Public holidays in Bonaire

This is a list of public holidays in Bonaire.[1]

DateName in EnglishName in DutchRemarks
January 1New Year's DayNieuwjaarsdag
February 12Carnival HolidayKarnaval
movable holidayGood FridayGoede Vrijdag
movable holidayEaster SundayPasen
movable holidayEaster MondayPaasmaandag
April 27King's BirthdayKoningsdag
April 30Rincon DayRincon DagDia di Rincon in Papiamento. It is a local harvest festival.[2]
May 1Labor DayDag van de Arbeid
movable holidayAscension DayHemelvaartsdag
movable holidayWhit SundayPinksteren
September 6Bonaire Flag DayVlagdag bonaire
December 25Christmas DayKerstmis
December 26Second day of Christmas


  1. "Vakantierooster". Openbaar Lichaam Bonaire (in Dutch). Archived from the original on 26 January 2018. Retrieved 13 January 2022.
  2. "Dia di Rincon, An Annual Cultural Event". InfoBonaire. Retrieved 2022-01-30.
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