Polynomial hyperelastic model

The polynomial hyperelastic material model [1] is a phenomenological model of rubber elasticity. In this model, the strain energy density function is of the form of a polynomial in the two invariants of the left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor.

The strain energy density function for the polynomial model is [1]

where are material constants and .

For compressible materials, a dependence of volume is added


In the limit where , the polynomial model reduces to the Neo-Hookean solid model. For a compressible Mooney-Rivlin material and we have


  1. Rivlin, R. S. and Saunders, D. W., 1951, Large elastic deformations of isotropic materials VII. Experiments on the deformation of rubber. Phi. Trans. Royal Soc. London Series A, 243(865), pp. 251-288.

See also

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