Postal codes in Montserrat

Postal codes in Montserrat are used by the Montserrat Postal Service to route mail to groups of post office boxes in the country.

A postal code is made up of the country code "MSR" and four digits: these represent the parish, the postal district, and the final two the distribution area or PO box range.[1]

There are eight postcodes in use, one for each sub post office:

Postal codeArea
MSR1110GPO (Brades) and PO boxes
MSR1120Little Bay
MSR1210Davy Hill
MSR1230St John's
MSR1250Look Out
MSR1310Cudjoe Head
MSR1330St Peter's


  1. "A Quick Guide to Using Postcode in Your Mail" (PDF). Montserrat Postal Service.
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