Places of worship in Thrissur

Thrissur is acclaimed as the Cultural Capital of Kerala state of south India, and is the headquarters of the Thrissur District. The demographic set up of the City provides an example of peaceful co-existence of different communities. The city is built around a rising ground on the apex of which is the oldest and largest Hindu Temple complex in the state, the Vadakunnathan temple complex, famous since the 8th century AD.

The temple and the surrounding open area (called Thekkinkaadu Maidan), measuring about 3.6 hectares, are encircled by a wide circular road called the Swaraj Round. Like most of the temple cities of the South, the main streets and business houses are located around the temple grounds. There are a number of other famous temples in the city. Thrissur has achieved the honour of the city with the tallest church in Asia.

Hindu temples in the city

Churches in the city

See also

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