
AL cana | for Dog | aian, ydo | iro/ayam | ayam, iro |
AL gato | for Cat | epos | ||
Ali ſui veli | for their Scarfs | gapas | gapas | gapas |
Ali criſtalini | for Glass Beads | balus | ||
Vien qi | Come here | marica | umari ka | |
Ala caza | for House | Jlaga, balai | balay | balay |
AL legniame | for Timber | tatamue | tatha | |
Alle ſtore doue dormeno | for the Mats on which they sleep | Tagichan | tagican | tagikan |
Ale ſtore de palma | for Palm-mats | bani | banig/banag | banig |
Ale cuſſini de foglie | for their Leaf cushions | Vliman | olnan/olonan | ulunan/unlan |
A li piati de legnio | for Wooden platters | dulan | dolong/dulang | |
AL ſuo ydio | for their God | Abba | ||
AL ſolle | for Sun | adlo | arlao/adlao | adlaw |
ALa luna | for Moon | ſonghot,bolan | bulan | bulan |
Ala ſtela | for Star | bunthun | bitoon | bituon |
ALa aurora | for Dawn | mene | ||
Ala matina | for Morning | vema | ogma | ugma |
Ala taza | for Cup | tagha | tagay | tagay |
grande | Large | baſsaL | basol | |
AL archo | for Bow | boſsugh | bosog | busog |
ALa freza | for Arrow | oghon | odyong | udyong |
Ali targoni | for Shields | calaſsan | calasag | kalasag |
A le veſte inbotide ꝓ combater | for Quilted garments used for fighting | baluti | baloti | baluti |
Ale ſue daghe | for their daggers | calix, baladao | calis,baladao/caris,baladao | kalis, balaraw |
Ali ſui tertiadi | for their Cutlasses | Campilan | campilan/campilang | kampilan |
A la Lancia | for Spear | bancan | bangcao | bangkaw |
El talle | for Like | tuan | --/to-ang | |
Ali figui | for Figs [i.e., bananas] | ſaghin | saguing | saging |
Ale zuche | for Gourds | baghin | bagong | baging |
Ale corde dele ſue violle | for the Cords of their violins | gotzap | kudyapi | |
AL fiume | for River | tau | ||
AL riſaio ꝓ peſcare | for Fishing-net | pucat laia | laya/raya | pukot, laya |
AL batello | for small Boat | ſampan | sampan | sampan |
A le canne grande | for large Canes | cauaghan | caoayan/cauayan | kawayan |
Ale picole | for the small ones | bonbon | bongbong | |
Ale ſue barche grande | for their large Boats | balanghai | balangay/barangay | balangay |
Ale ſue barque picolle | for their small Boats | boloto | baloto | baloto, baroto |
Ali granci | for Crabs | Cuban | coboa | |
AL peſce | for Fish | Jcam yſſida | isda | ikan, isda |
A vno peſcie tuto depinto | for a Fish that is all colored | panap ſapã | panapsapan | |
A vno alto roſſo | for another red [Fish] | timuan | tiao | |
A vno certo alto | for a certain other [kind of Fish] | pilax | pilas | |
A vno alto | for another [kind of Fish] | emaluan | ||
Tuto e vno | All the same | Siama siama | sama-sama | sama |
A vno ſchiauo | for a Slave | bonſuL | ||
A la forca | for Gallows | bolle | ||
ALa naue | for Ship | benaoa | bangca | bangka |
A vno re o capo gñale | for a King or Captain-general | raia | raha;hari/hadi | raya |
Vno | one | Vzza | usa | usa |
duy | two | dua | doha/duha | duha |
tre | three | tolo | tolo | tulo |
Quato | four | vpat | opat/upat | upat |
Cinque | five | lima | lima | lima |
Sey | six | onom | onom/unum | unom |
Sette | seven | pitto | pito | pito |
octo | eight | gualu | oalo | walo |
Noue | nine | Ciam | siam | siyam |
Diece | ten | polo | napolo | napulo |
See also
- Bausani 1960.
- Pigafetta, Maximilian of Transylvania & Corrêa 1962, p. 79.
- Thomaz 2019.
- Maximiano, Jose Mario Bautista (8 February 2021). "Pigafetta: Eyewitness to birth of Christianity in PH". Inquirer.Net. Retrieved 5 December 2021.
- A Brief Summary of the First Voyage Around the World by Pigafetta. Retrieved 5 December 2021 – via vbook.pub.
- Blair & Robertson 1906.
- Bausani, Alessandro (1960). "The First Italian-Malay Vocabulary by Antonio Pigafetta". East and West. 11 (4): 229–248. JSTOR 29754279.
- Blair, Emma Helen; Robertson, James Alexander, eds. (1906). The Philippine Islands, 1493–1898: Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century. Vol. 33: 1519–1522. Ohio, Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark Company.
- Pigafetta, Antonio; Maximilian of Transylvania; Corrêa, Gaspar (1962). Nowell, Charles E. (ed.). Magellan's Voyage Around the World: Three Contemporary Accounts. Evanston: Northwestern University Press. p. 79.
- Thomaz, Luís Filipe F. R. (2019). "O glossário malaio do cavaleiro Pigafetta" [The Malaysian glossary by the knight Pigafetta]. Abriu: Estudos de Textualidade do Brasil Galicia e Portugal (in Portuguese). 8: 99–133. doi:10.1344/abriu2019.8.6. S2CID 213668350.