Portal:Ecology/Selected publications
Selected publications 1
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/1 Ecology is a scientific journal publishing research and synthesis papers in the field of ecology. It was founded in 1920, and is published by the Ecological Society of America. (Full article...)
Selected publications 2
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/2 The New Zealand Journal of Ecology is a biannual peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing ecological research relevant to New Zealand and the South Pacific. It has been published since 1952, firstly as a 1952 issue of New Zealand Science Review and then as the Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society until 1977. The Journal is published by the New Zealand Ecological Society, and is covered by Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Science, GEOBASE, and Geo Abstracts. (Full article...)
Selected publications 3
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/3 The Journal of Animal Ecology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing research in all areas of animal ecology. It began publication in 1932, and as such is the second oldest journal of the British Ecological Society (after the Journal of Ecology). The Journal of Animal Ecology is available both in print and online. (Full article...)
Selected publications 4
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/4 The African Journal of Ecology (formerly East African Wildlife Journal) is a quarterly scientific journal focused on the ecology and conservation of the animals and plants of Africa. It is published by Blackwell Publishing in association with the East African Wildlife Society. (Full article...)
Selected publications 5
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/5 The Journal of Applied Ecology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing research in all areas of environmental management. It began publication in 1964 and is the third oldest journal of the British Ecological Society (after the Journal of Ecology and the Journal of Animal Ecology). It is available both in print and online. (Full article...)
Selected publications 6
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/6 The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology is the official publication of the International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME). The journal covers all areas of microbial ecology spanning the breadth of microbial life, including bacteria, archaea, microbial eukaryotes, and viruses. It publishes original research, review articles, and commentaries. (Full article...)
Selected publications 7
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/7 Plant Ecology is a scientific journal on plant ecology, formerly known as Vegetatio. The journal publishes original scientific papers on the ecology of vascular plants and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The editor in chief is Neal J. Enright (Murdoch University). (Full article...)
Selected publications 8
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/8 Ecology Letters is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Wiley-Blackwell and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Marcel Holyoak (University of California, Davis) took over as editor in chief from Michael Hochberg in 2008. It is published monthly in print and online. (Full article...)
Selected publications 9
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/9 Ecology and Society (formerly Conservation Ecology) is an open access interdisciplinary scientific journal published by the Resilience Alliance. The journal covers an array of disciplines from the natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities concerned with the relationship between society and the life-supporting ecosystems on which human well-being ultimately depends. (Full article...)
Selected publications 10
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/10 Oikos is an international scientific journal published monthly by the Nordic Society Oikos in the field of ecology. It was previously known as Acta Oecologica Scandinavica. Oikos is published in collaboration with Ecography, Lindbergia, the Journal of Avian Biology, and with the monograph series Ecological Bulletins. (Full article...)
Selected publications 11
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/11 Ecography is a bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Nordic Society Oikos covering the field of spatial ecology. It has been published since 1978, the first 14 volumes under the name Holarctic Ecology.
Ecography is published in collaboration with Oikos, Lindbergia, the Journal of Avian Biology, and with the monograph series Ecological Bulletins. (Full article...)
Selected publications 12
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/12 The Journal of Wildlife Management is a peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to the ecology of non-domesticated animal species. It is published by The Wildlife Society. (Full article...)
Selected publications 13
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/13 Forest Ecology and Management is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles linking forest ecology with the management of forest resources. The journal publishes research manuscripts that report results of original research, review articles, and book reviews. Articles may report work related to any forest ecosystems worldwide, including plantations and natural forests. (Full article...)
Selected publications 14
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/14 Oecologia is an international peer-reviewed English-language journal published by Springer. The journal publishes original research in a range of topics related to plant and animal ecology.
The journal has an international focus and presents original papers, methods, reviews and special topics. Papers focus on population ecology, plant-animal interactions, ecosystem ecology, community ecology, global change ecology, conservation ecology, behavioral ecology and physiological ecology. (Full article...)
Selected publications 15
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/15 African Invertebrates is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers the taxonomy, systematics, biogeography, ecology, conservation, and palaeontology of Afrotropical invertebrates, whether terrestrial, freshwater, or marine. African Invertebrates is currently published twice a year and accepts large revisionary works, as well as review papers and smaller contributions. (Full article...)
Selected publications 16
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/16 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. It is published ten times per year by the Ecological Society of America and is its official journal. Its focus is on present day concerns pertaining to ecological and environmental issues. (Full article...)
Selected publications 17
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/17 The Open Hematology Journal is an open-access peer-reviewed medical journal covering ecology. It publishes reviews and letters in all areas of clinical, laboratory, and experimental hematology including stem cells and blood disorders. (Full article...)
Selected publications 18
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/18 Koedoe, subtitled African Protected Area Conservation and Science, is a peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal covering biology, ecology, and biodiversity conservation in Africa. It was established in 1958. (Full article...)
Selected publications 19
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/19 Conservation and Society is a peer-reviewed scientific and social science journal, which is published on a quarterly basis. It is interdisciplinary in scope. The editor in chief is Kamaljit Bawa (University of Massachusetts). The journal was established in 2003. Prior to 2005 the frequency of publication was semiannual. (Full article...)
Selected publications 20
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/20 Ecotropica is a biannual, peer-reviewed international scientific journal covering all aspects of tropical ecology. Papers reflect results of original research (major papers, short communications) or review important fields in tropical ecology. (Full article...)
Selected publications 21
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/21 The American Naturalist is a monthly scientific journal that was founded in 1867 and is associated with the American Society of Naturalists. It is published by the University of Chicago Press. The journal covers ecology, evolutionary biology, population, and integrative biology research. (Full article...)
Selected publications 22
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/22 The Journal of Wild Culture was a short-lived magazine combining, among other things, artistic perspectives on ecology and environmental issues. It was published in Toronto from 1986 to 1991.
The Journal of Wild Culture (JWC) was the literary organ of The Society for the Preservation of Wild Culture (SPWC), an arts organization devoted to exploring environmental and ecological issues from an artistic perspective, and ideas provoked by the term "wild culture". The magazine and the activities of the Society were best known for carrying on the nature-culture discourse in a "quirky and innovative" manner, and for influencing the way serious themes could be delivered with a sense of play and timeliness. (Full article...)
Selected publications 23
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/23 Le Naturaliste Canadien is a Canadian French-language peer-reviewed scientific journal published semiannually by the Société Léon-Provancher d'Histoire Naturelle du Canada. The journal publishes articles on all topics of natural sciences with a specific focus on ecology and conservation biology in Quebec. The journal also acts as the official publication of the society. The journal is the oldest scientific publication in French in North America and one of the oldest scientific journals still in publication in Canada. (Full article...)
Selected publications 24
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/24 Echinoderm Studies is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research on echinoderms, from molecular biology to ecology, palaeontology, and taxonomy. (Full article...)
Selected publications 25
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/25 The Journal of Biogeography is a peer-reviewed scientific journal in biogeography that was established in 1974. It covers aspects of spatial, ecological, and historical biogeography. (Full article...)
Selected publications 26
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/26

- Biology and ecology of aquatic organisms,
- Biological, physical, chemical, and geological oceanography,
- Limnology,
- Coastal management,
- Fisheries biology,
- Aquatic ecosystem management,
- Aquaculture,
- and related areas. (Full article...)
Selected publications 27
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/27 Advances in Ecological Research is a scientific journal which was first published in 1962 by Academic Press. It was originally envisaged to be published every two years, however due to the quantity and quality of contributions it began to be published annually after the second issue. The journal publishes papers on a wide range of ecology topics typically including landscape and ecosystem ecology, populations and communities of plants and animals and physiology. (Full article...)
Selected publications 28
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/28 Boreas is a peer-reviewed academic journal that has been published since 1972. The journal covers all branches of quaternary research, including biological and non-biological aspects of the quaternary environment in both glaciated and non-glaciated areas. (Full article...)
Selected publications 29
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/29 Hydrobiologia: The International Journal of Aquatic Sciences is a scientific journal specialising in hydrobiology, including limnology and oceanography, systematics of aquatic organisms and aquatic ecology. (Full article...)
Selected publications 30
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/30 Ibis, subtitled the International Journal of Avian Science, is the peer-reviewed scientific journal of the British Ornithologists' Union. Topics covered include ecology, conservation, behaviour, palaeontology, and taxonomy of birds. It's available for free on the internet for institutions in the developing world through the OARE scheme (Online Access to Research in the Environment). (Full article...)
Selected publications 31
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/31 Conservation Biology is a peer-reviewed academic journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, published by Wiley-Blackwell. Conservation Biology publishes articles covering the science and practice of conserving Earth's biological diversity. Coverage includes issues concerning any of the Earth's ecosystems or regions, and that apply different approaches to solving problems in this area. (Full article...)
Selected publications 32
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/32 Polar Research is a journal of the Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway's central institution for research, on the polar regions. The journal's articles are interdisciplinary and encompass a wide range of fields from biology to oceanography. The journal also welcomes socio-economic papers and articles on management. (Full article...)
Selected publications 33
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/33 AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment is a multidisciplinary English language academic journal published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences since 1972. It is published eight times a year. The journal is described as "a journal of the human environment", covering ecology, environmental economics, geology, geochemistry, geophysics, paleontology, hydrology, water resources, oceanography, earth sciences, meteorology, physical geography and other subjects. (Full article...)
Selected publications 34
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/34 Carbon Balance and Management is a peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal published by BioMed Central. The journal covers research on the global carbon cycle. The journal was established in 2006 and is abstracted and indexed in PubMed, Agricola, CAB International, Chemical Abstracts Service, EMBASE, and Scopus. (Full article...)
Selected publications 35
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/35 Checkerspot was a biannual climate change magazine in Canada published by the Canadian Wildlife Federation. A free magazine, its inaugural issue was launched May 2007 and stopped production in 2009 due to the economic downturn. The Canadian Wildlife Federation, one of Canada’s largest non-profit, non-governmental conservation organizations, works to protect Canada’s wild species and spaces. Checkerspot was used to advance activism on and promote discussions about climate change. (Full article...)
Selected publications 36
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Environmental Research Letters is an open-access electronic-only peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research in all aspects of environmental science. Numerical modelling or simulation, as well as theoretical and experimental approaches to environmental science form the core content. Approaches from a range of physical and natural sciences, economics, and political, sociological and legal studies are also present.
Official website: Environmental Research Letters (Full article...)
Selected publications 37
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/37 The Journal of Ecology is a bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering all aspects of the ecology of plants. It was established in 1913 and is published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the British Ecological Society. The Journal of Ecology publishes papers on plant ecology (including algae) in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In addition to population and community ecology, articles on biogeochemistry, ecosystems ecology, microbial ecology, physiological plant ecology, climate change, molecular genetics, mycorrhizal ecology, and the interactions between plants and organisms such as animals or bacteria, are published regularly. (Full article...)
Selected publications 38
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/38 Landscope is the quarterly journal of Western Australia's Department of Environment and Conservation. It publishes technical and popular articles on matters related to the conservation and management of natural resources in Western Australia. First published in 1985, it was partially a continuation of S.W.A.N.S.: State Wildlife Advisory News Service, a newsletter of Western Australia's Department of Fisheries and Fauna. (Full article...)
Selected publications 39
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/39 Mother Earth News (ISSN: 0027-1535) is a bi-monthly American magazine that has a circulation of 475,000. It is based in Topeka, Kansas. Approaching environmental problems from a down-to-earth, practical, how-to standpoint, Mother Earth News has, since the magazine’s founding in 1970, been a pioneer in the promotion of renewable energy, recycling, family farms, saner agricultural practices, better eating habits, medical self-care, more meaningful education and affordable housing. (Full article...)
Selected publications 40
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/40 The International Journal of Plant Sciences covers botanical research including genetics and genomics, developmental and cell biology, biochemistry and physiology, morphology and structure, systematics, plant-microbe interactions, paleobotany, evolution, and ecology. The journal also regularly publishes important symposium proceedings. (Full article...)
Selected publications 41
Portal:Ecology/Selected publications/41 Crop Biotech Update is a weekly e-newsletter published by the Global Knowledge Center on Crop Biotechnology that summarizes global news on agricultural biotechnology with implications for developing countries, highlights of research, documents and events. CBU also comes with a bi-monthly Biofuels Supplement that features new developments in energy crops production, processing, policy, and economics. (Full article...)