Railway border crossings of Turkey

The following is a list of railway border crossings of Turkey.[1]

#NameIn provinceOpen/closed sinceTo countryCounterpartStatusBreak-of-gauge
1UzunköprüEdirne4 September 1953 GreecePythionOpen (but no train runs since February 2011
due to the economic crisis in Greece)
2KapıkuleEdirne1 April 1988 BulgariaSvilengradOpenNo
3İslahiyeGaziantep4 September 1953 SyriaEkbezClosedNo
4Al-RaiKilis4 September 1953 SyriaAkhtarinClosedNo
5AkyakaKars4 September 1953-11 July 1993 Armenia-ClosedYes
6NusaybinMardin4 September 1953 SyriaQamishliClosedNo
7KapıköyVan7 October 1971 IranRaziOpen for freight onlyNo
8ÇıldırArdahan30 October 2017 GeorgiaKartsakhiOpen for freight onlyYes

See also


  1. "Sınır Kapıları Listesi HUDUT KAPILARI NEVİLERİN GÖRE-AÇIKLAMALI SINIR ÜLKELERİ" (PDF) (in Turkish). Interior Ministry of Turkey. 26 March 2013. p. 4. Archived from the original (PDF) on 20 September 2013. Retrieved 13 July 2013.
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